$100 on Paypal to whoever can explain to me, IRREFUTABLY, how this can be right and true 'cause...

$100 on Paypal to whoever can explain to me, IRREFUTABLY, how this can be right and true 'cause, when you look at atheism this way, honestly, it just seems like a huge bunch of senseless crap.

Yeah, the invisible man in the sky inventing everything has never been found and it comes in great conflict with lots of forms of analysis and reasoning that can be made upon it ...but whatever, we're talking about the very foundations of atheism which are pretty well depicted in this picture, in my opinion. If they can't be somehow explained I think atheism can be reasonably discarded as well.

Other urls found in this thread:


Agnostic is the way to go.

There has to be an uncaused cause. What seems more likely, a wizard or a a random explosion of energy? Also, Atheists do not claim to know for a fact that no god exists. They just hold the opinion that there is no god. Agnostics just admit that they do not know.


Then, isn't it obvious that this uncaused cause can be named God, or Allah or whatever fucking name you can think of and that doesn't change what it is? So let's see, if you call it God then oh no, atheists will say "hell no" ...but if you call it uncaused cause, then they go "oh sure, yeah" ..........BUT IT'S THE SAME FUCKING THING.

I'm not very sure what your problem is, however let me first point out that this picture is a gross oversimplication of the big bang while also ignoring the other theories to explain something coming from nothing. Secondly, let me say that your entire point is an issue of semantics for atheism is not a belief that god does not exist, it is the lack of belief in god. That lack of a belief then can be broken down into those who claim with certainty that any idea of a god is impossible and those who claim it is unknown. I think the diagram above me explains it pretty well.

Ergo: atheists are just idiots.

Atheism is a statement not a belief.

Especially not a belief of any of that bullshit listed in OPs post

Because rational thought dictates that we don't assume complicated explanations for the explainable. The simplest explanation, that require the fewest assumptions is what we tend to believe until we see evidence otherwise. You are the one saying something exists. I know this is a cliche at this point, but it's true: the burden of proof is on you, not us.

*for the unexplainable

Another semantics problem everyone here runs into is that you all define all those words differently. If you look at the definition of god from google it will give you one that is most general.

"a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity."

Now examine those words and see how you define each of them.

This is actually kind of a paradox again, depending on how you define "paradox".

Yes, and what we're doing here is try and test the ideas in such statement, to finally see that they don't make a lot of sense really, like, it was nothing and nothing turned into some things, then those things kept maintaining order, so that they become bigger and self replicating things .......all because of nothing, cause there was nothing and there's no reason, no purpose............

I think the "proof" is all the complicated and tremendously synchronized processes that take place in nature itself; again like this guy says ...u just can't buy the "behind everything there's NOTHING at all" story.

but we can explain many of nature's complicated processes. And the existence of the ones we have yet to explain does not equate to evidence of God
you're still being illogical

That's just the watchmaker's paradox. Just because something is complicated, doesn't necessarily mean it was intentionally created.

So you people would then keep believing that it's all >"because of nothing, cause there was nothing and there's (and has never been or will be) no reason, no purpose." ??

Is that what you're telling me?

God caused the Big Bang.

Way to ignore that user and just restate your own argument

I'm saying that until we see some kind of evidence that the universe was created by a supernatural being, it is illogical to assume so

Top quality bait

Whenever I have this argument with a theist, it always ends up boiling down to "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." I cannot refute this argument, but I can say that an absence of evidence is, unequivocally, an ABSENCE of evidence. When science poses an explanation of a natural event, it provides evidence, facts, and logic. But when religion tries to pose an explanation of a natural event (ie; intelligent design over evolution), the only proof ever given is "it says so in the bible/koran/blah blah book" or "you just need more faith"

Stephen Hawking once said that the Big Bang doesn't need a cause in order to occur; it just happens on its own.

I disagree with him, but I can see how that could make sense.

