Any conspiracy anons subscribe to Flat Earth Theory? Seems dumb as hell but a lot of the evidence makes you wonder

Any conspiracy anons subscribe to Flat Earth Theory? Seems dumb as hell but a lot of the evidence makes you wonder.

Yous fucking stoopid

>a lot of the evidence makes you wonder


When i smoke weed xD

The earth isnt flat. Anyone who believes this obviously can not comprehend the size of the earth and can only see shit in 2 demensions. Explain mountains and waves. Explain 3D if its so fucking flat. Theoretically if the earth is flat, so should everything else would be flat as well. We wouldnt be able to see past our own fucking noses. Flat earthers are fucking retarded and would be subpar leaders. Fuck you

Why would we be told it's sphere if it's actually flat?

I agree it seems ridiculous. But why can't we see the curvature? if it is curved and not flat we should be able to, yet we can't.

Have you never wondered why HD pictures of the earth have a different coloration to the older SD pictures. It's because they aren't pictures of the earth. There is no proof for curvature, deal with it

fake moon landings, fake photos of the earth, no videos of the earth spinning at 1000 miles an hour, proof that the sun is 90 million miles way from the earth, you know, shit like that.

>being this chaotic evil

Why the fuck would it matter what the shape of the earth is? Are you really that bored?

You know what they say

All toasters toast toast.

If the earth is curved as we have been told, the horizon should disappear at about 135 miles. Yet you can stand on the shores of lake Michigan and you can see Chicago on a clear day. Easily more than 130 miles. That shouldn't be possible if the earth is curved.

It's clear and obvious that the centrifugal force which keeps liquids in a spinning bucket work because the g force pushes outwards, if the earth was a spinning sphere then we would be flung off.

It amazes me so many educated people don't believe in the flat earth theory.

Elevation affects visibility dipshit

You are proving my point. If the earth was curved elevation wouldn't matter the horizon would still fall away with the curve of the planet at 130 miles

none of this is evidence

>Click here
it is so huge that you can't see the curvature. IT IS NOT FLAT. your conspiracist views are molded by your hate of the liberal media and of feminists to the extreme point that you agree with any theory that makes you feel rebellious and indignant. don't chhoose willful ignorance. please, for your own sanity.

Shores of a lake mate, low position is lower visibility, the buildings shouldn't be clearly visible

>getting this upset
> has to change the topic to feminists and liberals

A Kindergarten class sent a go pro to space and saw the curvature of the earth as well as that guy who jumped from the atmosphere for red bull

If the earth is flat then how far do I have to drill before I fall out the bottom

It's all true

135 miles is an over exaggeration and the earth is fucking huge you'll see such a small curve with your eyes

Because it makes you docile or some bullshit.

8" per mile squared

I'll just leave this here

You can see the curvature, it's called the horizon.

you're just making numbers up

you can see Chicago from the shores of Lake Michigan because it's ON Lake Michigan

what do you mean by horizon disappear at 135 miles? does it disappear by a centimeter per 135 miles?

>the evidence

Show me peer reviewd scientific evidence that makes sense and is verified by the scientific community.

Ill wait.

>ation and the earth is fucking huge you'll see such a small curve with your

The point is, if the earth was really curved you shouldn't be able to see it at all.

197 million squared miles and you you think you can see the curvature. Not to mention if the earth was flat with a telescope you should be able to see across the world easily

Denying factual information isn't proof. We do have proof, just because it is complicated and requires a bit of thinking, doesn't mean it isn't proven

why would the circlejerk that is peer review fuck themselves by admitting the a possibility of a flat earth

particulates in the air

If gravity is real than why isn't the earth sucked into the sun??

Only a flat earth describes perfectly how we are able to walk on the ground.

People who believe the earth is round should think before they speak

How would it fuck them? If its true, its true. Scientists know that.

Once again, waiting for evidence.

Nope. Shit bait thread again. Still curvature of the earth.

Because youre looking at the sky moron. Look into the horizon. Of course everything seems flat, looking straight up and straight down will do that.

So youre saying there is no proof of the earth?

they wouldn't because the earth is a sphere

Because gravity you fucking moron.

