Is there any possible way to check another facebook users facebook messages without having his/her password...

Is there any possible way to check another facebook users facebook messages without having his/her password? I have a special treat to any user that can help me achieve this goal.

Go fuck yourself

Hack the database

This guy knows what's up

no, unless you got onto their router while they're on, and intercept the data, but you would ned to learn how to hack their wifi, then decrypt the code that their device is singnaling.

Still would be hard as fuck

Special treat commence?

i know a way i do it all the time but whats my special treat for helping u

I have a couple methods.


Decide in which way you'd like me to repay you, but I'd need some proof first.

He'll dump CP

I don't think so. Maybe maybe not you know probably not maybe so

u gotta pay me in 1000 paypal

Nah hoe, maybe 20

Obvious child pornographer is obvious

inb4 prison

I'm OP, I was paying 20 paypal and maybe like a subway giftcard, I'm not doing that childporn shit

not my loss ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Then dump more pics, since it isn't CP. Got me scared
Computer nerd here, but you'll have to coerce me to do this favor for you.

Yes, treat please comense

Well proof and then you get 20 bucks.