First impression

First impression
I have borderline personality disorder and low self esteem so be nice you guise

I would date you and buy u things and let you treat me like shit

Sent from my Android phone

Timestamp faggot

show cock or gtfo

Funny, the thumbnail looked like a dude, but the full pic is a 10/10

Bad b8.

TIME STAMP or piss off. Also show boiclit.

You might be gay, son.

10/10 if you like traps?

It's a dude


we know, but apparently it doesn't

Dude or girl?

>First impression
>I have borderline personality disorder
me too. 40y male. personalitie's edges keep fettling over time.
keep your head high.

fucking incredible eyes.

cut or uncut? FF?

> be nice
You are aware that it is Sup Forums, aren't you?

Also, bait


either live out your life in seclusion or kill yourself. do not inflict yourself upon others.

Pretty convincing trap 1/10 because I'm not a faggot I'm outie

>he doesn't like traps



I would lazy-dog your sweaty ass

you are actually not bad at all, looks decent, pretty cute, only thing that bothers me is the "you guise" part, friggin GUISE



Thats weird. I have bpd and high self esteem. Sucks to be you.