Yes, I'm telling you that this life has no reason or purpose. If a tree falls in the forest, does it fall because god commands it, or because the base is unstable?

Because nothing is not nothing.


No one exists. There is no god. The universe don't exist. Everyone is dead because we don't exist. I'm not typing this. I didn't post this.

You can't disprove any of this
Kiss your sister

Atheism is being mindful enough to respect the fact
that it is ignorant, arrogant and disrespectful to assume we,
as a relatively young and primitive species have any idea what created
the universe and/or it's inhabitants.

congratulations, you're retarded

Haven't you ever thought that it may be like there is a creator ...yet this creator somehow exists in such a dimension, a different set of laws, parallel universe or possesses a certain quality that makes it impossible for us to ever detect directly. We can only see indirect "evidences" of it, like the universal order aforementioned.

Just like this famous cartoon of beings who exist only in 2D, and they can't even fathom what the 3D world is like, they can't even conceive what 3D is.

Yet, atheist continue to deny it 'cause they're always expecting the utterly direct and explicit evidence. They can't do as Truman Show, connecting the dots and patterns in nature until they go "dammit, there's gotta be something here".

>The belief that there was once absolutely nothing, and nothing happened.
No one believes this, except Theists. It's the ONLY argument they can come up with to "refute" Atheism.

There is no magical power in the sky watching over you making sure you don't do an evil thing; and if you do, he won't sent you to an evil place. Because no such place exists either.

If there is any sort of "higher being" that being IS the Universe. The Universe created the atoms that created the stars that exploded and created the molecules that created your very existence.

If you want to believe in something; believe in what is real. You're not going to heaven, you're not going to hell, when you die, that's it. Nothing else. If you can't cope with that; I suggest you get a shrink.

Can you disprove any of that? No you can't

Checkmate atheist/christian/muslim/jew/faggot/nigger/santa/mom


But there is no indirect evidence either. The patterns in nature do not point to God.


I say they do. They point to SOMETHING wanting to have patterns and order and structure in creation. They don't point to NOTHING.

People give God too much credit for having a hand in every implication of our lives. My friend had a mosquito land on him and he said "I wonder why God made that what's it's purpose" that's exactly how you can tell god did not hand craft each aspect and corner of our universe instead whatever higher power it is we don't understand simply set forth the energy of the universe and allowed it to take its own course of random events based on the laws of physics in place

Yeah, I've thought that. But I give it as much credibility as any "thing I thought about once". It is possible I was correct, but it would be luck or some being I can't comprehend implanting that thought in my head. If I operated believing everything I thought of had as much weight and validity as gravity or how internal combustion engines work or how and why I get sick, I would have schizophrenia. Again it's not impossible the belief in God is an accurate one, there's just no way to know and it ultimately has no real effect on me

they point to a reflection of the natural laws of physics that govern the interaction of all matter in the universe

You've got it wrong.

Take all that bullshit text and replace it with only this:

"Atheism. A complete lack of belief in any God."

Period. That's it. No bullshit theories, no answers to questions, no magic, no half baked fantasies. Simply the lack of belief in any god. It's quite simple.

Do you believe in Unicorns? No. Same deal. Now you know exactly how an atheist feels. Just replace the word "Unicorns" with the word "gods".

Look at the root of these words:

Amoral. A lack of morality.
Atonal. A lack of tonality.
Apolitical. A lack of politic affiliation.
Atheist. A lack of belief in theism.
Asexual. A lack of sexual feeling.
... The list goes on.

See a pattern? Get the picture? It's simple.

atheists dont actually believe there was nothing. they believe there was a singularity. everything that exists, has always existed.

Frankly, i dont buy that. I think there must have been a before forever. And in that sense there may have been a creator, certainly something unbound by the laws of physics. But they dont care what you wear, eat or who you fuck.

Then you take ALL those laws and give the whole bunch another name: God.

I found it!


Ok go for it

Thank you.

