I'm a soldier in the US Army. I enlisted straight out of high school and was looking forward to this shit...

I'm a soldier in the US Army. I enlisted straight out of high school and was looking forward to this shit. And honestly the job isn't bad; I do fuck all really and make $699 every two weeks, don't have to pay for housing, food, or utilities, and the benefits are awesome. But the people...HOLY FUCK THE PEOPLE. There are some good soldiers who absolutely mean well to BOTH others and the Army, but a large majority of them...

I need an armed forces douchebaggery thread Sup Forums. Seriously, right now, fuck soldiers. Soldiers are fucking cancer. Give me some of your best stories Sup Forums

>ITT: military personnel who are pieces of shit thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Didn't always used to be like that. It's just the new army. Obama uses it as a fuckin social experiment, it's pathetic. Enjoy the green weenie friendo.

I used to be infantry and the autism levels were out of control.

Your post is basically 'Thanks Obama' but unironically.
What the fuck has Obama to do with people being stupid shits? Take some personal responsibility for Christ's sake.

What's your job?

Is that you in the pic?

I'm in an ADA unit in Korea, so you'd think that things would be at least moderately decent, as even though we aren't anything too high speed (we're CRG), were in Korea so people wouldn't be slacking TOO MUCH. But they do. Holy fuck they do

>junior enlisted bitch to the 2LT about work that is so minimal, and the 2LT humors them
>soldiers try to ditch work (that again, is minimal as fuck. Seriously, when I say we do fuck all, I absolutely mean it) and then attempt to drag others into their bullshit with them as some sort of leverage
>the disrespect that junior enlisted give to senior enlisted and officers that doesn't get dealt with

Seriously, I'm at my wits end with their shit. It is beyond ridiculous. And that's just my unit. I'm just about done going onto military forums (ArmyWTFMoments, Salty Soldier, etc,.) because all it is is soldiers bitching and moaning and complaining. Someone puts up a video in good humor and tries to get a few laughs? EVERYONE becomes an Internet drill sergeant. SMA puts out a memo to boost morale that states we can roll sleeves? "Wtf is this shit? This new army is ridiculous."

>tl;dr: soldiers are some of the most miserable, self entitled fucks who will do anything to fuck others over for their own satisfaction and/or gain

Hell no haha I'm active. I'm a radio operator in Korea. I don't ever do my job because my MOS is as useless as someone in CBRN, but it's the easiest shit I've ever been paid to do

Go into Special Operations or Rangers then.

Oh shit, my cousin was a MP in Korea for a bit. I haven't talked to him in a few years but last i heard he was somewhere in texas.

What is Korea like?

I feel like this "Thanks Obama" had been taken seriously in the Army. You guys are so dumb that you don't even know why you don't like him except for what you read on Facebook.


I have a cousin who has been serving in the Navy for about a year or two now and he thinks hes some sort of war hero. He works in the bottom of this ship making sure engines dont explode or something, he calls it "Utility Maint." He said that the pressure in the engine rooms gets so high that one small spark could explode the whole ship so as to make it sounds real dangerous but the physics behind that claim doesn't make any sense. For the record he was always pretty autistic socially.

It's a pretty interesting place really. The shit the Koreans eat is amazing (if there's any Korean restaurants near you, go to one and get bulgogi beef. It's their most basic dish but god damn it is delicious) and the locals are extremely friendly. As long as you stay away from military personnel you're good.

This. I fucking hate the Army WTF page because of their audience.

Shouldn't really say this but what the heck.
Ended up in the same group as a friend from high school. He caught 2 officers sucking eachothers cocks and they panicked and he pretty much ran back to camp and told me.
They were back in an hour when we were going to have our grenade 'training'. They singled him out and asked if he had told anyone, he told them no.
During grenade training he 'messed up' and blew himself up with 2 grenades......
Not 1 grenade, he allegedly fucked up throwing 2 grenades at once and blew himself up.

Fucking gays killed my friend, couldn't tell anyone and still haven't

At least we can roll sleeves now.

>Soldier in US army
>sill only one weeknd a month
>fucking nasty girl (national gaurd)
>nathinal guard
>US army
>National guard

>it's obama's fault

Lmfao it was full of douchebags before him too dumbass.

