Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

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Because dota 2 exists

Overwatch. That's why.

cuz im not a faggot

Cause smite is actually a fun game

Shit Community
Shit Company
Why main anyone when they constantly overhaul every other champ since they suck at design, your pic related.

>literally wasting years to be subpar at a game to eat some trees

Why are you letting companies and other people get you down?
Games are meant to be enjoyed. Fuck everything else.

Although the sexy Champs are a plus

I got burned out after dealing with Riot's shit for five years.

>league of legends
>not contemplating suicide
Pick on

League of Legends.

Why the fuck would I go through a 45 min game that consists of: 15 min of creep farming, 15 of faffing about looking for people to touch then run away like a pussy, and then 15 min of closing out. bonus if you lost your creep farming its 30 min of waiting for the enemy team to close out the game but considering this is a shittely designed game it takes so fucking long. No, I'd rather play CS and be engaged rather than farming creeps for 45 mins.

Cause it's 5 am and I don't feel like it

I'm sorry, I can't hear you from up here! The skill skill ceiling is just too high!

i quit after the cinderhulk mess, i haven't regretted it.


All shall hear my song.

Dota is superior. Ive played both, dota is harder to into but its just a better game overall. Also
> unlocking champs
> Riot points
This is advanced cucking

Cool champ. Delayed aoe damage spell, like leshrack w/o stun. Non ult form dark sear wall is cool. Leshrack aoe damage aura with mana steal is also cool. Ult is meh, crystal maiden level aoe channel w/o slow. Will give him a try next time I play lol with friends

League is a horrible game. Just uninstalled it today in fact.

At least tell us why you didn't enjoy it.

Literary just got done with a marathon to get from Gold II to Plat V.
Got to Gold I, but ended up tilting back to Gold II, won a few more games and got to Gold II 99 LP.

After all this frustration, I'm done for today, and will pick up tomorrow.

Playing resident evil 0 HD remaster.

Horrible design
Horrible company
Doesn't know how to balance a champ
Cant comeback if you feed early
Boring as fuck
Shit community
Overwatch exists
Only cool and balanced champ is pic-related


>comparing lol to overwatch

Overwatch is the call of duty for neckbeards, if you want a fps play CS or gtfo.

I'm more into starcraft.
Played dota since wc3. Played dota 2 for a few years.
Started playing League about 2 weeks ago cuz of weeb friend.
Already familiar with build paths n shit cuz of dota.
Any 'fun' champ suggestions?

What is objective based gaming?

Hots is more enjoyable to play.

Fuck early game farming.

Storm Spirit is pretty fun.

I'm not gay or 400+ pounds

Every champ in league is balanced except for new released. what makes champs unbalanced is the current meta. Champs completely broken on the NA server might struggle in the meta on the Oceania server for example.

Get better faget

It's a pretty OK game, but the community is absolutely 100% dog shit.

league of legends can be very funny game but you need to find a great team because random people can be very toxic and aggresive

Thresh is kinda like clock but still unique in his own way. Bard is unlike any other dota hero except space cow (kind of). Tam kench is cool I guess. Zed is like a uber nerfed ember spirit but is still top tier. Honestly the lack of build diversity and item actives makes league hard for me to enjoy. I play almost exclusively while intoxicated so take what you will I guess

Because an ultimate that deals 800 true damage and resets is balanced

That is actually the most retarded thing I have ever heard. Even if true, why wouldn't players just look at how people play in other parts of the world? I follow dota teams from China to Germany without issue, why should league be any different?

It depends on the meta. In a meta focused on tanks, 800 true damage is laughable unless it comes with some hard cc.
In a mobility/map control meta, that ult wont have very many chances to go off. it all depends man

No it doesnt

Nobody wants to do that research, and since you can't play with people from different servers, you only become adapted to the server you're on. If you look it up, you'll see that different champions are favored on different servers.
I feel like your question just assumes everyone in the world would be willing to follow the same play style.

