Hey Sup Forums. I have a love/hate relationship with my brother. He used to scold me till id cry when i was little...

Hey Sup Forums. I have a love/hate relationship with my brother. He used to scold me till id cry when i was little. Basically lock the room and yell at me for not studying until i literally couldnt answer anything even if he asked my name. My mother died when i was little so i think he tried to fit in with that role. We used to have fights on and off when i started growing. Around 15 he punched me on the head while playing monopoly. Leaving that aside, he'd just push me and hurl abuses at me when we did have fights. Im twenty now so of course he cant touch me or do shit cause ill retaliate but still it bothers me. What does Sup Forums think ? Also brothers eleven years older than me.

Tl;dr brother used to abuse me as a kid or maybe im just being a girl about it.

Man up pussy. An older brother beating the hell out of you isn't abuse, it's their job. As long as it wasn't weird shit like torching your pubes or sticking corncobs up your ass, then it's all a part of growing up.

Kick him in the throat

I agree with this user. Trust me. From experience with my older brother it's just what happens

tits or gtfo

Im not a girl you dumbass.

You people have no dignity nor self respect.

>i love getting fisted by my big bro cause big bros have a right

This person has somewhat a right idea.

Retards galore

Here's a story
>Be in Detroit airport on our way to Japan for family reasons
>Find terminal and wait for an hour for the plane to arrive.
>10 minutes before plane was scheduled to come Mom realizes she forgot her bag back at the terminal we exited to go the current one.
>She sends me and my older brother to retrieve it
>Go to terminal and grab the bag
>I expected to grab the bag and follow my brother back to the terminal
>Brother disappeared while I was grabbing bag
>I was 7 so as if I could find my way back
>Got lost and cried to airport security
>Me getting lost delayed the flight
>I almost missed the flight and would have been abandoned
>Be 15. My relationship with my brother is better now

he seems like a retard. If he would have balls, he would protect you from shittards, who abuse you.
I think you could get at him by exposing him as the retard he was (is?)- that no real man does shit like this. And 11 years older?! How small, insecure and pathetic must a little cunt be to beat an eleven year younger person?

"man up" A man doesn't bully, that's the point. Just little angry boys with a small penis do.

I never said they had a right. It's just whats to be expected

Im not sure what this means. Did your brother leave you on purpose. If so he was a childish cunt and i bet he was a kid when that happened too. I dont know how this is relevant to ops post.

just other retards would "expect" this.
Expose it for what it is OP. Show him what a pathetic, little fuck he was.

im not entirely sure how i would expose him. He has anger issues and starts yelling and being a general dipshit whenever something tics him. Ive really wanted to punch him but have held back because hes older than me but now that im twenty i dont think ill restrain if he gets physical or even hurls a fuck you at me ill reciprocate.

My brother was also beating me sometimes,one time he kicked me so hard i couldnt breath for 10 sec.
It is your older brother not sister ofc he was beating you up every little brother knows the feeling
Now stop being a faggot

Introduce him to weed.

This thread seems to be full of fat weebs and uncontrollably beta cucks, op is a beta cuck.
Your big brother is there to toughen you up, maybe the grief from the death of your mother forced him to take it out on you.

definitely don't take his shit anymore. And yes... it seems he has issues.... he should get help, so someone helps him to understand what a cunt he is... when he learns to see that, you will have a bro, who will try to truly make up for this... but yeah... how to get him the help, when he's just a little cunt, who wants to stay a little cunt..
this is not a bad idea...

bullshit ofc! Just shitty ones beat younger brothers up! It's retarded to say it's "normal". Sorry your brother was a cunt, too.

It definitely isn't a bad idea, but I've been reading through this thread, physically assaulting him isn't the right way to go, no matter the situation, he is grieving hard, boy's CAN'T be mother figures and so in a rage at himself he probably hurt you because he knew he couldn't be that parent you needed.

>Your big brother is there to toughen you up, maybe the grief from the death of your mother forced him to take it out on you.

yes, angry and can't deal with it
no, "toughen up" is retarded. The same shit as "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger": tell that to someone who lost his legs, because he stepped on exploding shit


Speaking as an older brother who had to beat some common sense into my younger brother, lemme give you some advice.

Let it go, both me and my bro are older now--sure I feel a bit bad for how I treated him sometimes, he gets and understands that and will still flame me for that in public--fine, I deserve that and it's w/e.

If it bothers you that bad then fight him, provoke a fight if you have to because you're holding some pent up shit. My bro did the same to me, and then you just grow the fuck out of it

don't stay an edgy faggot forever OP

I meant not letting him hurt you.

"and will still flame me for that in public--fine, I deserve that and it's w/e."

you understand, what you did was wrong... he doesn't. When someone understands and feels bad: you can forgive. If the cunt is still a cunt: different situation

Taking phrases too literally.
You see, you don't think like him because he's been like he is to you, in a way hes stopped you from being a cunt. Thank him if you must but you do sound like and oversensitive mongoloid.
My mother abandoned me but I know how it feel's to have an unloving mother, so now I know what an unloving mother looks like and I will avoid that at all cost for my future kid's.

As an older brother i never understood how other guys could beat their little siblings up. It's just disgusting when a 15 year old tries to logically explain to me how it's necessary to school their younger ones. Like wtf, at 15 you're not even a fucking person yet. at 15 the all you should do is sit and eat ice cream and think about the weather.

Honestly it's probably about power, if a shitty (note: shitty being pathetic piece of shit weak individual who can't look into others eyes at all and overcompensates being so weak by shitting on their sisters and brothers) human being gets put in a position where they can use power to feel good they will do it. Being a older sibling brings the true nature out of you. I'd never fucking touch my siblings, and i knew that since i was a young kid. I'd tell them they were fucking stupid and try to make them understand things but being hostile is nuts.

I'm not OP

well put, good sir

As the oldest of my siblings, I never really beat on my bro and sis. I got much more entertainment from just harassing them by pulling pranks and fucking with their stuff. Its a fine line I have to tread between just getting chased and yelled at, or facing the full windmill flying fist fury of sibiling rage.

Yeah op reporting.
To all the dipshits who are saying be a man. Youre the same dumbasses who'll fuck someone in the ass and smear shit all over themselves just to be 'manly' like the romans did.

My father died two years ago. But as i said im twenty now so fights between me and my brother do happen but now never get physical or verbally abusive. Still he does test the waters now and then. While playing fifa on xbox , he starts shouting when we become competetive. When i was fifteen we were playing monopoly and when we got into a fight i said im leaving and then he told me im not going anywhere and when i resisted he punched me. That was the most physical hes gotten with me.

But hes been known to pull of this shit and make me play games when ive had enough of his shit. Like i was thirteen and he made me play fifa while i was crying when i clearly didnt want to.

It was a known fact that whenever someone wanted to threaten me theyd tell me that theyll tell him about me and he'll sort me out. My father would tell him to buzz off and that hes there to scold me if necessary not him. But there was only so much he could do while having a job. Its not like hes a complete dipshit. He has looked out for me a lot too, keeps bugging me about my studies STILL but just normal comments like 'man study'. Gives me money sometimes when im short of it. And brings me takeaway when hes out. But the past and even the current bothers me and ticks me off.


Everyone has problems. If he made you study and all he ever did was punch you, physically, then it doesn't sound that bad. Let it go


Found your big brother op