Can anyone tell me what kind of bug this is?

can anyone tell me what kind of bug this is?

Flesh scarab.

You in fucking Nairobi or something?

no a very dirty house, I have no idea what that is explain it to me please

A beetle. Put him outside.

Its a beetle.

is there any correlation between that beetle and this rash?

post tits

on your arm are bedbug bites

Yes. You're highly allergic and will probably go anaphylactic in 5 minutes

No they are harmless, you will see a lot when is raining or after


You need to sort out your hygiene

beetle faggot

The name for that insect is June bug/June beetle/May Beetle and don't let these illiterate fucks try and educate you....(trust me I am a certified ass kissing faggot)

It's just a baby June Bug OP!
Nothing to worry about, they are completely harmless. As for the rash, that's just a bad case of spreading herpes, you should go to the Dicktor right away, he'll finger it out!

Possibly a potato beetle. If it is potato then you must be allergic to them cuz they don't bite that I know of.


No way

I'm a surgeon doctor and can help u. is that rash on any other part of your body like your ass or tits?

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It ain't no June bug I ever seen.

Pretty sure that's a june bug

ticks are not insects - they are arachnids. They have eight legs like spiders , not six like most insects.

just be honest, does that look like bed bug bites? I'm babysitting (currently forcing the baby sat to clean the house) and any time I've been here these bites/sores/rash get worse and grow more. I've found one bed bug in the kid's room already, but I don't want to tell his mom unless I'm certain (she probably won't believe me anyway)

if you found a bed bug and you spend time there you now have bed bugs in your house

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I've avoided the house for weeks and it never reoccurred until I return

if a bed bug bites your pussy you'll go sterile. just saying

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Christmas beetle, at least is what they are called here in Aus. Get them during summer/Christmas. They just fly around, land on their backs and die. They may crawl for a couple minutes before they die too

OP confirmed potato

> beetles in christmas
> not freezing to death
lol idiot

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