Be british

>be british
>have to use government built roads

Other urls found in this thread:

Atleast the National Grid isn't socialist.

>be australian
>have to pay tolls for arterial roads in major cities
>owned by foreign companies




these kill me

I always like the country ones

I wouldn't mind paying toll roads if there was no income/gas/sales tax and no welfare state.





modify this meme, use photoshop instead of paint
improve it, make some gifs, it has a lot of potential within him




What is this cancer

ancap may mays


>not supporting national infrastructure

You really have no idea how much worse off literally everyone would be.

You're asking to dismantle civilisation because there are a couple of things you don't like about it, and you believe you can live out some hyper-masculine anti-hero existence.

Without taxes and regulations and welfare, the rich would live behind and electric fence living in depraved luxury before the proles break in and slit their necks, and the common man would be living a short and fast life where they keep one hand on their rifle and the other on the plough hoping their crops don't fail and their entire family and them strave to death.

The state equalises society so the poor have bearable lives, and the rich can do business fairly and comfortably.

What you want is exactly what large swathes of Africa has. Corrupt oligarchs living behind barbed wire and private militias, fearing the day they're assassinated by the peasants, or one of their security, and poor people dying of famine. The only people who have a good life are the oligarchs, and even then it's depraved sensuality hidden behind bullet-proof walls, and that only lasts for so long before you end up with a bullet in your brain.

Toll roads are better maintained here you fucking idiot. Why? Because potholes and shitty quality is bad for business

All highways in france are privatized and they have better highways than yours and mine.

I'm not the guy you are replying to but I am a classical liberal minarchist. Yes there should be regulations and taxes, but taxes ahould be low and the regulations on businesses (aside from stuff like food quality) shouldn't be onerous.

Hong Kong and Switzerland have it right.

Just look at ancient civilisation. How many Caesars were assassinated?

An unequal society, an anarchic society, a hyper-capitalist society, does no favours for anyone. Even the people who imagine they benefit from it are shooting themselves in the foot.

If you want to think of it cynically, if we are going to have private property, the peasants must be appeased. Give them food stamps, give them iphones, give them pop music. You don't want them envying Bill Gates, because they'll storm his mansion.

That's how you get revolts, rebellions, uprisings, and civil war.

An artificially equalised society is a must if you don't want mass-violence and crime. We have to take a little out of Caesar's deep pockets and give it to proliteriate #29493, so he can eat, and drink, and sleep, and be ready for another day tilling the fields, so Caesar can put the bread on his table.

This exactly. I also think a lot of ancaps forget the shit that corporations will do to turn a profit, and with no government to hold them back, the ancaps won't be kings, they'll be slaves to a bunch of warlords and businessmen.

I love these

Same here tho

Don't step on meeeeee


>An artificially equalised society is a must if you don't want mass-violence and crime. We have to take a little out of Caesar's deep pockets and give it to proliteriate #29493, so he can eat, and drink, and sleep, and be ready for another day tilling the fields, so Caesar can put the bread on his table.

Gee, if there was a word for this... oh, EMPLOYMENT.

With what? 45 or 50% taxes on the richike in Sweden and such?

Im middle class and I'd be pissed if I had to give up that much of my income? I don't blame the rich for tax evading and hiding their money in Bermuda or some shit. Because if I were in the same shoes, I'd do the exact same.

Yes, the same principles carries on in the macro-level, where you have many companies, big and small, and many employees, well paid and under paid. The magnanimous will only require a miniscule number of employees to meet their needs, but their wealth is still vast.

A fraction of this very large wealth would do wonders to handle the afformentioned deficit. There will always be the underpaid, the underemployed, the disadvantaged and the inopportune.

Also, we 4channers are hardly an affluent bunch. The basic principles of wealth redistribution is all about giving everyone a chance, so if they fail, they genuinely failed. In the 1930s you'd have a lot of excuses for being a failure, but in the 2010s, if you lived in a developed nation, there really aren't any.

No, I don't think 50% tax would be fair on anyone, regardless of how much they made. I also completely disagree with having an untaxed class. I think income tax should be 5% - 40%, scaling with income.

