Going to the PX you fags want anything?

going to the PX you fags want anything?

5 years of my life back?

For you to get a real fucking job and get off my tax dollars with your fat ass wives, Bah dependant, have more babies to get more money ass mindset. Fuck you and the other nogs protecting imaginary freedoms. Go fuck yourself.

Get me some of that stuff... what's it called again? We use to eat it all the time back in the day..
Oh yeah, pussy.

Pack of Smokes and a monster.

Grizz wintergreen & 3 Power Ripits

Security forces / SP? Maintenance?

lol u mad

gimme a lock; Private fuckstick roomate forgot to lock his footlocker so I'm gonna lock it myself lest we get smoked.

This man knows truth

You actually don't get more bah or BAS for more kids. The only dependent is the spouse..

But you do get more tax credit, however that can abused by any American.

My wife is a navy officer and I could be a do nothing stay at home if I wanted. America

Am I mad? Go suck a butterbars cock more you fucking non educated pissant. I bet it feels great to bring in 25k a year nigger while a dude with 3 years of college bosses you around, makes 40+k and fuck's your wife behind your back all while you get blown up on deployments so he can get medals lol I'm not mad yall niggers are just brain dead tax dollar vacuums.

>going to the PX you fags want anything?

Could you pick up an ounce of black Afghani hash for me, plz?


A few grams of #4 Afghan powder por favor

i make 50k a year nig

That's 40+k isn't it? Lol

>5 years of my life back?

But you said that in reference to the do nothing people who boss us around and that we make about half.

Both are wrong and so are you.

I make about 4350 a month , San Diego navy e4.

ever had this shit?

word whats your r8 m8?

8 yr AD - 19D

Ripits are god-tier.

But Wild Tiger (we called it tiger's blood) was the best for staying awake.


word, EM here

Boatswain's mate here
2 packs of Marlboro smoothes and 4 monsters. I have the double 4 to 8s and need the energy. Also can I bum your light? I left it in my rack.