Hey Medfags what is this?

Hey Medfags what is this?

Either herpes or a pimple because you shaved your dick.

If neither, it's most likely nigger aids.

How do you get a pimple from shaving?

its a nipple dude. It looks like in milking season too. ask someone u like to suck it really hard and u will reward that sucker with precious milk

blister cos u beat ur dick like it owes u money!

ingrown hair that got infected probably

Well more rarely from shaving but if you don't clean your skin properly, oil will clog up your pores and form pimples. Sometimes that's happened to me while shaving but I only got tiny pimples.

Ingrown hair. You're welcome.

It's your penis. I would suck it if it wasn't covered in AIDS

it's a cockacne, just push it ....

Ingrown hair, pop it, dig out the hair, apply anticeptic cream

I had this.
It's due to shaving and probably low hygiene

Its a pimple from shaving. I have one too on my left side. Itll go away after like 2 weeks.

poop it, acne pimple

Don't worry. I get them frequently too. Just pop it up and eat it out in order to gain immunity. Rinse 'n repeat.
>Bonus points:
suck the inside out.


Nerve gas

you shave your nuts?

Literally had this yesterday, caused by skin irritation, either from shaving or something constantly rubbing the area

A dick nipple. These are such rare that when discovery girls will up line and beg for dick nipple milks. Yours dick nipple is formed only partly but it will soon be grow to fruition.

Pimp or inflamation of a ingrown hair. Had the same shit last week and freak out, made every SDT exams and came clean.

BUT, it can be sifilis.

How to get rid of it?

Pop it when its ready.
toothpaste can remove it but the skin down there is sensitive, so i wouldnt recomand it unless you like a burning pain.

Actually, do nothing. If it is a pimp or ingrown hair it will eventually heal in1-2 weeks.

But I recommend you to exam for sifilis, better safe than sorry.

Had this same thing. It hurt when you pee too?


Don't worry op I had one of these things, still have no idea what it is, just wash your balls everyday and it will go away with 1 - 4 weeks.

Probably herpes then...good job bud.

Cock cancer. Cut it off.

you don't?