Give me something decent to say to keep it going. Not actually going to meet up with her

Give me something decent to say to keep it going. Not actually going to meet up with her.

She's ugly as. I say you bail.


Exactly so I'll let you guys choose what I say. Say something funny and I'll say it.

Say "Let's do something together."


"I want to fuck you."

And by "something" I mean my cock down your throat.

"Haha. Impressive! Want to grab some drinks and watch the fireworks? I know a good spot"

Already sent. Waiting on a response

wanna get aids, cause i've got em!

What kind of faggot is this?

If you want, we can do something in the 4th of chan right now???

newultragoodkindoffag fag

Blocked. Starting again

Damn $125 is a lot, You ever put a firecracker in your pussy baby? Cause that's what my dick's like

Are you nig lover?

u want some KFC?

>oh cool, not sure what I'm doing

Send her a cock pick

>do this

Why the fuck did she block you? You didn't even send anything trolly

They say once you go white you'll always be tight

tell her to stop making a duck face and get a shirt that isn't from the 90s


Holy fuck. I can just barely see her face and that's all I needed. Tell her to go fuck a sapling or some shit.

u nab she blocked him a few mins ago, l2r

I need some yard work done nigger, hop to it

What be crackin' my nigger?

I didn't know tinder supported bestiality.

Tits for the Sup Forumsoys

Starting off easy just to make sure she's there. I'm gonna look for more ugly chicks I matched with to fuck with


say M'lady

*unzips feminine penis*

This one responded

this brings a good opportunity

Lol. Blocked

Ohh just laying in bed m'lady, nude since it is so hot today.

Why haven't we fucked yet?

Just relaxing, maybe gunna watch a little MLP *giggles*

Me you and your niece in my room. Now.

shit. You guys were taking too long


My dick is hard, why???



Hahaha, this!!!

"tell your niece she should come ;)"

Lmao this would be so funny


blocked again. Fuck this shit. Nobody else is responding.

Op here, blocked again. Abondon thread. Bye

They're gonna sacrifice me as a virgin, so you've gotta save me with your pussy.

