ITT: Germanic try to understand eachother

Let's discuss why there should be or shouldn't be a Pan-Germanic empire.

Rules of the game: You may only discuss using your own Germanic tongue (No English allowed). You may however, use devices that faciliate understanding between the languages, such as using a word that is rare in your own language because you know that its cognate is more common in the other Germanic languages.No Google Translate allowed either.

I start:

Hej bröder! Jag tycker vi borde ha ett Germanskt rike eftersom vi delar så mycket kultur och historia! Vi har en god gemenskap och våra språk är väldigt lika. Tillsammans skulle vi kunna erövra världen och sprida vår uråldriga kraft runt om på Jorden. Våra förfäder var krigare, så är ock vi!

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm Gaelic-Norman-Ashkenazi-Flemish-Cornish-Spanish (with some measure of Saxon), what do I do?

godverdomme kanker

> historia
Habt ihr kein eigenes Wort dafür?

Prata inte Engelska till att börja med...

Gudsfördömda neger? Eller?

Ok, men hvilken?

Nej, vi har inget eget ord. Inget standard ord i alla fall.

Oder deutsch? Of Nederlands? Or...?


Eller dansk?

You do know English is a Germanic language too, right?

>English is a Germanic language

Kan vere at han meiner at du skal brukje Angelsk?

Nej tack, vi vill inte ha er Romantiker här ! Farväl!
>West Germanic
>Western Romance
Shut the fuck up, you imposter.

Alla använder Engelska hela tiden. Om detta ska vara en utmaning måste vi exkludera Engelska...

Wür elends gern mitmachä aber etz isch spat und ich gang go chröse.

Engelsk er germansk, faktisk.

Du måste sova i bädden? Du ska ligga ner och sova?

Kvifor skulle det vere eit Germansk storrike? Eg ser ikkje kva vi oppnår. Eg foler eg også ikkje har så mykje til felles med sorgermanere.

Inte? Vi är ju sprungna ur ett gäng Germanska stammar som förgrenade sig för bara typ tusen femhundra år sedan. Våra språk är lika, vår kultur är lika, vi har liknande värderingar. Eller tycker du att en Skandinavisk union skulle vara mer passande?

Ich muss erst den Müll rausnehmen, für den Müllmann am Morgen. Dan zal ik slapen in mijn bed. Kanskje da vil jeg endelig ha en god hvile. Seht ihr, das haben euch die Wikinger getan. Wir sind so sehr von unserer Ethnizität verwirrt.
>tfw Gaelic-(((Norman)))-(((Ashkenazi)))-(((Flemish)))-Cornish-Spanish and (((Saxon))).

Don't take it bad friend. Of course English is -mostly- a Germanic language. I was just mocking the fact that you want absolutely to be Germanic for some reasons.

You're not even partly Germanic, please amscray.

Nynorska är vackert btw...

Bin etz beidruckt dass du "chröse" verstande häsch, au wänns ableitbar gsi isch.

Mull? Maler man mjöl så man kan baka bröd där? Vad är Mull?

Yeah, that's why I say "salut", from the Latin.
French is about 10 to 20% Germanic, but mostly Latin though.


> vår kultur är lika

Kvifor hikar du så mykje etter å slå saman land? Dei fleste germansk land er i dag naturlege nasjonalstatar. Folka der identifiserer seg sjolv med landet dei bor i, og ikkje nokon mogeleg germansk storrike. Eg foler meg ikkje heime i Tyskland til domes. Folk forstår meg ikkje. Deres sedvanar vert opplevd så forskjellige frå mine som fransk er.

Latin and Greek are the bases of the Western civilisation though.

Jeg er mer opptatt av at vikingene ikke tar vare på avkom av voldtekt!

dzji peîs et nêj

Altenglisch ist ziemlich völkisch, aber das, was ihr heute sprecht, ist vom Französischen zersetzt.

tis beter voe geweus die iengelstoaligen te negeren in dezen droad peins ik

>Altenglisch ist ziemlich völkisch, aber das, was ihr heute sprecht, ist vom Französischen zersetzt.
It is still of Germanic root.

>dzji peîs et nêj
is trouwens Waals voor "ik dacht het niet" of in 't Vlaams "ik peins het niet", het is dan ook de meest Germaanse der Romaanse talen. Een "dame blanche" in het Waals is bijvoorbeeld een "blanke dame" net als in het Nederlands.

It's very old, open a history book.
Why do you have this obsession of being Germanic? Does this make you feel superior?
What about Scandinavians?
Please explain your psychology.

Scandinavians are Germanic you plebeian.

Genetically they aren't. But their languages are related indeed.

Wrong again, holy fuck:

>Genetically they aren't.

What are we then?

Don't worry, you are, that Frank is literally thicker than a brick.

Some guys who were there before Indo-Europeans. You are the "I" haplogroup.
Well, you are a mix, like everybody, but just look at the haplogroup maps of Europe.


That's mean.

How about I give you the tl;dr from the link?
>Modern Germanic peoples include the Afrikaners, Austrians, Danes, Dutch, English, Flemish, Frisians, Germans, Icelanders, Lowland Scots, Norwegians, and Swedes.
Literally the last line, you retard, can't you read?

