Ive been staying at my gfs place for the past four days. Things have been really weird. To preface this-

Ive been staying at my gfs place for the past four days. Things have been really weird. To preface this-
- my gf nor her mother or sister who she resides with havent noticed anything strange.
- her mothers bf says nothing of worry and is barely over.
- ive always had the best sleep ever with my gf but ever since shes moved into this house with her family i can never really rest.
- they moved into this abode which was her grandparents after putting her grandmother in a nursery home
- her grandmother requested a nursery home after my gfs cousin died outside of this house from a heart attack in 2014 i think, while wat hing the house by himself for a week.
- grandfather died from "natural causes" in his office which has a very creepy feel to it.
> Night 1
> passed out drunk with gf at 1am.
> wake up sometime after 3am
> go to piss and see thise raggedy anne doll sitting in the corner of the hallway.
> hadnt noticed it before but it creeped me out so i distincly remembered it.
> took my piss and when i left the bathroom the doll was facing the corner.
> weirdshit.jpeg
> btw i own a gun keep it near where i sleep and generally fear nothing.
> so fuck it, must be weird coincidence shit
> next day tell gf about doll and she has no clue what im talking about.
> tells me her grandparents who owned the house before had such a doll but they got rid of all old shit adter they moved her grandmother into a nursery home.
> i shirk it off as dreaming.
> night number 2 got a little more strange.

Bump for interest.

Go on... also take this over to /x/ they'd be more interested than the cuck loving homos on this board

Continue OP


I feel sorry for the people who read stories like this and think it is reality.
A) The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
B) There is no such thing as ghosts, or magic, or demons, or cosmic coincidences.

Life is just life. Either you do something about, or don't. The other option is you are born in a shit place like India or something. These arnt even good stories too. Go read Steven Kings earlier stuff or something.

Night 2
> woke up sometime between 3 and 4 to this granddather cloxk they had going ofd like crazy.
> we had been drinking and i was super piss drunk when we passed out
> when i woke up srill drunk and thirsty.
> out side of her bedroom is the hallway to the bathroom
> its on the second floor and next to the bathroom is the grandfathers office.
> i hate the office. Its next to the bathroom and the doors are always closed but theres glass in the door and you can kind of see in.
> shitisinsidious.gif
> make my way downstairs to the kitchen
> get a glass of water and start chuggin dat h2o.
> saw a mans figure out back outside the door.
> get up to door in my intimidating manner. Im 6' and well built and im a boxer so fuck you, ill go down fighting.
> this is where night 2 gets fucked up.
> all of a sudden im picking myself up off the floor disorientated.
> im in that fucking office and the grandfather clock is going off.
> its 5am by the time i check a clock when i get out of the office.
> im still super thirsty and go get water.
> nothhing weird, parch my thirst go to bed said nothing to gf.

Day 2
Talked with gf about her cousin. She says he was really weird about the house and hated the office which he called the den. Aperrently he abhorred the raggedy anne doll. And for some history thisbhouse is in old south tampa florida area. Her cousin always felt odd in the house and had talked about disturbing childhood memories there. But he rest of the damily besides the grandmother a d his mom ever felt odd. The grandmother was very supersticious however and however senile by the time we started dating always talked to an imaginery friend in the house.
For the record i got here for night 1 and had a night 2 now.

Lurkers please bump. Im creeped out while typi g this. Guve me some funny images.

fuck of nigger, this isn't /x/ and we're not retards

Keep the thread going famnon, I'm spookin out and I dig it.

Night 3
> woke up to a rusty smell
> grandfather clock is going off like crazy
> i didnt notice until later is was so ewhere arpund 3am i woke up.
> i was outside of the den.
> the doors were wide open. Odd because they were usually shut.
> wtf.html
> as i went to get up I noticed there was the raggedy anne doll in the corner.
> it was facing the wall.
> i stayed perfectly still for so long figuring I was lucid dreaming or aome crap
> after what felt like eternity i started to pick myself up.
> I got to my feet and in kinda a squat postion to stand up fully.
> thats when shit went ww2 on my ass.
> my deet were pulled out from under me.
> i was quickly dragged across the floor into the "den".
> the doors slammed shut and I looked back at my feet
> trinalookbackitit.jpeg
> the most wretched figure was hobbled and broken holding my legs.
> i remember seeing black
> i woke up holding my gf by the neck as she crouched over me rasping, "its me, its okay, its me".
> this was now about 7am.


Day 3 I just carried on like usual. My gd knows i "meer cat" at night and treated the occasion like a joke. Saying she thinks im super protective and she feels safe. But I know Id never normally grab a throat in my sleep. It felt weird how the family treated the ocxasion as a joke. I didnt bother telling my story because its ludicrous. I barely believe it now. Night 4 was way more timid but thats beacuse i think i stayed up all night. Here are the facts though that ring odd.
> night 4
> stayed awake drinking
> im a navy recruit so receited my sailors creed and 11 general order over and over again.
> clock didnt make a sound all night until 3 am i noticed.
> 3 am gf knocked out but starts scratching her throat.
> not light itching but like deep scratching.
> i smell rust again and can taste it in my mouth.
> i figure, gf is having night terrors and wake her up.
> she mumbles nonsense and rolls over and snores lighlty.
> stilm tasting rust i blame it on jim beam whoskey and go down stairs for water.
> get my glass starting pounding water
> thirst is unquenchable.
> can not drink enough water.
> alocoholics know that feel
> finally feel sated and look out the back door (is mainly comprised of glass)
> i see a male figure wave at me.
> then he immediately doubles over and starts cletching his chest.
> i go full alpha and bolt out the door to help him
> sleep deprivation plus drunkiness must be a bitch
> i suddenly wake up to the grandfather clock at 7am again next to my gf in bed.
> go to get water thinking i had a nightmare.
> fuckin back door is open.

Last night was techinaclly night 5 after day 4. Im done. I just drover back home two hours before starting this thread.
That raggedy anne doll was back and was only facing the corner wall
> 3 fuckin am
> air taste like rust again
> kind of pissed off
> havent really slept much in these days
> clock fucking wakka flakka'in.
> super obnoxious loud shit
> go to piss
> see this bitch ass doll that aperentlt doesnt exist
> never see this doll at day time.
> say fuck it and put my hand in the doll to turn it around.
> when i placed mt hand on the doll i was picking myslef up in the den.
> the doors were closed tight.
> I had to bang on them and yell until my gf got up and simply pulled them open.
Grabbed my bag and left.
That was at 3:45 i was in my truck.

What the fuck did i just deal with.

Stop ruining the story faggot

Its 6:30. I need to smoke a cig and sleep. If anyone could look into raggedy anne hauntins in tampa thatd be cool.
I need a cigarette.
I need to finally sleep.

Also bathroom i just remolded for some rich fucks.
I l
Think the vanithy loons dope

Im on my phone thats about to die. Can any lurkers screen cap so i flow ip tomorroe(today techinaclly)


let me tell you something, OP. I've seen a lot of things in my house, and, although I'm really skeptical and think it is all in my mind, I have noticed that one night when I was really angry (like I could kick a baby in the face), I hallucinated like never before. I had this weird sensation that there was a predator in my bedroom, and I was the prey. That this shadowy figure at my feet was something that I would not be able to stop.
What I'm trying to say is: “believers” told me that you attract this kind of thing when you're angry or sad or whatever.

>What the fuck did i just deal with.
delirium tremens