Playing overwatch since beta.. this is what I’ve learned

Playing overwatch since beta.. this is what I’ve learned

>Tracer has a nice ass
>MEI is a fat pig
>It’s high noon means fucking hide
>Bastion is OP
>And OP is a faggot
>one turret is easy to counter
>a team of turrets means a broken controller
>Reaper is mah nigga
>they nefin’ everyone
>Zarya is literally useless
>loot boxes are filled with shit no one gives a fuck about
>nobody knows how to actually play the game
>competitive is already broken

what rank are you, prepare to be judged

I'm on PS4 no competitive yet. But from what people are telling me competitive already sucks on XB1.. and it was only added in todays patch.

whut da fuq, who would play a competitive fps on console
anyway yeah its shit unless you solo queue, grouping up means you'll be matched with other groups and they are usually fucking sweaty tryhards playing double winston, double tracer, mercy and lucio
not fun at all

Yeah server wen't down almost immediately not to mention they nerved the shit out of widowmaker AGAIN

>bastion is OP
>zarya is useless
git gud


Bastion isn't OP, but he's super easy to play which makes him appear that way.

Bastion has like 10 heroes that counter him, try playing Pharah if the enemy team has one for easy mode kills

Git gud, Zarya is a good hero.

I play tracer as a main... but i'm good with reaper and widow also.. I try to have 4 mains and not over complicate shit.. but tracer is my go to.. I play her just as good on defense as I do on attack.

he's really easy to counter, OP doesn't know about changing heroes and playing anyone but reaper.

Unfortunately my PC won't run it.

i've been wrecking shit as mei since competitive dropped, maybe git gud

How is OP going to say Zarya is useless, then bitch that nobody knows how to play the game

You're an idiot piece of shit go to hell


bastion is easy to counter and zarya is god-tier

I can counter him easy with tracer. the problem is when you are going up against a team of 2+ bastions and torbjorns.

Even reaper can destroy him.


I hate mei. Honestly if anyone in this game needs a nerf it's mei

rek'sai is still the most op

bastion counter is genji.. you dont even have to do anything, he'll shoot you and just reflect back, insta kill

zarya is great in doubles, two zaryas on a team absolutely fuck things up, their ults are super easy to combo off and if they get a decent charge they have top damage

I think OP is on console. they nerfed the shit out of most of the characters on console. the game is almost unbearable to play on XB1

mei is only good in 1v1 maybe 1v2 any more than that and she is pretty useless

>Bastion is OP
>Reaper is mah nigga
>Zarya is literally useless

You are an edgelord and no one likes you on the team.

not if the bastion has any skill. he'll just stop shooting. tracer is the best counter

luckily she has an ability specifically for reducing the number of people you have to fight

no one with any skill plays bastion

>He'll shoot you and just reflect back
Ive played against some smart bastions

I kinda agree with op I can't speak for PC but on consoles I know blizzard is patching it because it's next to impossible right now to take out bastions and turrets when you are going up against teams of them.

I love this annoying bitch. 70% play time on her

>trying to have fun
>playing a blizzard "game"

Choose one

>smart bastions
>see genji
>stop shooting

ITT a bunch of fags playing a kids game

the game has been fucked since day one on consoles the balancing is fucking retarded and they keep taking power away from people that can actually counter torbjorns and bastions I don't know how many times now they are going to nerf widowmaker on consoles.

u sulty m8

When he goes turret you literally shoot the big blue thing sticking out his back. 2 shots insta kill him. All you need is a Widow Maker or a Hanzo on your team to counter Beep Boop.

are you a mad bc you're a wii fag?

i have 60 something hours with tracer alone.

also if you nerds haven't figured it out yet, king of the hill maps usually entails a mainly-AOE team

MEI is HAES SJW's infiltrating game development. Expect this issue to "grow" in the future. Fatties will be peddled as the love interests or central characters. MEI is modeled the way HAES fatties draw themselves in Chibi art. Unachievable distribution of adipose. They all think they look like MEI.

it's easier on PC to aim. thats why they are supposedly nerfing bastion again, and torbjorn.. it's not so easy on consoles

Wrong. Never solo queue. Ever. ever. EVER!

Just did my first comp match tonight on XB1... I don't have much to report until I can finish the rest of my 9 placement matches....



>Bastion is OP
>Reaper is mah nigga
>Zarya is literally useless
I can tell you're bad

Nigga I am on counsel!

