Ask a German Master Mason anything

Ask a German Master Mason anything.
Did two of these threads in the last weeks. Time for Round 3.

Fuck off

hallo bruder.
hat gematria irgendeinen praktischen nutzen?
sind alle unteren logen voller alter männer und akademiker die nur quatschen wollen und freundschaften suchen?

Whats the best way to join?
My Brother in law is a mason, but he lives the otherside of the country
Its not the done thing to ask is it? you have to invited right?

Hello Brother,

In my Lodge we talked about Gematria mostly in conenction to magic squares and the Kaballa. I don't think all the "lower" lodges are only full of old men. You have to have a deepgoing connection to freemasonry to uphold the rules and rituals, and even if a brother might not show his progression much to the outside, he will most vertainly perfect his inner self along the way.

The way to join is to simply contact a lodge near you via their website, and just state you interest. You will then be invited to guest evenings where you will learn about freemasonry and most importantly get to know the brothers of the lodge. After a while (6 months to a year usually) you might then get asked if you wan t to join if the brothers think you are a fit for the lodge.

is there a way to find out true numerologic meanings? i'm seeing 69 for months now since i moved to a new town. before i came here my most seen number was 333. on the last day before i moved here i saw 3 times 33 twice. which means a two cars with 33 one after another passing me. second time a car with 33 stands at the house number 33 and the third occassion also two cars with 33 exactly one after another.

it's driving me nuts. i especially see the 333 when i'm higher in consciousness. but i don't like searching on the internet for meanings, because i truly believe in a new age deception that spreads lots of false information on the internet.

i also see dozens of 666 recently.

one last question: how do masons approach women and relationships? i can't seem to find a good women out there, especially when you are enlightened. do you just go for "normal women" and keep your activity secret or do you manage to find a women who understands you?

Will I know where the Ark of the covenant is after I join?

About Women and Relatopnships: You have to seperate your personal life from your activities as a mason. You don't talk about your activities in the lodge with your wife even. You will have to find a woman that accepts that. As for your maybe risen standards in women thats a problem you will have to solve for yourself. :)

No ;)

I'm honestly wanting to become a Mason. Any tips?
>Currently in IT

California F&A mason here.

You'll learn all that stuff, when you go through the degrees. And there's more stuff when you go Scottish or York. But dues get pricey

As for numerical meanings: You can always try to think about numerical meanings for youself. In the end there is no absolute thruth to symbols, which numbers in themselves are. Imagine you look at an ordinary glass for example. From your point of view you might see the glass from the side. Another might see it from the top. The very same symbol this way has two entirely different meanings for you.

What does IT have to do with masonry

Did you give back your 3rd yet?

If so how long did it take to memorize all that?


Dues? As in I have to pay to go through degrees, like tuition?

Learn to deepthrowt. It will make the initiation ritual easier.

>seeing patterns
>high consciousness
>how do you find a good woman

Op Here. There are only regular membership dues you might expect from any club. In my lodge its about 20 Euros pers month.

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addition: i lived at the house number 32 with my parents, but only my room was located in the 33. my street had only 33 house numbers.
my street name included "spartacus" and i'm very involved in freedom and breaking free from slavery.

do you believe in a higher intelligence? i literally saw the weirdest coincidences in my life, but i'm scared of depending too much on magic.
e.g. i feel this energy in myself coming up and suddenly the next days i make more income.
this can make you feel empowered but it also can detach you from logical thinking.

do you mix ritual magic with "hard work" or do you only focus on magick?

Do you prefer to work with igneous or sedimentary stone?

>When do we lower Masons be granted superior knowledge?

What do u get in return for my shekels? Business connections? Joining the global elite? Receiving left wing lobby power?

i also built my own business, learned useful skills, eat healthy, inform myself daily, read alot and dress nicely. there will be a point when you think beyond material reality.

You are part in a brotherly lodge. There is no secret business connections or global elite just by joing the masons. It jsut so happens that many people in such positions might be interested in the freemasons thinkings. We have a dwrong causality thats presented in mainstream media and conscisness. here.

