31 december 2016

>31 december 2016

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> 2 Tevet 5777


>tfw Stan Lee dies


I have Italian soul


>when sadness is immediately replaced by RAGE

the new year will be different

This year was good year

if digits next year will be even better (or worse if youre a normie)

digits decide the year when we finally get our shit together


I hope you live long enough Luigi.

pussy faggot /r9k/ losers you'll never make it

keep feeling sorry for yourselves while life passes you by fags

if singles canada will be wiped off of the planet

You just HAD to fuck it up.

Cletus please

I had a shitty year, of course a Canadian has to vent on us like the bitch he is. I'm moving to Montréal in January, I hope I won't meet you.



why did you have a bad year?

god save canada

followed my dreams but then everything fell apart and now i dunno what to do.



I fell into autism during my last year of preparatory class, not seeing anyone. I was so sick of working that I couldn't do anything but shitpost here. Because of that I failed my exams and in 1 month all my hopes answer dreams that I worked for for 3 years were slowly crushed, as I realised that all my classmates succeeded whole I was the only loser. I came to the realisation that I fucked up so much that in three years I had lost all my friends, I became completely socially inept, I didn't know how to make real friends or find a gf. I worked my ass off, ruining everything including my social skills, life and my health. And in the end I didn't even get a single business school. I wasn't expecting this so I ended up as a total NEET for the last part of 2016.

But now I'm leaving for uni in Montréal and I'm pretty optimistic. A new life starts for me.

this year was a blur i literally did nothing but browse Sup Forums

You can still go on user ! Try to be a little active for a few months while you figure out what you want to do. Don't fall in the pit.


not too far, could probably make it

What are we doing with our lives leafbro?

Let's lose that one last bit of hope.

This is the year I start university, things are looking up.

Haaaaaaa you wish

>tfw 24
>no job
>no gf
>live in mum's house

there must be more to life than this

I already got accepted and paid my tuition deposit.

should i go to riverside or no? thinking of just staying in desu. feeling kinda neutrally to positively apathetic

I like you kid

ye as I thought, two first posts today got dubs here and here too going to riverside then, cant disappoint my gods.

To be fair I was never a neet, I'm a senior in high school.

I feel you, my French bro... I feel you

well at least you're french and you have a french passport lmao. if you're taller than 180 cm i dont see a problem that cant be fixed

I'm going to take a huge amount of pills right after sunset and go to sleep so when I wake up it'll be morning or right before dawn and it'll all over by then.
R8 my cunning plan to avoid regret for yet again being a worthless fuck on New Years Eve.

this might be the year lads haha

absolutely demonic my mario

Hopefully it will work.
Why can't it be just another day anons.
Why do we have to invent festivities.
It's just an arbitrary hour, just the Sun making another trip around the Earth.
Why is it such a big deal...

desu dude we are kinda broken. or maybe not broken, but there's less of us than there's of them. so, if it was other day, we would still be alone dude. that's the conclusion i came to. we're the god's lonely people, god's taxi drivers and eleanor rigbys

This year I will either find a bf or kill myself

>tfw 2016 WAS the year

>quit my job
>went to university
>moved out from mom
>made new friends
>got laid
>first new years im going to be at a party with ppl i enjoy.

2017 will be nice

are you a qt grill? be my gf

Inspiring story user. I'll try to do the same this year, I'm having a good vibe.
Nice trips too.


>>got laid

you lost yer virginity?

I failed to kill myself twice this year, and the other day my sister had found my suicide letter where I specified that I didn't want anyone to have my organs or have my stuff given away to that charity bullshit, and now I have to go to the psychologist against starting in February.

I hope I can finally succeed at suicide this 2017.
I wonder if when one dies you can go to another reality, I want to live in Gensyouko or in the same universer as Houkago Teatime.


Happy new year lads. Memeing aside, I sincerely hope you all find your raison d'etre in 2017.

If you really wanted to kill yourself, you would have already done it.

>really wanted

If he doesn't have high ambitions and go for it attitude for life, why would he have it for death?

tell me all about it user

id like a good story

according to Sup Forums i have no reason to live because im a short man :(

I'm just saying he thinks he wants to kill himself, but it's not going to happen. It sounds like he has some lingering regrets or issues that he doesn't want to leave unresolved before he goes, or he really doesn't want to do it and is making a call for help in his own way.

>huge amount of pills
hope you mean sleep aid pills instead of random ones
also don't take too many

How tall are you?


The true north strong and free

Don't you people use fireworks?
In Russia the entire night it's an endless cannonade like it's a third World War.

>during my last year of preparatory class
Putain user, ta douleur est palpable. Je te souhaite bon courage pour ce qui s'ensuit.

160 cm with shoes and at best

however it is fine when i am in asian lands like japan, singapore or philippines. i see plenty of people and men shorter than me. however i still feel bad.

