So I've been having too much of this shit in the past few days, Sup Forums

So I've been having too much of this shit in the past few days, Sup Forums
decides what I have for dinner tonight. Even dubs other than 00, and no bullshit, I'm not sauteing my cum for you guys.

Other urls found in this thread:

Steak cooked in zip sauce

Self bump



Why don't you eat shit.

Just cooked rice, dont add anything, not even salt

You could eat some pussy faggot

eat that without the cheese

Grill some dogs. Celebrate the 4th

sautee your cum

Hunt some birds



Some rice with some quality spices and sauces. Shits cheap and delicious.

Make some pop tarts and drink a strawberry milshake

mac n cheese



just like, a bunch of hard boiled eggs


lobster and venison

Expensive steak and lobster


mac and cheese with chocolate mixed into it with a shot of wine and a raw onion as a dessert

Chicken Tikka Massala

just the cheese packet from the mac and cheese

it goes so well with every meal

Starve faggot

A Candied Raw Onion with plain bread roll

Red Lobster? My treat

gravlax and ghost chillies

Go to Taco Bell,
get two grilled stuffed burritos, substitute beef with potatoes and add guacamole.

OP here, changing to all dubs win

Kraft Mac and cheese.

mac n cheese

Rolling for the mac

some mexican

OP Here, could you post credit card and pin?

got ya, eat up boy

Fucking hell

Go get a taco (not taco bell) replace beef with chocolate brownie and put hot sauce on it

salmon and ghostpeppers

Fucking yes

OP signing out, will make another thread later

Kool aid packet no water no sugar

Guacamole already comes in the grilled stuft burrito. Did you want to order extra?

Rolling for this