Sorry man, it's a force of habit. I'll take out acronyms next time I write out a wall of text

It amuses me to see how glorified soldiering is in the US.
You get thanked for your service after enlisting to kill a bunch of stone age sandniggers in caves halfway around the world.
You're not even fighting for anything anymore.

I got fucking tired of Beef and Leaf in Korea

Nope. We're cutting grass and picking up trash around post and the training is comparable to kids playing banks and robbers in the park

cry more you live in a military society

nobody gives a shit that youre a barista at starbucks

What's sad is that's a real pic. Not OP, mind you, I'm active, but yeah man. That there shit is real

You're trying to say that people are people, I get that. You don't realize that policies affect the men involved. You're also a fucking retard, I get that.

Last year in Highs School there were 3 or 4 kids who joined the military the previous year and they all came back to say "hi" the next year.

Most of them had bullied me or just fucked with me my whole life and now they were strutting around in uniform with their mothers and fathers taking pictures with all the teachers. One of them was 19 and in a relationship with a girl who was 16. AND NOBODY GAVE A FUCK.

I wanted to call them out on this bullshit but I couldn't. that fucking uniform they are so proud to wear is the perfect shield for the bastards they are.

All people do that, not just soldiers.
That being said my unit had a serious Coke problem

Not the guy you responded to but what policies are you even talking about that puts blame on Obama? It's like people blaming Obama for the down sizing of our military when in reality it's Congress who decides the size of our military. Hell, that is a board question and people still don't get it. I had to research it too before I believed it

I'm pretty green, my first year mark is coming up this August, so I don't really know how shitty is normal for most army units, but even still man, shit is ridiculous, especially since it's almost all of the Private First Classes and the Specialists that engage in that shit the most, and they make up like 90% of my workplace

I have an NCO in my section who took his pregnant wife on a ride on his motorcycle and laid the bike down at an intersection. He wasn't properly certified to ride the motorcycle at the time. He had the audacity to bitch about the article 15 he got for it. I spoke on his behalf to the commander, because I didn't know how wrong he was at the time. He made a fuck out of me. Luckily, the child is all right.

Bullshit, Explosives need to be requested hours ahead of time, approved, and accompanied by an armory NCO who has to witness & log use with a fucking camcorder. Any training w/ explosives requires reserving a range which means at least 3 other NCOs to be nearby, plus a medic. So unless your base had a time traveling gay mafia I'm calling bullshit.

See, we don't even do that here and the miserable fuckers I'm with still find time to bitch and moan and shit

>19 and in a relationship with a girl who was 16

Why would anyone give a fuck? She's probably not going to college so her parents are glad that she can sponge off of him and get dem bennies and tendies.

There is literally nothing at all wrong with that.

If I joined the military, what would I have to do to get a job where I shoot A LOT instead of being a cook or some other boring shit.

>I'm better than the pile of shit I'm shitting in
>here's a cringey enlisted image

Fuck you faggot.

>enlisting to kill a bunch of stone age sandniggers in caves halfway around the world.

>not even fighting for anything

Pick only one.

Stone age sandniggers should be wiped out.

>be me almost 2 years ago
>11B Op 40 or 19D
>I wanna be sneaky...
And that is where I made my mistake. Now I'm in Korea and getting fucked by favoritism by our plt leadership.

All in all though, I enjoy the field, especially as a dismount, even though the unit can make it gay as shit. I wanted to reclass and pursue ranger or go to selection, but I've become burnt out with this shit. Time to go on a new adventure.

Well, in that case no offence bro.

Marine InfantryFag here. 2003-2007. Sorry Soldier, but the military in general is bullshit now.

Even when I was getting out you could see the difference in quality of Marine. It went from dudes wanting to go to war specifically to kill to this "I just want to join the military and get free college" crap.

In fact, when I was getting out, a wave of really athletic looking hipster types were getting received.

Sorry Chesty.... we failed you.

Just hope that when you go to the recruiting station they have an 11B/C (Infantry) slot open or a Military Occupational Specialty with an Option 40 (Ranger) attached to it. If you go for Option 40 though make absolute certain that you're good to go on your PT; it'll fuck you up health wise if you aren't.