And just to help that 'thinking process' of yours: Danes, Norwegians and Swedes are Scandinavian. Therefore, dumb-dumb, they are Germanic.

> Some guys who were there before Indo-Europeans

Tell that to the sami then.
> Muh we were here first even though people have lived here longer then finno-uguric language group has exsisted.

>can't you read?
I can read that you include English in Germanic, and that seems pretty retarded.

These two studies include those peoples as Germanic:
>Minahan, James (2000). One Europe, Many Nations: A Historical Dictionary of European National Groups
>Pavlovic, Zoran (2007). Europe.

Good day friends, this morning I slept for ten hours and then ate breakfast. I ate with my mother, sister, aunt, father, and grandfather. While my mother and the other women went to go shop, my father went to go play games with my aunt and her husband, my grandfather and I went to go shoot firearms.

How did I do? I think that was 100% Germanic words. Is that somewhat intelligible to other Germanic languages?

Why would the English not be Germanic?

>2000, 2007
Dude, It's so outdated ! I can't even look at these things!

Because, as I said, the Frank is literally a retard.

What're you on about? That isn't even a classical generation apart, you cunt.

It is, mostly.


The average generation being considered 25.5 years, or so.

Ok dude, I stop now. You seems very upset.

ich ben bög

Why is this French man so stupid, I thought the French were educated?

Good dag fränder, denna morgonen sov jag i tio timmar och sedan åt jag frukost. Jag åt med min mamma, syster, moster, fader och farfar. Medans min mamma och de andra kvinnorna åkte för att shoppa så spelade min fader spel med min moster och hennes husbonde. Min farfar och jag sköt pistol.

Picture for ants?

Why, because we've proven you wrong and to be spouting literal lies?

Whoops, that was my image for ants

Here's for anons

Nah, because you're too stupid to compute second degree.

> nynorsk

Selvdrap er den eneste losnigen for dere

Please post I-dna Eupedia map.

Better, you cunt?
>Distribution of Y-chromosomal haplogroup I1a in Europe.
What're you on about? We've been wrong on accounts, both about language and genetics, you're a bumbling fool who thinks he's 'educated'.

Jag talar inte så bra svenska. Emellertid vissa.

You deserve nothing more than a swift execution.

In case that map is too complex for your little mind, it shows that Scandinavian people are thoroughly Germanic and that Britain is heavily Germanic.

De voel wanneer je taal Frankischer dan Frans is

Må dere lære svensk på skolen. Det er neste verre enn at vi må lære nynorsk.

Like this?

I can see it when they are juxtaposed, but I wouldn't be able to read otherwise

Any Friscian anons here that speak their tongue? That'd be the closest non-anglic Germanic language in existence.

This is rather unfair compared to the Slavic languages (which branched out from one another much later in time) and Romance languages (which all came from Latin, as opposed to all seperated from Italic). Celtic languages would be a fair comparison in mutual intelligibility.

probably the only 'germanic' thing britain has is ugly females

Why do you guys speak a weird Latin/German mongrel language then?

Völkische Musik uezs

I am very frustrated with you, are you a relative of Piers Gaveston, because you sure as a fucking cunt like him.

Shut up, you Slavic subhuman cunt, you shouldn't even be posting in this thread.

>The Germanic Urheimat, the region of the Nordic Bronze Age, is not Germanic

>Zweeds op school
Ik heb van de Denen begrepen dat het de meest verwijfde (vrouwachtige) Scandinavische taal is.

And the French man thought that the Scandinavians aren't Germanic. :')

putidi barbari

>I am very frustrated with you
I have the same feelings about you Tbh.

Hur skulle lära ditt eget språk vara värre än mig att lära svenska? Eller har jag missförstår något?

Let us meet up in Paris to do battle with rapiers?

Because a Germanic language took on some Norman loanwords.
With no change in grammar, and 1 (one) phonetic change.

In terms of vocabulary impact, most loanwords are in medicinal terms.

"Deutsch"land südlich von Hamburg mal wieder zum Fick rausgeblasen
> dGw Schleswig-Holsteiner

Well, again, why do you want so many to be Germanic? Do you think they are a superior race?
Explain your psychê.

That's not funny, man, I have Habsburg from my inbred aristocratic heritage.

It isn't that I 'want it', rather, it is the truth. The truth that you were trying to besmirch with your lies and intellectual dishonesty. I demand satisfaction.

Well then i am truly sorry mate.

England was under French influence for centuries though. That's why English got a lot of Latin words.

I'm actually too scared to get it corrected too, as they basically cut a chunk out of your jaw. :(

Still more Germanic genetically and linguistically than you, fucker.

> (No English allowed)
> Inselaffe und Frosch streiten auf Englisch darüber, wer der größere Untermensch ist

That didn't shift the language family or origin, it just influenced it.
Dutch also has most of their medicinal terminology as Romance I believe.

>to besmirch
No... I was trying to annoy you, and that turned in a fight.
>intellectual dishonesty
W-what? how? when?

>Still more Germanic genetically and linguistically than you, fucker.
So what? I am still more Latin genetically and linguistically than you fucker.