Usually gets kited to hell or focused down in high elo games.

Still retarded design

Come on user, I think this guy is full of shit, but this is seriously the best you could do?


>lolking. net/charts?region=kr&type=champion-popularity&range=weekly&map=sr&queue=1x1&league=ranked

This is the korean Meta

>lolking. net/charts?region=na&type=champion-popularity&range=weekly&map=sr&queue=1x1&league=ranked

This is the NA meta.
Notice how the popular champions are different. Some are the same, but the difference is where small nerfs and buffs start affecting people differently in different regions. Nerf Ez for being OP in korea, and america will say "WHY DID YOU NERF EZ HE's NOT EVEN POPULAR FUCK RIOT"

>Nobody wants to do that research
Typical casual league players

>can't play with people from different servers
This is just shitty tbh

>you only become adapted to the server you're on. If you look it up, you'll see that different champions are favored on different servers.
So why wouldn't you? And why wouldn't you adapt based on what you find?

>I feel like your question just assumes everyone in the world would be willing to follow the same play style.
Exactly the opposite actually, everyone in the world plays differently all the time in dota all the time. In dota everything can work. Obviously strong builds and heroes are more popular but they are no means unstoppable or set in stone.

Because it's bad.

I dont care about how metas are in other countries. There are so many broken champions that it doesn't even matter.

I don't play League of Legends because my computer can't run it.

Dota, league, overwatch, etc.
Everyone just thinks of fun in a different way.
Just play what's fun for you and enjoy the damn game.

This nigger knows what's up. Video games are like porn.
Some people like Asiant teens, other enjoy Hispanic milfs. Just play what gets your dick wet.

>boo hoo broken heroes waaaaaaa

You're failing to acknowledge my point that "broken" champions aren't always broken. Its usually just an issue with what the meta is for the country. maybe showing you champion win rates would help

lolking. net/charts?region=kr&type=champion-winrate&range=weekly&map=sr&queue=1x1&league=ranked

lolking .net/charts?region=na&type=champion-winrate&range=weekly&map=sr&queue=1x1&league=ranked

Besides malzahar, none of the champions on this list are even the same. That's because the popular champions in each region affect which champions are good and which ones aren't, and thats why balancing is hard for riot. A balance in NA is a nerf in EU and a buff in KR

Azir, pretty unique but hard to learn at entry level.
Riven, you're new right? Master her, shit on everyone.
Thresh, cool lore, design and personality.
Velkoz, make them dance before they die

Maybe if all the heroes were available for everyone for free it wouldn't be so shitty

The champions that are meant to "take skill" i.e. yasuo, zed, ezreal are all watered down with bullshit damage or easy to use abilities. Some champs are literal right click machines. Nothing fun about that at all.

The game lost its luster in the past 2 seasons. The R34 has gotten better though so it balances out.

>Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Because I am not autistic.

Because MOBAs are shit.

I never thought a Sup Forumstard could think like that.

I like lore in games.
I think league is fun cuz it's like there's a world outside the game.
And i think it's pretty cool how some char. Interact

you're an idiot people watch LCS all the time and watch teams from all over the world. Where one meta exists a different country will come up with a counter. Therefore people will learn different metas for different compositions.

Because I at least have some respect for fellow players of the games I play, also I am not as toxic as a poison dart frog.

kek and true btw they always try to make the game easier i mean wtf

True as truth.


I don't know how many of you play mid, but mid Yi is secret OP as fuck.
You heard it here first.

Never compare LCS to standard play.