I have no sympathy for tax-dodgers. They benefit from the system, but they don't contribute to it. They are the precise definition of scum.

Mixed-Economy is about having room for ambition and success, but giving everyone a fair chance at it. Neither hard Capitalism or hard Socialism provide that. Either way, you end up someone's serf.

This shit is what happens when lolbertarians get to choose who pays for the road.

I have a better idea.

Replace income tax with a sales tax.

It has a multitude of studies to support it.

If I was being robbed 45% of my income, I'd hide money offshore too.

I'm a fuckin commie, I think people souldn't earn more than $5000-10 000.
Just look at engineers, is France this people have poor culture but earn $4000, which is tons of money for them they don't even know what to do with such shit.
When you earn more you become literal cancer for society, why the fuck would somebody need to earn more than $10 000 as icentive to work, you belong already the top 5% and you're not better than others, just more lucky.
Like these poor people that doesn't want wealth people to be taxed because «they bring jobs and one day i'll probaly be rich», so fuckin stupid and selfish they're basic normies with no clue of how to be rich, and why other millionaires don't want them to be rich.
They'll never reach the 1%, pls face reality they're just cucks working 40h a week not taking any risk in their business and spending free time watching tv series or shit pls kill yourself dumbfuck.

Kek burgers discovering modernity.
Also you can't do social redistribution with consuption tax becausw all consumers will support the tax equally, giving a heavy advantage for the one with high purchasing power.

>one example

Meanwhile French highways which are privatized are in better conditions than your highways m8

This is like me citing a shitty piblic highway that is filled with potholes ans going >lol piblic roads

Are you aware that once water supplies were privatized in the UK, the quality greatly rose?

>I'm a fucking commie

Your opinion belongs in the trash. Marxiet theories are not taken seriojsly by the vast majority of economists who are either keynesian or austrian.

Except the multitude of studies that address this and prove your claims wrong.

Kys commie before you try to start the 2nd Paris Commune

>I'm a fuckin commie
Stopped reading there, your life and philosophy will go the way of the Soviet Union.

>Except the multitude of studies that address this and prove your claims wrong.
not an argument

Read the wikipedia article sometimes for links to the studies. I can't be assed to link all of them. I'm gonna bed. Night finnfriend

>Read the wikipedia article
not an argument

>French highways
One the highway is built and payed by the state and taxpayers the company have strong rights over it.
One it is repayed, meaning tolls should drastically drastically decrease, the company actually rise taxes !
Then we're all cucked ! So great system, the taxpayer pay for the highway and don't have control over it and finally pay more. The company just earns free billions out of a ridiculous service ! So great !
Our highways are just the greatest example of too-centralized decisions leading to cronyism with big companies.

Just going "hurr duur fuckin commie!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111" just makes you look like an idiot.

Actually argue the points instead of just memeing.

I wish we were still in the Cold War so your stupid ass would be detained and we'd have one less commie pinko fuckhead on this board.

Some people are discussing abour universal income. They just figured out that once robotics will be a realty, jobs will drastically evaporate so governments will be forced to create universal incomes because society wouldn't be able to give jobs for the majority.

In the same time thanks to technologies State will have acess and probably control every asset of everyday's life (we're already in the beginning of this btw).

Communism is future, comrades.

I didn't even pick a side you autist, just pointed out you look like a moron spouting your stupid memes.

Looks like you genuinely are a retard though.

>In the 1930s you'd have a lot of excuses for being a failure, but in the 2010s, if you lived in a developed nation, there really aren't any.

1. You are coddled from birth
2. Your education takes longer and longer without being significantly useful for any job
3. Production has been shipped overseas
4. Welfare state takes about 50% of your salary if you have a job to feed the previous generation
5. Welfare state generously keeps the old alive longer and longer
6. You want to save money? Tough luck, have some inflation to boost exports




You stop that


>You want to save money? Tough luck, have some inflation to boost exports
That's not the point of inflation targeting at all, and if you can't accumulate wealth in environment with moderated inflation then you're delusional if you think you would be able to do so in an environment without monetary regulation.

B^U has spawned a meme that keeps on giving

