Why do Americans hate Mexibros?

Why do Americans hate Mexibros?

They make good food is this not enough for them to be liked?

They are jealous of our culture.

No they don't and no it isn't.
FUCK mexico!

Because they are illegally entering and residing in their country.

Wow, what are you doing in the US then?


You have to go back

Teach me of Mexican culture.

Is it all about eating and singing? Or is there more.

it's time to go

There's quite a bit more.what type of art interests you friend?

Soviet era industrial art.

Anything like pic related?

>family oriented
>expect women to cook, clean, tend to children
>men simply have to work. It is ok for them to be out late, get drunk, cheat on women
>children live with parents until late 20s
>like to tease friends and family in a loving manner and give nicknames based on physical traits (gordo/gorda, flaca, etc.)
>when a family member is successful they are expected to help out their relatives in financial need.
>remain happy even through stressful situations like high poverty and high crime
>culture of bribery and doing things informally
>very fatalist

Actually there is


Why is he blonde tho?

Because he is Russian, don't you see Trotsky on the side.

While far from a majority you do realize there's blondes in Mexico, don't you?

He's not Russian, that mural was original meant for New York until Rockefeller freaked out about LENIN being in there

This, that's Lenin.

This is a meme, we love our mexibros

I wouldn't give a single fuck about it, but the fact that you post the same pic of that bitch in every single thread about Mexico is making me realize that blonde mexicans is not even a meme, but a scam

This is legit the second time I've posted her in months but whatever

Jennifer Aniston seems to have gotten in there on some article about her loving Mexicans but Sara Paxton is surprisingly enough half Mexican

Best leafpost I've seen in a while.

What's up with this Chilean tho?

>muh trump
Estados Unidos is in illegal possession of rightful Mexican clay and you either know it or should know it

That's a chicano.
There's too many of them and they don't assimilate. On an individual basis I actually like mexicans quite a bit.

No man, I'm from Sinaloa

Americans don't like good food

I'm talking about the guy you responded to.

ok, cool

Is that building a nightclub / discotech? I think i drove by that when I went to Mazatlan

Could use more layers

Yeah, that would be the Valentino's, did you like Mazatlán

It was great once we got to that part of the town with that pic. The first place we were at was a poor depressing market area.

Got some good food and beer and just chilled at the beach. Had a really good time!

Nice man, it's a chill town, pity it gets such bad press

Yea is it because of the cartels? I know they caught el chapo there the first time.