I believe it's already down.. I tried to get on about a half hour ago and the servers are down.

Mei is not even fat. Her clothing makes up 70% of her body. If you've seen her spray icon where its her "chilling" she is slim with big breasts.

Well on console it's different because you're not aiming with a mouse, you're using sticks. That's a handicap. They're nerfing Torbjorn's turret only on consoles for that very reason.

SJWs bitch that Mei isn't fat enough. She's barely thick without the heavy ass coat

ITT Blizzard fan boys stroke each other's cock

found the kid that started playing tf2 like 3 years ago




Overwatch is a kids game. There's no point except to play a lot. Which is like most blizzard games. They appeal to nore avid no lifers. Fun game. Over rated tho

you shut your damn mouth about mei

Mei is the head shot master if you're playing her right. All about those right clicks


Overwatch is targeted at young teenagers. You can tell because their main marketing tactic was booty.

From all the gameplay I've seen it looks like absolute garbage too. It's just another run in circles shooter, but with a bunch of science fiction and magic bullshit added in.

not very chinese

>a team of turrets means a broken controller
>broken controller

Bastion is easily countered by literally anyone fast enough to get behind him, or just genji.

Reaper is situationaly effective. Good for control point maps you know the layouts on.

Zarya played correctly is an unkillable shebeast. Wish I could play her effectively.

Main junkrat, he's too much fun.

Try harder.

bullshit. i have no trouble against them, unless i do something stupid.


> 1337
the problem is that i unloaded two mags into bastion's back as tracer once and he just turned around to kill me in 0.0000000000032s.

the fuck.

yep, tracer is the cuntest.
mei is second cuntest.
love them both. my best achievement unlocked was making a sold rage "blizzard delete mei".
i felt complete that day.

if you unloaded two mags into bastions back and didnt kill him, your aim is shit

Reaper is truly the reincarnation of a edgy 11 year old
>Spins around with dual shotguns
>nothing personell kid

>am 29
>am mexican
>think reaper is a douche
>open loot box
>get mariachi skin
>great now i have to use thot topic

>a team of turrets means a broken controller
>nobody knows how to actually play the game

You're playing on a console you pathetic scrub, your opinion will never matter and the reason no one knows how to play the game is because anyone with any semblance of skill is playing on fucking PC.

>not playing on PC
>game obviously made for PC

Tracer has a perfect ass

>Zarya is useless

This is talk of a pleb.
Have you tried pc master race yet?

Oh also. Torb is getting Nerf on console only because faggots can't handle him

i was standing right behind him, it's impossible to miss this way. by "unloaded two mags into his back" i literally mean this. they were hitting.

I've never understood this. Do you guys just not own a PC or is console your preference?

those are the shoes of a lesbian.

then he would have died

Kek, is that even an insult? I dont even know what youre trying to convey

Hanzo and Zenyatta main here. Bastion is EZ to kill. I play on PS4 and PC. I love shitting on widow makers.

Tracer does little to no DMG unless its headshots.
Two full mags isn't enough to kill him.
Git gud

that's what i'm saying. he didnt.
either he's more sturdy than people claim or i had some sort of weirdo lag.

Dear lord no.

overwatch server tick is slow
they call it "favor the shooter"

>fit this man with a pair of lesbian shoes

Do you people not realise that you need to hit the glowing cube that sticks out of Bastions back when he's seiged?

when bastion is in turret mode, his back IS his head
but I disagree with the assessment that two full tracer mags to the body wouldn't kill bastion anyway

His heads on his back in turret mode mate

ITT: People that cant figure out the basics of a game made for 13 year olds

Than "man" has a fantastic ass, then.

Wrong. His blue cube is his head.
You can be behind him and still miss.
Point remains.
Git gud

>MEI is a fat pig
Here's Mei's official concept art in her casual outfit

It seems most people think this way but you're completely wrong. His back is not his head, the glowing cube sticking out of his back is his head. You need to aim at his actual weak point instead of being a scrub.


6 torbjorn = pro strats

Widow never should've been nerfed on console

Zarya is the best if you know how to use her

oh fuck man, here we go again with the tracerfags...
tracer is a fucking brit, are you even aware of that? take off those goggles she probably looks like a fucking donkey...
widowmaker is far more superior OP, they actually took i think over a week to model the ass on widowmaker...
and about your "mei" comment... just fucking kill yourself OP, mei is adorable.