That's a team of 5 as opposed to teams of solo queue players. Of course things will be different when you practice together and say "okay guys, here is a strategy that works for how we play the game" (You can't say every LCS team plays the same. Some focus all of their effort on feeding mid, some will try to stall out the farming phase as long as possible, etc)

If what you say is true, then how come the statistics i just posted immediately shoot down your argument that everyone should be on the same meta

this blew my mind earlier


its as if the community is starting to be filled with autistic kids who always tattle on their teacher because Jimmy said 'shift' but heard 'shit'

>Bust mages hits level 6
>Tries to all in me
>I press W and take literally no damage
>Cunt tries to flash
>Alpha Strike
>feels good man

that was 6.83. 6.84 was ZIPZAPI'MOVERHERESINGLEHANDLYWONTI5 man and chernobyl goat in every game

>Heads to bot lane
>Sees Rengar finish killing scuttlecrab
>we are both out for blood
>He tries to snare me
>nope - Alpha Strike
>Rengo Q's me
>didn't hurt lul
>pop me E for some extra damage
>Rengo ults
>I dance
>Rengo hops out of river bush
>I use W
>smack knife cat up while he tries to run away
>Alpha strike
>An Enemy has been slain

Shit tier game
Shit tier community
Always the same shitty maps, mechanics and heroes.
Shitty gameplay
Will never be on tier with world of warcraft master race
>pick one of 11 heroes
>endless gameplay
>top tier community
>Epic RolePlay
>story better than star wars, game of thrones and harry potter combined
>perfect mecganics and gameplay

Never played LoL. I can truly admit to myself that i'm not a faggot. Feels great.

Master yi is quite therapeutic

>mid game
Jinx, Annie, and Braum try to push mid
>my ult is up
>Pantheon ults a bit behind them
>Lands of Braum and Annie
>Jinx spends all abilities in vain
>ur fucked kiddo
>Pantheon gets stunned locked by Annie and Braum
>Alphastrike annie
>Braum being Braum
>Tibbers fucking around with Pantheon
>W against Annie's spam
>AA then Alphastrike
>taunt Braum who is now getting stun botted by Panth
>finish muscle man off with one hit

too easy

I played Viktor once and it was awful.

I dont know what league of legends is

im over 13

Permanent banned on 4 account for "toxicity" calling a g1 player shit when they are 0-7 8 minutes in, isn't toxic

why are you playing a game instead of building concrete things in your life

unless you plan to be a pro player your just wasting your time and you will 100% regret it

>calling a g1 player shit

>Because Overwatch has sort of the same moba feel but without the dread of getting stuck in a lane vs a zed or some thing else with autistic levels of unbalance or just unfun to face mechanics.
>Because every fucking rework they do just adds some thing clunky that isnt fun to use or face. Malz's new passive, shen's retarded ghost sword, zyra's new plant mechanics.
>Because the damage in that game is now too high and it has devolved into whoever pulls the trigger first
>Because ever since this seasons mastery patch shit has been completely fucked, its a war on balance and I fucking hate it

This game is in freefall in terms of player numbers right now imo

Im playing right now

Why are you on Sup Forums when I'm fucking your mom?

Nothing is forever, As long as you grow life goes on

Nigga you are exactly the kind of player that needs a ban. Can't see what you did wrong even after the fact

If there arent the metas across the board why in pretty much every region do the same champions get banned?

drink vodka, accumulate skills, play dokta

Because my characters don't look like that.

because the community is toxic and all they do is act hard because they can click buttons with their fingers but will cry when they get their shit kicked in IRL
>pic related, "god-tier" LB thinking they're faker.
Also, how much money would it cost to find their address and kick their shit in?

Dude this person is just literally enjoying their win, you are the salty cunt. Why would you even screen shot this. The salt levels are unreal

because i believe in sportsmanship. Anyways we lost this game, LB talking shit to everyone. Also
>how to find their home
>will livestream it for the lulz

So you're screenshoting people when they post light as fuck shit talking post game banter and pretend you're doing it in the name of sportsmanship. Holy fuck, nice delusions bro.

Fess the fuck up you got fucking wrecked and now you're mad.

Seriously? You call that toxic? There had better be more you're not posting, because I've heard far worse from players only a week into the game.

because there are better games