If the earth is flat how do we have different time zones? We should all be facing the sun at the same time yet we have day in one place and night in the other.

My question to the flat earthers, what would the powers that be have to gain by lying and saying the earth is a sphere?

ok faggots
since you all like to use flat horizon pics,


The horizon looks curved because our eyes take in the light from multiple angles, bending our point of view vision. Making it appear curved.


>Any conspiracy anons subscribe to Flat Earth Theory?
>Seems dumb as hell
Let me stop you right there and say how correct you are

if earth were round it would be impossible to make maps of it on paper

>simple logic

different timezones is just something that is caused by slow internet you dumbass

funny how air traveling still works with all of those incorrect distances

These threads trigger me every time. Are people really this stupid?

Crepuscular Sun Rays


i hope this is bait, otherwise your IQ is flat and not the earth

Ever heard of a globe sarcastic fuck

>slow internet

>Are people really this stupid?
Depends. The people who start them, the people who respond, the trolls, or the trolls trolling trolls?


>flat earth
Pick one, then kill yourself


cause you had to ask, don't mention iq

I like how nobody has replied to this guy.




if you do the calculations you'll actually find that around the equator a 60kg weighs 200 grams less because of this. Thats not enough to fucking throw you off the earth though.

There is a live camera on the ISS that proves the earth is round.

Also a flat earth makes no sense physics wise.

If the earth is flat, why do ships rise and sink at the horizon?

You sure can tell how new some people are these days.

I love how no one responded to this guy.

something doesn't add up there, pal.

>How can you see always the same stars in the sky at night?
Easy, you don't. The starts you see change according to the time of the year

If the earth was flat you would be able to see the other side of the world with a telescope.

Fucking fish eye lens dipshit

hide more land
keep us all slaves

Moot himself said that traffic doesn't increase that much in summer. It's just the same idiots, but now there's more than a few people insulting them.

meant to say a 60kg man

If it was a fish eye lens, everything else would be slightly rounded. Only the top where you can see the curve is rounded, dipshit.

You Sir are a massive faggot. At the equator bodies do weigh less because gravity is less. G(at equator)=9.8(1-W^2R)
W - angular speed of earth
R - radius of earth

Slaves to what?

The speed and force of the earth going around in its orbit offsets the pull of the planet into the sun directly. If this were two massive balls rolling on a surface of some sort, where there would be a loss of energy in rotation due to friction, eventually the planet would slow to a stop and then be sucked in as ot lost its own force. But this is not the case because there is nor friction in space.

So why doesn't the flat earth society make a fundraiser to buy a ship or plane or something and go discover the extra land? Worried you'll be assassinated or something?

have u ever been in a plane? if no, then let me tell you that you can clearly see the earth curving when you are on a plane, people who think the earth is flat are the same people who think celebrities got abducted a long time ago and were replaced with clones

i love how no one responded to this guy

Something called centrifugal force. Dipshit

They want to hide the unspeakable horrors that lie on the reverse side...

what is the antarctic treaty

so pretty much yeah

This hipotesis (because its a fucking hipotesis) its dumb. All that bullshit its not even worth for read or hear. Fuck, i hate these faggots.

fucking retard, there is no evidence for flat earth.

The big bang is sorta a conspiracy, in that redshift is obviously wrong when considering quasars have a higher redshift but are visibly connected to other galaxies.

>It's interstellar hydrogen and variance in energy density of the higgs field that causes redshift.

why are you here then?


If the earth was flat boats wouldnt dissapear over the horizon

Not just here. People is getting more and more stupid everyday. Why? Dont know

people want us to fall of the earth

What 'unspeakable horrors' are you talking about? Do you have any evidence that these unspeakable horrors even exist?


You all are super retarded

if there was no gravity you'd have to be accelerating into space with 9.81 m/s^2. this brings a few issues. the first being you would hit lightspeed fairly quickly (in relative terms). second being the gravitational acceleration isnt quite equal everywhere on earth....

I meant cosmological redshift, things moving away do cause redshift.

Why? Why do they want to lose tax-paying citizens that give them money? It'd be an incredibly stupid thing to do. Would you want to just throw your income source off of a cliff?