Thank you

>They can't do as Truman Show, connecting the dots and patterns in nature

The thing is that science always strives to figure out how each dot connects to all the others, while religion just says "all the dots connect because god says so"

saying that there is a mystery at the root of things is in no way saying that jesus or krishna or whatever DOGMA is the cause/source. fuck if i know how it all happened, but youre an idiot to wave a bible around when its full of easily documented fables which persist in similar forms in different cultures - all attempting to put a veneer of cause on a fucking mystery. my mystery of self-replicating bits is more profound than your stop-gap angry bearded sky faggot.
id say thats irrefutable.
and your pic is just dumb.
>lol youre crazy cuz you acknowledge the vast and mysterious complexity of the universe compared to my story time angry beard faggot

You could easily turn that argument around on theists. They see that there must be an uncaused cause, so they scream out "HERP DERP IT'S !"

Ergo: atheism is just another religion. As far fetched and crappy as any other belief (or lack of).

Odd, my dictionary says something completely different.

I agree that this is a possibility, but if this is true then all world religions would still be false, since they all claim that their deity acts or communicates in this world somehow.

Most people don't understand what agnosticism is. It's not some third option in between theism and atheism. Some theists are agnostic, but most are gnostic. Some atheists are gnostic, but most are agnostic.

I hate that argument

"Haha there was nothing before the universe, what created it?"

Who said there was nothing?

Singularity could have always existed, as far as we know.

"ergo" is ockham's fedora.
ergo you are a faggot.

Could you define "singularity"?

Earth was here first. Humans are born ignorant, knowing absolutely nothing which means only knowledge that could be gleamed about Earths history before humanity must be based p=on physical evidence. All religions attempt to portray knowledge of earths history using zero physical evidence, and is based on the principle that the person telling the story has this knowledge given to them by some magical deity...which is why we have 4200 religions, and only one scientific theory. Because the people who made the scientific theory based their information on reality, not abstract dreams of bronze age retards hearing voices.

Even if you do that, those laws are not sentient. This big group of natural laws and physics did not decide to arbitrarily create a planet and all the life on it. Calling it god doesn't help to prove your argument.

well it comes back to this post on a quantum level, nothing is not nothing

If atheism is a religion, then OFF is a television channel

The butt hurt is strong in this christ fag!


Just fyi, the big bang theory isn't the only one m8.

The people who claim that they cannot prove a god exists or doesn't exists are the real winners. Its simple scientific theory. You cannot prove or disprove a god, and you most likely never will

It sure is, OFF is a state of being to a TV.

No, not quite. Atheism just involves a very simple set of beliefs: that there are no gods. That's it, there are no other beliefs required. Also, it takes more that just a set of beliefs for something to be a religion,as shown by the Merriam-Webster definition:

>: the belief in a god or in a group of gods

>: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods

>: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group

is that a channel?
why do you just spout bullshit?

Feel free to post another one agreed upon by the scientific community. FYI Christian science...is not scien.

I dont need to define myself in relation to objects which have a:no bearing on my experience and b:are stupid. i've never read mein kampf and do not nod to write myself a relation to it.

literally all i can do is laugh in your face because you are so fucking stupid. an explanation would be wasted.

also you are just posting this for the guaranteed replies. gtfo middle school summerfag.


Well technically unlike evolution and gravity, Big Bang really is just a theory still. It's not accepted scientific fact.

But not a channel. Turning the TV off is actively denying the other channels. If islam is channel 1, judaism is channel 2, and hinduism is channel 3, atheism is unplugging the divice from the wall. Atheism is a state of being, sure, but not a religion.

This thread is hilarious.

Watching theists make stupid, feeble arguments makes me happy inside.

How can you be so sure those laws didn't decide that? Did you ask them? Isn't because of them that we're here after all? Pushing a buttons, whether consciously or unconsciously, doesn't change the fact that the finger was the reason and the responsible one for the button being pushed and most definitely, doesn't make the finger non-existant or make it impossible to call the finger God.