Do you have a ring and a secret handshake? And get to introduce other Masons by saying " He is a friend of ours" ?

i once entered an open meeting of entry lodges. they didn't know about fractional banking, nothing about hermeticism, nothing about self-awareness. they only were proud about their academic titles. they treated me like a little new boy entering the table, but deep inside i knew i was miles ahead.
they were pretty nice guys anyways, they just seemed not so interested in self-development. i felt all they wanted was to have a good time and decent conversation.

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My uncle and grandpa were both Freemasons.
According to them it's nothing more than a social club for men.
No secrets, no mysteries. Mostly just boring ceremonies.

Warst du als Kind auch bei den Pfadfindern oder bei der FDJ?

i heard from a swiss freemason, that over there they don't have clubs, no meetings, nothing. you only get to know maybe 2-3 masons but only through "networking". just like finding friends. they have no ceremonies and they especially want to stay anonymous.
maybe there is a huge variety of practices inside masonry.

everyone knows about fractional banking
everyone's seen It's a Wonderful Life

Can you please finally just explain to me what it is that you people do? im not talking about your faggy handshakes and ritualistic BS. WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY DO? (please don't give me a generalised answer like "oh we help ppl")

>im not talking about your faggy handshakes and ritualistic BS
but that is all they do

They rule the bloody world, that's what

They don't really do all that much.

What type of mortar should I use to hold firebrick together

he's not playing along

So then what is the point? just to be in a club and feel special?

They drive their motorcycles and go-carts in parades.

ceremonial magic

Pretty much. You gain connections if you work your way up, at least.

My grandpa passed down his masonic knife and coin to me and said your a traveling man when needed what does that mean?

yeah pretty much
Remember the Water Buffalos from The Flintsones? It's like that.

Let's say there's two trees in a field.
Wether someone uses the number two to describe the amount of trees or there is no one to look at the trees at all doesn't matter. There is still two trees. That is how mathematics are real.

The symbol is simply a tool of communication.

Kek "everyone this and that"

It's never everyone.

i'm a lonesome mason going my own way and observing the world as best as i can and i will predict a major terror attack on 4th july.

ok fine: everyone who is the least bit knowledgeable knows about fractional banking.

Im in a craft lodge and a royal arch chapter.
For me it's all about charity first, good company second and ritual third.
I should have been master of my lodge in jan this year but I wasn't ready and work was getting in the way of things, so I've taken a back seat for the time being.
It's nice being able to practice my ritual work without the pressure of having to get it right on the night!

Are you predicting it then? Or are you going to predict it later? Why did you include the word "will"
If you are ESL, then disregard my question.

What is a bank?
What is a fraction?
What is a Federal Reserve Bank?
Is it private?
How could the founding fathers allow this?

Educate yourself fools

Very Crucial. Wish one of the brothers told me that on my way to the 2nd degree.

What do you do in the lodge , are you a warden or something ?

It was a few days before he died so I never got an explanation on what he meant

fractional reserve banking has been around far longer than the US
I think you need to educate yourself

>How could the founding fathers allow this?
they didn't and your super secret cool catz club isn't going to save you from shit.

You're all just beautiful unique snowflakes and no one can tell you otherwise!!

there will be a European superstate?


Woher? Überlege, mich nach meinem Wirtschaftsingenieurstudium in Augsburg vorzustellen. Was erwartet mich in etwa?

it means get a motorcycle and join the free masons, probably.

here's three questions to answer:
- why do free masons have to pay money to join, and pay a regular fee? why can they not instead volunteer to do a service instead such as charity?
- why are free mason lodges tax-exempt?
- what makes this any different from the money-making schemes of systems such as scientology?

i await the answers. i ask these because there is a thin line between what is brotherhood, and what is simply another scheme to make money.

I'm traveling west to east

Ich war bei einem Einsteigertreffen.
Ich denke dich erwarten gebildete Männer, die in einer Brüderschaft einen Bund schließen. Dann wird geredet, Wissen geteilt usw.
Eine Regel besagt, dass jeder Freimaurer frei bleibt. Niemand ist zu irgendetwas verpflichtet und niemand darf zu irgendetwas gezwungen werden. Jede Aufgabe innerhalb der Loge wird angeboten, kann aber abgelehnt werden.
Ausserdem darf sich niemand bei Anderen einmischen, jeder Freimaurer soll seine Aufgaben selbst meistern. Die Loge dient lediglich als Begleiter.
Wenn du Akademiker bist wirst du dich da sicherlich sehr wohl fühlen. Waren auch alle sehr ordentlich gekleidet und jeder kann sich bestens artikulieren.