I just put on my best pants and shirt, I'm happy to be spending this evening with me friends on Sup Forums

That's actually pretty small, my 15 year old brother is taller than that. Don't let it get to you, though, as you said that kind of thing isn't too unbecoming in Asia. Who gives a fuck what other people across the world think?

i feel like a freak. though that shouldnt stop me in my ambitions. if i fail i fail, but its bad to never try. even if im a manlet and im told ill never succeed ill try anyways.

such is life and shit genetics.. god is not good to me.

Aren't average 15 year olds ~175 cm tall in the West?

It was a really good year.
And the next one will be even better.

that is so, so very sad.

this is my 4th new year's eve on Sup Forums already

You've deluded yourself into thinking you are a freak because you listened to what other people said about your height. Remember that a lot of white women have a filipino fetish since you all look boyish, it's not all doom and gloom

Differs from family to family, but the odd time you can get some really tall ones. There are sometimes 16 year olds who are nearly six foot and can grow a beard. Might be old celtic blood, who knows?

Merci user.
Ce mois de juin a été le point bas d'une lente descente aux enfers, mais après avoir touché le fond je ne pouvais plus que remonter. Depuis les vacances j'ai bossé pour la première fois, touché mon premier salaire, passé mon code, mon permis que j'ai eu du premier coup, eu mon TOEFL et j'ai commencé à me muscler à la salle. C'est dingue tout ce qu'on peut faire. Et maintenant je pars au Canada, dans une colloc où je retrouverai des anciens potes. Ca ne peut qu'aller mieux.
En tout cas la prépa, plus jamais ça.
Bonne chance à toi user, je te souhaite une bonne année parce que moi ce sera probablement le cas !

>white women

[spoiler]i don't like white women.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]more comfortable with my own people! or asians generally.[/spoiler]

i don't look that boyish sadly. i have body hair, some facial hair, and i lift a bit but i am not too thick in muscle. i look like a dwarf warrior lol.

Yeah, there surely are oddities; there's one 16 year old in my school who is 6'6, but how tall is an average 15-16 year old in your country as a whole?

>En tout cas la prépa, plus jamais ça.
Ca a pour vertu qu'elle puisse nous léguer les meilleurs esprits au monde, qu'on à fait s'aguerrir sur le cours de trois ans inhumains mais je crois que le système ne nous permettra jamais que l'on fasse la compétition aux autres pays dans le secteur de l'éducation, surtout pour celles où ensuite on enchaîne en école de commerce puisqu'elle tait les aptitudes sociales de ses élèves pendant trois ans, qui sont pourtant clé à sa réussite ensuite.
Encore le cursus de médecine et de classes préparatoires pour l'ingénierie se justifie mais là non.
Non mais je suis d'accord avec toi. Plus jamais ça.

Désolé je suis allé très loin mais je suis très content pour toi user! Je vais aussi essayer de rester fidèles à mes bonnes intentions pour 2017.

>leddit and leftists got completely BTFO this year
Here's to another 2016 buds

>leddit and leftists got completely BTFO this year
Here's to another 2016 buds

I actually tried to eat a shit like this

Happy New Year!

thanks amigo

Merci beaucoup user !
Je suis d'accord, l'intention est louable et d'ailleurs plein de mes amis ont réussi, mais ce n'était juste pas fait pour moi donc j'ai complètement craqué mentalement. Et nombreux sont ceux qui arrivent complètement paumés et autistes en école.
Je te souhaite bonne chance pour cette année aussi !

>arrivent complètement paumés et autistes en école.
Oui oui, surtout ça, et comme le système n'a pas pu jouir d'une renommée internationale, les étrangers ne comprennent rien au prestige qu'est la prépa et donc tout ton effort est annulée lorsque tu te mets face à un non-français. Dommage quand même pour trois ans de labeur comme ça.
Baise bien les canadiennes :3!

my neighbor's kid who is 14 is 180cm, taller than me

Dubs and I keel myself.

>I have to live ANOTHER year.
Where are dem dubs when u need them.


Oui, je ne sais pas si tu sais combien de fois j'ai dû expliquer à un étranger, même un suisse, ce qu'était la prépa. Personne ne connaît. Les 3 ans finiront bien par payer d'une manière ou d'une autre, déjà ça m'a appris l'échec et les grosses charges de travail.

Et baiser des canadiennes fait parti de mes bonnes résolutions à moi. Bonne année !

Salut Sup Forumsanon.
J'ai toujours pas réussi à jouer à ce truc malheureusement.

Le Noël est passé déjà, et d'ailleurs, personne n'aime l'animé (surtout ici.)

Le fichier .exe ne marche pas ?

Non. Je sais pas trop avec quoi le faire tourner à vrai dire. Je n'ai peut-être pas téléchargé le bon lien.

Normalement c'est adobe flash player qui se lance direct après avoir ouvert le fichier .exe


Oh c'est gentil. Mais j'ai supprimé le jeu même, où est-ce que je pourrais le télécharger en sécurité ?

C'est le lien que le dev a posté

Après il y a le jeu d'origine qui est sorti cet été, à part sur les sites de vente, tu pourras peut être encore trouver un torrent sur nyaa

Le jeu d'origine n'est plus disponible apparemment, fait chier. Je n'ai que la vidéo compile de scène.