Where were they?

Where were they?

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Thor left to Asgard in AoU.
Banner set a quinjet to fly towards space.
I'm sure they'll explain what happened to him in Thor 3, considering he appears in it.

Thor was busy being a God doing Godly shit Asgard , no time to dwell with mortal beings who were having a little disagreement. Because there was no real dangerous threat.

Also Hulk wanted to be away from other Human beings, because he can't control his anger and he fucked up the entire city in the last avengers movie.

Wait what

Why the fuck space? What is there for the Hulk? Is Marvel just trying to tie the Guardians and the Avengers as quickly as possible now?

No, Hulk ends up with Thor.
They are going to be the two main characters of Thor Ragnarok.

Because they're overpowered as fuck and would easily BTFO of both Cap's team and Ironman's team all by themselves.

......i'm actually super okay with this.

doing the horizontal hokey pokey with some freshmen 15's

This. Plus neither of them would've cared.

Thor wouldn't want to be told what to do by human governments. He'd just fuck back off to Asgard forever and good luck trying to control the Hulk.


Hulk flying to space and ending pu in AssGaurd could mean that Marvel is going to try for a Planet Hulk story line. Which could be a pretty great film if done right. But Planet Hulk isnt going to be easy to pull off on the big screen due to shitty villains in the source material and kinda a dumb plot as well. If they did it more like a Gladiator type films and not just the shit writing that was Planet Hulk then it would work.

Lifting weights and 'mirin each others' gains, in an almost heterosexual way.

I do not understand why they won't do Planet Hulk.

Banner should not have gone into space at the end of Ultron. He should have been the first one thrown in prison and the movie should have ended with him blasted into space.

goddamn, why even call it CW if you're going to water it down until there's nothing left, this was the best scene in that entire arc

drinking in asgard

Is there a version of the Black Widow / Hulk cock gif with Thor superimposed over Scarjo?

They won't do another standalone Hulk movie period. They'd literally have to pay for everything while Universal gets most of the profits.

If I can recall correctly wasn't that a clone or Thor and the original Thor died

what issue was this in? gotta re-read it senpai

Why don't they get the rights back?

Almost, Tony created a Thor clone because actual Thor didn't give a shit about the CW conflict, he comes back to look into some Asgard shit, Tony tries to recruit him. Thor calls him out on being a shitty friend and cloning him and then proceeds to beat the shit out of him so bad that Tony "lets" him go and just doesn't push the registration shit on him anymore

Even if Universal is willing to sell, they'd be charged through the nose for a character they can already use in Avengers anyway.

Thors in magic space land and Hulk is MIA cuz he's a pussy


Nova is fucking awesome.He should get a movie.

Hopefully we get to see Thor's and Hulk's true power. They always seem so nerfed in the avengers movies.

Hulk and Thor are in Thor 3

>Hey Thor we need to reign you guys in, Asgard is floating above the United States so you count
>on second thought, Asgard is technically like 4 feet above Asgard, so you guys are good, this has nothing to do with my ass just getting kicked

yeah it's a shame this didn't happen but it would have fit the movie

plus I doubt movie-Thor would have given a shit about CW either, also consider the panel in question happened after the CW events

>Tony getting his ass roasted by everyone

Did he really "win" the Civil War?

What is your source on this?

everyone lost, that's why the ending was great

In a sense.

Mark Ruffalo.

>I'm sure they'll explain what happened to him in Thor 3, considering he appears in it.

Oh good. I was hoping Thor 3 would just be a good Thor movie because it is about Ragnarok, but I guess I should have known better

Thor was in Asgard. Banner was off crying like the fucking cry baby coward he is

He almost certainly is after gotg 2. He'd probably be really nerfed and far less of an asshole though.



While the Avengers are having their little "Civil War"... Hulk, Thor (+ a fleet of Asguardians), and a collation the realms, are defending the whole nine realms from a invasion of fire Demons. They will show this in Thor Ragnarok. It will be GOAT.



>end of the video
>you can see him jump off the shoebox he was standing on while he did "pullups"

>user thought Chris Hemsworth was actually Thor

You know someone just threw him the hammer right? It's just an actor having.... FUN

In Asgard, busy trying to stop Ragnarok (the Norse apocalypse, not the third Thor movie) from happening.

He flew away in a Quinjet, nobody knows where the fuck he went, and he won't be showing up until Thor: Ragnarok.


>people here actually watch capeshit


user, I've got bad news for you, he didn't really fly away either.

I'm sorry. I assumed normalfag chads had perfect bodies from working out.

and they could have balanced each other if they were in opposite camps.