Infantry but the army makes shooting nortfun. Don't do it

Why in the fuck are people pretending that shitty people in the military is a new thing?

Bro, holy fuck, that is pretty much my story hahaha! I was going Option 40 and I injured my foot at Ft. Gordon and instead of being a high speed death machine like I always dreamed of I wound up as just a regular "radio operator" doing fuck all at a motor pool in Korea

Its only a 3 year difference its not a big deal, homo


You permanent party or on rotation? Us 1st cav guys are getting the dick

I was pretty oblivious to it until just recently. My pops was a Ranger during Desert Storm and I was in NJROTC for all of high school, so I just assumed that all soldiers are amazing ass people, and then I retardedly took that belief with me into Basic and AIT. Learned better here in Korea though

Fite me guy

Alright, which of you anons is this guy??

the army hasnt changed at all, soldiers ahve been self righteous faggots since nam... they arent doing shit except sucking the teet of the tax payer and acting as dogs for our military

>I feel like this "Thanks Obama" had (should be has) been taken seriously in the Army. You guys are so dumb that you don't even know why you don't like him (add a comma here) except for what you read on Facebook.
You may thank me for correcting your grammar, since you're too stupid to do it yourself.

That's how recruiters are advertising the military though, with free college.

College is so expensive that they would join the military to help pay for it and then people in the military complain of the recruits they get.

If something was done about college cost you would have less of these people in but then you have a large people in the military calling college students entitled because they want affordable college and you tell those kids to earn your free college how you did which is by serving.

Permanent party. And sucks man, I'm lucky in that our leadership isn't THAT fucked, cause I've been hearing some gnarly stories about other units on the peninsula

anyone can join, it's funny when the most retarded black ass niggas join and start talking back to the drill sergeant and get kicked out of basic the first week, good luck at mcdonalds

Lots of people join early. You can easily spot the dumb ones instantly, if they're married or have a kid in their first two years they're already marked on my retard list. There might be 1 out of 30 couples that actually make it work, but every time the wife is sucking someone's dick.

There are respectable men and men who join for a plethora of reasons, which is a goddamn shame, because society needs respectable, intelligent people at home, while as the majority of people I know who serve/served in the military are complete assholes. Typically the beer drinking, redneck cocksuckers who just want to fight and inflate their ego, and some straight up neo-nazis. I don't know how many guys I've heard saying how much they couldn't wait to kill a man, or how many expect everyone to bow at their feet just because they serve/served. It's no loss, though. The military needs meat on the battlefield, and what better meat than those that are the topic of this thread.
It just sucks that the military needs smart minds, too. I wish it could be only the assholes getting blown to bits on the battlefield.

Resorting to correcting grammar because you're too retarded to come up with a proper argument?

I'm on my phone and I don't give a shit except for this reply. I'm taking extra care for it be grammatically correct.


Lame sauce man. Atleast you're getting koala (did not spell that right) right?

The only thing Obama does for the military is keep them from blowing shit up on a whim. Making rational decisions, rather than impulsive ones, is the best trait you could hope for in a commander-in-chief.

I can just see Trump bombing Dubai for turning down his casino bid.

COLA is pretty shit tbh; $275, but that's $275 more than I'd normally make so it's pretty nice.


i work on an army base. the soldiers here think they should get everything for free and that they are superior to civilians. little do these fucks know im in the reserves

He's lying. 4 years navy

If only I were 2nd brigade


Honestly the most accurate way to describe the troops

>literally hitler!

special operations of some kind but you probly too much of a pussy to make it so go with cook

I'm in love with a juicy girl, don't you know you rock my world!

lol. So you're like the bad-ass we call on when all the other bad-asses are on holiday? Pff. You can reserve this dick up your ass homo.

>And Obama spoke unto soldiers: "Go forth, and be assholes"

not military but currently teaching English for the Glory of the Asian Motherland! but really....bolgogi and galbie are great, but most everything else in korea is peasant food. lotteria, their version of fastfood is meh. no, i'm not being a uber negative it's like *shrug* korea tries to pass itself as a first world country, but its more 2nd world imo

I did 6 years as an MP and the shit that gets me is when you're out in the civilian world and you hear soldiers complaining about having to pay a cover charge to get into a bar.

