Hi Sup Forumsros! i'm in alois and lost a lot of money today. sorry...

hi Sup Forumsros! i'm in alois and lost a lot of money today. sorry, I'm approximately drunk as a douchebag so me englisch isn't the best. anyway, i'll live steam my suicide today at approximately 3pm. wanna watch? ask me anything here or hit me up at [email protected]. we can chat about my boring knifes or how i lost a lot of money and now the police is after me. pic relations.

Dude why don`t you just drink more also why are the popo after you ? im wasted as fuck

Don't do it, money is just paper. Dedicate your life to helping others or improving the world. Don't waste it on death. It will happen one day anyway.

Im running a scan business and a few people reported me. we are talking about a lot of money.


where the hell you gonna live stream it bro

Im running a business and a few people reported me. we are talking about a lot of money.

alois schicklgruber?

periscope or youtube

where the hell is alois

thanks mate
stream link or name?

what country are you from ?
are you close to California you can come over here south of California this is the land of the free.
if you fuck up you get whacked, I help you out.

hit me up at [email protected]
bump! ama!

but why death?

Last chance OP you can live a great life or throw away your talent.
I always like to help people, but if you fuck with me I would do some horrible stuff to you that didn`t even knew it was possible.
Not your average edgy kid here, so last chance want to make up for your mistakes ?

i lost 2 millions and have nothing left.

he is probably depressed over here even the fucking cops know me, even people say hi to me on the street that I don`t even fucking know im probably a lovable person im giving him this chance and he wants to fag out on life something like that.

fuck you asspirate!


his email doesnt work?

so ? honestly you fucked up try to get at least 1000 to 5000 dollars then you start from there.
I started with 350 dollars and did a good investment.

3pm where... do xou even timezone? why even set a time at all. do it right now

in what?


what the fuck is that even mean faggot ?
does insulting people on the internet make you what ? I bet you`re a worthless human bean that doesn`t have the balls to say to people in front of their face stupid shit like that, im gonna give you an example of what I did yesterday to demostrate I have the balls told this person that what kind of gravestone would he like called a guy that dedicates himself to that, and that it would be by next week, his face turned really white with yellow, im giving you this anedocte so you can grow a pair and probably in the future you can be a man.

Dude, I've alwys thought if I ever commit suicide, it wouldn't be just die.
I would probably do hella drugs, fuck woman, rob a fast car. something like dat.
After all you gonna die anyway.
Or if you saaad. Just move from the country. START FROM ZERO

? anyway you can google me if you want

to long dindnt read

fuck this shit not gonna wait that long

This and That
Then turned to let`s call it graphic designer
Then to exchanging currencys
then lets call it waste management
then lets call it car selling
then lets call it programming
Im not even sure why I cannot think of something good to do, im envyous of people that actually think good stuff but im not sure sometimes probably you become a bad seed and spread your bad vibes to everyone around you.

yes i've no energy left and probably go to jail in a few mouths. death is currently the best and only solution.

Explain to us what happened in details man.

that sound funny

basically i run a ads scam sheme and made a few millions than i bought a few expensive things and the money run out and i lost my boyfriend

and someone scammed me

cancer thread, sage

Agree he is a fag.

Reverse searched the image.

Fake as shit, go away.