You should look up and understand what "Theory" means when it is applied to science, and then come back.

never having heard of TV is a channel too.

I think maybe you should
or try to comprehend my comment better
I'm not sure which it is tbh

You realize that religion holds the same exact basis of what you just said right? The only difference is atheists believe everything came from nothing, while you believe that there was either always a god, or that god created himself, which brings us back to the whole "came from nothing scenario". Which is just as ridiculous.

Look, I don't know how life started, I don't know why or when. That's why I don't give a fuck about whether your little fucking space fairy exists or not.
I'm about as agnostic as can be. That being said, I would rather believe in the hundreds of thousands of scientists who have devoted their lives to studying everything we can about the universe, than to believe in some fucking primitive and outdated literature that shames me for being human.


Still, pretty crappy. Just like the others.

You must be trolling. Is this really what christfags believe?

Atheism changes with science. Christianity changes with pope. The other is proven, the other is a matter of opinion.


do you honestly believe a fucking omnipotent multiverse creator gives two shits about a tiny little planet in the middle of nowhere? Think how fucking giant the universe is and then ask yourself why the fuck "God" would give a flying fuck about a single planet out of billions and billions.

I always mused that life was just an electronic simulator or an experiment like in Rick and Morty when Morty plays that Roy game in blips n chitz

Fine, it belongs in another category. Anyway, all those channels, including the OFF state, they all suck.

The time period of evolution doesn't work from bacterium to humans, even Darwin admitted it, as it exceeds the earths life. The truth is something greater then ourselves made us, nobody knows what though

You can't be sure. The only thing you can be sure of is what you can observe and measure. We can observe the laws of physics in action. We can't observe why they are. So it's a non-question. If I asked you right now what is in your neighbors closet would you know? You'd have to go look. If I said you can't look you would say something like clothes probably and if I said its sports equipment and neither of us went and looked in the closet. Which one of us is right? Why?

The point of atheism/agnosticism is not to claim knowledge over the mysteries of the universe, but the ability identify fairy tales from reality.

OP your definition was written by some religious ass.
"Atheism" is defined as: "the belief that anyone who follows any organized religion is a fucking moron." Got nothing to do with big bangs and such.

Atheism isn't an answer. It's the position that no deities exist. The atheist position to questions about life and existence is that we don't know all the answers, but we're working on it, and seeing where the evidence leads.
Claiming that everything around us was brought forth by some magical being or force when there's no evidence to suggest there is would be dishonest.

how does taking a walk outside fit into your excellent cough cough metaphor?

>The time period of evolution doesn't work from bacterium to humans
are you SURE?

if you consider god omnipotent and omnipresent, then you must understand, god is not a creator, but instead everything, for everything to exist, there must also be nothingness, and so, logic dictates, God is everything and nothing.


my boner is magical
ergo god exists.

of course. There is absolutely nothing like humanity.

Watching atheists try to disprove theists is just sad, while not believing in God may make them feel smart, like they're superior and intelligent, not believing is simply ignorant and condemning. Atheists always try to make theists look dumb just so they can think they'be advanced themselves beyond the "foolish" Era of theism. Coming from a former pathetic atheist faggot.

We've shown with countless examples that evolution can happen much faster than we thought it could in Darwin's day. Darwin admitted there were a lot of things he couldn't explain yet about his theory, many that have since been explained and some that we have still yet to understand. That doesn't mean it's wrong.

Then you can't make a decision either way. So atheism is also out by your logic, only agnostic is in

>There is absolutely nothing like humanity
I find that pretty unlikely

That's just stupid too. If God or Allah or what have you existed, from where did they come from? What caused them to exist to create this reality. What are their origins? God itself is also an uncaused cause.

>Think how fucking giant the universe is and then ask yourself why the fuck "God" would give a flying fuck about a single planet out of billions and billions.

Because the bible literally says He does

Try harder