Fuck you dude, you don't beg for free things. Way to live up to the army values asshole.

Why, because you can't police them because you're just a civillian? That's terrible. You should be able to police all the people all the time.

Garry owen

My dad did this back when I was still living with him and back then it slightly bothered me, but now when I think back on it it's incredibly embarrassing. No one asked us to do what we did and sign up, so why rub that shit in someone's face to get something stupid like a deal on some glasses or some shit? Ugh, I hate seeing shit like that. I mean, I'm all for if you're at a store and you wanna ask for military discount, that's one thing, but to shove service in someone's face is ridiculous.

I've seen that too. Isn't that why a lot of the Koreans are small because their diet consists mostly of just greens and hardly any meats?

This clip literally demonstrates what's wrong with today's world.
So many times I argued with someone and they managed to completely misunderstand the simplest of shit and went all like "Are you saying that [insert random bullshit]?"

Hell yea. So happy about that change

Lol were allowed to roll them unless you're in the motor pool. And I work the motor pool so I'm pretty much never rolling sleeves here

>mfw the gays continued to cover up their murder by pretending to be a random militaryfag on Sup Forums

That makes no sense. You would think that'd be the most prominent place to do it

Actually I get to work and fly on helicopters. But nice try lumping every soldier into infantry.

lol british army recuits get paid double what your bitch ass makes

It's akin to having a bigass meathead bouncer at the front door of your club. 95% of the time, he's not doing shit because just being there is a deterrent.


I'm saluting my monitor right now. Thanks you from keeping me and my children safe the the arabs.

Sure, but at least my country isn't falling apart

Seventh First, soldiers last

Why don't you man the fuck up and go active? Not be an indecisive pussy

I remember you
Post the other reaction pics from the comic

So I taught at a community college before landing my current position at a private school. I've taught on a base that partners with the CC and I have seen some shit you people would not believe. Here we go:

>teaching an english lit course on base, dealing with a bunch of people who can't read a single fucking short story
>mostly airforce, but a few honest to god marines, and they make themselves known
>one marine in particular is the sharpest student in the class, he reads the stories, gets all the subtext, double meanings, really becomes my crutch when it comes to dealing with these people who show no respect to me as a teacher while demanding the utmost respect for their "service" (I actually liked the marines and they hung out before and after class, the air force men were all gigantic fucking faggots)
>Benghazi happens while I'm teaching there
>everyone talking about it, people wondering if we're going over there, air force men who aren't going to go over regardless are gung ho, marines are more reserved
>except my ace student
>like something out of full metal jacket, he says he hopes we go over there to establish order
>says he's been trained to kill and every day that he doesn't is a waste of that talent
>everyone just sort of looks at him
>he realizes the room is silent, looks around the room at all of them
>"Guess you weren't trained right." he tells the room
>me busting out laughing calms the mood down

except for the fact that obama created ISIS and is indirectly responsible for many deaths both on their side and ours.
>t-t-trump is evil and rash because he says mean words sometimes!
just lol

Unless the engine compartment is pure O2 hes fucking retarded

>have 2 friends join army, they're brothers
>one of them is fucking retarded and the other is super smart
>dumbass thinks its funny to tell stories of when they're driving convoys in the US and smash into shit on people's property and leave it, mailboxes, trees, etc
>thinks destruction of taxpayer private property is funny
>wonders why people hate the military
>both are out of touch and can't relate to civilians
>lost all their friends and are really depressing now

not who you responded to but the brexit isnt as terrible as people say... its was necessary as no one wants to pay some other faggots debt

Thanks, Obama.

you're a retard if you think it was obama... we've created terrorists groups since the 80's shitlord.. learn some fuckign history.. its the only response the middle east will have to military occupation, rape and having us fund insurgencies

And this is why I got out of the Army. Once deployments started winding down I knew the whole thing would turn to shit. Garrison absolutely sucks ass and everyone turns to assholes because there is nothing to do. All the good soldiers leave because their main reason for staying in is gone.

way to be a retarded faggot who tihnks its literally democrats vs republicans, and not greedy jews vs retards like you

just remember that if your leadership sucks or your unit sucks, its only a matter of time until it changes. drones and computers are the future, have the army train you in a field you can get a good paying job when you get out.