How can you fuck a cute chick if you're ugly without paying them or without being rich/famous? There has to be a way

How can you fuck a cute chick if you're ugly without paying them or without being rich/famous? There has to be a way..

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An assload of charisma. Or rape

Never underestimate the power that "daddy issues" have on a girl.

What are you, stupid? Rape is a fine ol' solution.

Feigned confidence

Girls want a tall attractive daddy. If anything those girls are the shallowest

literally just be friends with them, this doesn't mean every girl you be-friend will like you, and don't expect anything out of it going into the friendship.
I'm not saying be some friendzoned cuck either, just hang out with them every once in a while and keep your options open.
shit happens naturally and you'll be scooping in more than you can deal with if you're not a unrelatable piece of shit.

Don't be a fag, Be fit and they'll fuck you?

i think part of your problem is that you think theres some kind of formula to getting girls.

Some people have ugly faces user. Also some people are 5'4" manlets.

go to pharmacy and steal sleeping medicine (use your trenchcoat!). go to party uninvited by sneaking in from the chads you heard talking at school (use your trenchcoat again). get a drink of alcohol and be sure to tip the host with your fedora. after you drink some mountain dew, lace the alcohol and offer it to a 10/10. if she doesn't accept, punch her and drag her upstairs. force the drink down into her throat and then you could start fucking. after that, jump off the roof because you know you're a fucking faggot neckbeard who can't get a girlfriend or friends without drugs, rape, or by being an inept neckbeard. fuck you OP


im not a neckbeard, im just ugly fampai

I used to get no pussy until I started vaping. Now I get shitloads. #VapeNation #Swag #Yolo

Try this op

It's called RAPE.

Yeah. I can tell you're a massive virgin fag by your hashtags.

you got baited sir

you dont lol
just major in something people think is hard like comp science and make money there, it's quick and easy and youll get laid just for having some money


i hate comp science though. i wanna move around and not sit at a computer for hours everyday

Having a big dick

Get them drunk
Have a literal metric fuckton of charisma
Be funny (really, shit works sometimes)
A gun

Yea, plus chicks don't like computer nerds soo..

You gotta learn how to be funny and dress well. Not an imitation of good style like a neckbeard. See what Hollywood stars are wearing atm and copy it