What are some unreasonable rules a parent could set up for their 20-yr-old son at home? What's unfair/fair?

What are some unreasonable rules a parent could set up for their 20-yr-old son at home? What's unfair/fair?

How old are you and how much freedom are you allowed?

>pic unrelated


None. Your mother loves you, and you're being a whinny little bitch

You have to earn their respect. You are probably acting retarded. Living with a roommate or a spouse is no different. Although you entered into this relationship as a beta

Your bedroom door must always remain open, because there should be no reason to hide anything in our household.

Fuck you, if I have something to hide, then that's my business.

Not in MY HOUSE you don't.

I moved out when I was 20. I did pretty much anything I wanted from 18 on living at home but continued to help out around the house.

>why the fuck haven't you started being an adult
>if you don't like the house rules, move out faggot

>20 years old
op you autistic shithead

Underage ban

Someone who is 20 years old is entitled to some freedom. After all I'm legally an adult and should be able to sleep at a friend's house. To me it just sounds weird that an adult must go home before curfew.
They always yap about bad influences from friends, about drugs and alcohol etc. To earn their trust my mom wants me to introduce them to her. I'm like fuck no.
And I have a right to my own privacy (read: fapping)

how many GBP do you have OP?

I don't follow these "rules" but then I can expect my mom to call me 10 times and send angry texts. Also my parents scold me and I don't want them to be angry with me.

get your own place you dingo

A fair rule would be don't be loud after a certain time don't come and go all hours of the night or bring many people over. Clean up after yourself. Buy your own food. Pay for your share of electric , water. Internet, rent.

You are 20 though i moved out the day i turned 18 hated still having to do chores

>living in someone elses house.

It's not easy where I live. I have to save money first, get a steady job (something I'm working on). I have savings from previous jobs so I never ask my parents for money.
Would you think it's fair I get shit for sleeping over a friend (after smokin bud, but they don't know that) several times in a row? I'm 20... I can look after myself.

Yeah that is crazy i would move out.

In your own place you can literally do whatever you want.

i'm 34 and live with my parents i can do whatever i want which is nothing

That's fucking pathetic

Your parents are being overprotective bc they love you. But you are grown and they have to let you make mistakes. Or you have to let them know that they don't get to prevent you from making them.

Growing up is a learning experience for the parents too.

my parents and my representatives for my disability, i genuinely am physically and mentally disabled. i wouldn't be able to move around to dumpster dive/survive being homeless