Why is this guy so pissed Tony didn't knew about his war?

I'm actually pretty hyped for Ragnarok, I didn't really care about the other two Thor movies, but apparently Hulk and Thanos will be in this one, I'm expecting Thanos to destroy Asgard and btfo Odin while Thor and Banner narrowly escape to Earth, possibly with the aid of Loki

Anyone else feel weird about Ragnarok coming to earth.... this is the end.

RDJ would've refused to film this scene, or had it take place after a 5 minute fight he wins but then Thor pulls something cheap.

Oh and to add to it, they end up in Wakanda at the end of Ragnarok after they teleport but don't know where they are and Wakandan forces surround them and they ask where they are, local says Wakanda
Then Thor says
>And who are you
>Camera pans to T'challa
>Screen goes to black
>Pic related

Because he gets beaten?

>Sup Forums - Capeshit & Generals

Who cares? The whole skit was fun. especially the flying.

Would've been better if at one point he used no hands

Nigga just bodied bucky and cap, what do you want them to do, have him execute both of them? Obviously cap is gonna neutralize the situation after a cheap shot from bucky. Either way iron man was jobbing like CRAZY that fight, he could have killed both of them so fast.

He lost because Bucky tripped him. He was fucking destroying both of them for a large part of that fight. Plus it was 2v1 even if he loses he can be all
>wooow it took two of you to kill me

There will never be a moment where IM gets completely rekt by another hero, probably not even by a villain, at this point.

To be fair, Iron man is way stronger than bucky and rogers

>wooow it took two of you to kill me
>says the man in the iron suit with many guns and explosives attached
>vs two guys with bare fists and one shield

As hyped as I am for the film it's pretty shit that all we're getting is an extremely watered down Annihilation War.

All that we would get is the shitty Sam Nova that would probably meme it up with the new Spiderman.

because Tony is acting aloof whilst he's explaining the universe was almost destroyed


>Thor, looking down at the airport battle
>"what are you queer squirts doing, having gay lunch?"
>flies away


>Banner set a quinjet to fly towards space.
Yeah, that totally didn't happen. Do you remember the part of Fury saying they had a possible location of the jet ditch in the ocean near Fiji?

>next Thor movie
>"black widow has to be in it"
>46 min of her doing gymnastics around a hellish landscape

>implying Annihilation War isn't phase 6

>46 min of her doing gymnastics around a hellish landscape

I bet she wears a bikini. Can't fight in hell in a black jumpsuit...too hot.

I legitimately thought Cap was gonna decapitate him with the shield when I first saw this

Thor dominated him in the forest.

This is the only legit life or death is that scene in the movie, and that is GREAT! Iron-Man JUST DOESN'T GIVE TWO FUCKS after he finds out what Bucky did. You can contrast it with the airport scene and you can definitely see the difference. Great Movie!

So did most of the audience.


That was after the event itself had finished.

Civil war is shit, I mean, a fucking 4 vs 4 feel pretty hollow when you already know that in the comics is a really big battle involving many super heroes.

The real question is.

Who will play Nova? Bear in mind he'd be the last survivor of the entire Nova corps.

How can waste so much time of your life on this shitty board talking about capeshit and not know what Planet Hulk is?

>Captain America lifting Iron Man like that

umm.. this has to be literally impossible. did they purposely try to buff Captain America?

are you joking? Bucky was wrecking the shit out of Iron Man by himself, when IM decided to get all murdery and ripped his arm off.

then he started flying and using is weaponry on Cap and Cap STILL stood up and proceeded to wreck his ass.


Actually, this movie should have been called Iron man and his friends vs Captain America and his comrades.


literally didn't see the movie.

Are you trolling? the suit doesn't weigh 5 tons. or did you not see cap literally withstand the vertical takeoff thrust of a helicopter earlier in the movie, or literally chuck a motorcycle at guys in AoU, or lift the beam off buck in TWS

he's a strong guy, he has no powers. his shield is his "power"

he's just a shitty Batman

Joss Whedon specifically adressed this. He said he's flying into space and its more of a metaphor for him leaving his friends behind and going into seclusion, but he didn't go all the way into space because he was told it would mislead fans into thinking it's Planet Hulk.

Tony dragged his suit for a couple miles in the 3rd, it's not all that heavy

So you're saying we might see it in Thor 3?

Disney fears comcast


>Being this wrong
Yeh, okay man

>Needing your comedy spoon fed to you are the lowest frequency possible
Get thee behind me, user.