Do you really like black cocks so much?

I can see it now. A bunch of older gentlemen sit around a table as this Sup Forumstard proceeds to go on about half-baked conspiracy theories, then looks at them in disdain when they understandably have no fucking clue what he's talking about. They look of "is this nigga for real" must have been painted on each and every one of their faces.

Klingt interessant. Schau dort mal nach dem Studium vorbei.

Sonstige Erfahrungen mit der Augusta?

youre a fucking idiot

how does one go about joining the scottish rite?

Ich hatte selbst schon das Vergnügen mit Brüdern von der Augusta im Tempel zu stehen, eine schöne Loge mit super Brüdern!

>- why do free masons have to pay money to join, and pay a regular fee? why can they not instead volunteer to do a service instead such as charity?

you pay subs (subscriptions) on an annual basis, my craft lodge is £210. That pays for the running of the lodge (your lodge share of rent for the building, insurance for regalia and buildings and public liability etc) and dues to provincial and grand lodge. for the same.
At each meeting (we meet seven times a year) you pay for your meal - ours is quite expensive at £30'ish per meeting, with drinks on top. But we do have cocktails before dinner and the food is a good restaurant standard.
There is usually a collection each meeting to go to the masters chosen charity for the year. Over the seven meetings we'll typically raise 800 to £1000.
We also volunteer for charity efforts to do with masonic activities and outside interests.

>- why are free mason lodges tax-exempt?
dunno about outside UK, but most lodges are registered charity with audited accounts, unlike the EU, so not necessarily tax exempt.

>- what makes this any different from the money-making schemes of systems such as scientology?
Freemasonry is not a religion. You have to have a belief ina supreme being, whether it be the flying spaghetti monster for pastafarians or whatever your deity is for your faith. Otherwise as long as you are honest, trustworthy and believe in doing your bit for your fellow man (charity), then religion has very little to do with it.

tldr, it's a social club for like minded individuals who believe that by working together, we can help others less fortunate than ourselves.

Hey. I'm on Sup Forums

Op here. Yes, absolutly

Hey, Master mason. How much more debt are we in Europe in fore before ww3 goes off?

I've been working on magnetic perpetual motors for most of my adult life
>Be 26
I have expressed interest in joining the Masons but have yet to be contacted back.

I am also fluent in history and math, and understand the physics principal behind using Solomon's Temple design

You don't have to meet requirements to become a mason. One of their rules is that every mason is treated equally, no matter of his background.

I think you have a misconception about the masons.
You don't join the masons to serve them with your skills, you join them to start your own inner journey using their practices and rituals.

thank you for answering my questions.

i should mention that i don't think of freemasonry as a religion, merely that i was observing the pattern of similar traits among such systems that require belief of supreme beings. all have varying requirements of course, and benefit from varying levels of being exempt.
i just find it fascinating that this is pattern occurs.

my final question would be, does commitment to freemasonry harbor the fruits of capital venture?
does brotherhood ensure connections with those who may water the ventures of other members, or do they avoid that entirely?

i don't understand any of it outside of the part where things are done to benefit the community, so i'm curious if this is one of the reasons why masons are so committed to reaching higher ranks.

who will help the widows son?

is it fun to be a parasite upon the people of earth?

jahbulon or ahrimon or abbadon
depends on who you ask

bunch of disgustinig luciferians

what's the G stand for?


I don't know for fact, but I believe it stands for Gematria.

What level do you get to before you have to start doing faggot stuff?

who let the dogs out?

oh that's a prereq

a friend of mine and a friend of ours are two different things

Master masons, you've studied the tree of life. God has many facets to him.
Now, who's more in touch with Adonai's female side a heterosexual mason or a trap?
Can traps be masons?
