We could really use a human extinction. We're out of control

We could really use a human extinction. We're out of control.
> inb4 muh edge
I'm right.

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Just kill all niggers.

Who is "we" in that statement?

OK let's start with you? I'm too busy being free today

Obviously he talks about the illuminati, since they already control the world and it's getting boring, they now want to extinct humanity, much more fun.

Nice edge OP

Seriously why don't you kill yourself? If you hate humanity kill yourself.

I'm not being mean I don't want you to die but if it's what you want you should kill yourself.

Use nitrogen, it's 100% non painful and quick, it's used in some countries for medical euthanasia and lifestyle culling.

well get theyr soon enough on the path were. Except for the fact the only survivors will be the evil ones, and the human slaves.

Ok but if we're all dead it'll be fucking boring.

It happens every 3,500 years on Earth.
A devastating polar shift caused by the passage of a rouge planet; Planet X aka Nibiru.

[Citation Needed]

It won't make enough of a difference. Also I love independence day! I wouldn't want such an event to happen TODAY. I'm too patriotic for that shit. Besides, I forgot to say that a select few should live, like half of america. The rest of the world, who cares.


Can you spare UK too? That way we can keep providing actors for your tv and movies.

he's not serious, at least I hope not, but it's a theory this crazy bitch from Wisconsin came up with. Everyone said it was gonna be in 2012 cuz muh Mayans but it didn't happen so the Nibiru thing kinda faded into obscurity. It's not a rogue planet though, the theory says it's part of our solar system. user made the rogue part up.

> implying Australia doesn't provide more

They very clearly dont.

Mel Gibson + all the voices in his head

No, OP. Not 'extinction'. Reduce the population of humans by 50-75%? Yes. That would solve all sorts of problems, at least in the short term: We'd be OK again for at least a few hundred years, until religion and lack of reproductive control raised the population too much again.

>Reduce the population of humans by 50-75%? Yes. That would solve all sorts of problems
being this retarded

Don't worry user, we will create our own extinction.
Humans are a cancer upon this planet, and this planet can't sustain us forever.
We'll destroy ourselves and likely everything along with us.

Either explain yourself or fuck off. There are already TOO MANY GODDAMN PEOPLE on the planet and resources are getting too thin to support them properly. Reducing our numbers would give the rest some breathing room.

Once we exceed carrying capacity the population will drop nature will never fail


Yeah sure but that's the most brutal violent and painful way to do it, it would be easier if a small asteroid caused a cataclysm that wiped out about half of us, it'd be over all at once instead of drawn out, and the survivors would be shocked into a new state of 'let's be nice to each other' for at least a hundred years maybe more, and who knows maybe they'd not make the same stupid-ass mistakes of the past? Letting the rats breed in one too-small cage until they start eating themselves is a really shitty means of 'population control'.

Do you understand what it takes to keep the world we live in running? If suddenly half the human population was gone, the world would descend into chaos. Unless the casualties are targeted at useless people, which a natural disaster wouldn't do since it doesn't discriminate, the world would be a shitty place for years to come if half the pop was suddenly dead.

Looks legit.

Yes there would be chaos but it would be less inhumane than the shit we're doing to ourselves right now and WILL be doing to ourselves in the next 20-50 years if SHIT DOESN'T CHANGE, fucking PROVE ME WRONG you can't because everything I you and everyone else is saying in this goddamned thread IS OPINION and that and $5 will get you a cup of gods-be-damned coffee at Starbucks so STFU and just enjoy the show faggot.

don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that overpopulation isn't causing a strain in some places
but instantly culling half the pop would have dire consequences
not to mention that if we were smarter about how we used our resources, the planet could support many more people than it does currently


We can't be 'smarter' about how we use our resources when there is such population pressure that some people feel the need to hoard resources and/or attack others to get their resources even if they don't have an immediate need for them, which is why reducing the population (and therefore the societal and environmental pressure higher population numbers create) would reduce the resistance to voluntary SHARING of resources instead of the opposite (hoarding, taking from others forcilbly).

Humans have been hoarding and killing each other for resources since day one. Even when the population of the earth was only a few million, this was the way it worked. And with fewer people around, there is less order, and even more of that kind of raiding and thievery. The key to making the world a better place is technology. Not reducing our population to pre-industrial levels.

> more people
> more order
MY SIDES. More people, more rapists, pedos, thieves, killers, terrorists, etc.

Back then it took months/years to travel around the globe and now it takes days or hours, and now there is orders of magnitude more people so the overall effect is the pressure is WORSE. We also have WMDs so the threat is also orders of magnitude worse than ever.


if you are truly interested in pondering this scenario, here's some reading for you
though I doubt you are going to agree with or even really consider it


>The key to making the world a better place is technology.
No, that's bullshit, tech is evolving orders of magnitude faster than the human brain is, it can't handle it well, people get overloaded and respond by rejecting tech, or getting overwhelmed by it and all the effects thereof -- and by reverting to superstition, mysticism, and other forms of irrational behavior. No, no, no, tech won't solve anything, the answer has to be SOCIAL in nature or it won't work.

If we suddenly and drastically reduced our population would any of those things cease to exist?

tbh i think every country should just band together and focus all our time and recourses into colonizing other planets in the solar system so it can be less goddamned crowded here on earth.

Hopefully the ayys don't mind

it's only crowded because we're making it that way.

Its like a group of people crowded into the corner of an auditorium with plenty of empty space in it going, "there's no room in here"

see all the white area on the map?

>inb4 not fertile land

and now we come back to my point about technology

forgot pic

I agree. I unironically think that having children is the most evil thing a person can do. Both to their would-be offspring as well as to the universe we live in. I don't think we necessarily need to blow ourselves up. I mean we're here, so we might as well try to enjoy it, but no more fucking breeding. Let's just die already.

>If we suddenly and drastically reduced our population would any of those things cease to exist?
No, but there would be less JUSTIFICATION to use them (WMDs).

It has to be somewhere people WANT TO LIVE or it doesn't count!

Well I mean I live in a major city on the coast and I wouldn't want to live in North Dakota if that's what you mean, but if there was a city of five million people in North Dakota with desirable job opportunities and nice restaurants and bars and shit, I'd be a lot more open to it, you know? At least I think this is what you and are talking about.

That said, I still think the universe would be better off without us though. I think humanity is a shit tier species, and even lower than shit tier if you consider that we're sentient. Unlike crab lice, for example, we don't have the excuse that we're just doing the only thing we can and we don't know any better.

seeing that huge amount of whitespace in Australia and then looking above seeing all the population density is concerning

if you say so
I'm just not seeing any historical precedent for that theory
by all accounts mankind was just as violent and warlike back when the world pop was low

>I still think the universe would be better off without us
Then you're welcome to 'lead by example' and find a painless quick and ecologically-friendly way to commit suicide. Sorry to tell you that you're not going to get many 'followers' to speak of though.

YES, we're a VIOLENT, WARLIKE SPECIES because we're still mostly ANIMALS. That is a FACT I am accepting before you even state it. But with fewer people on the planet the problems we're seeing now won't be anywhere near as bad and will be easier to manage. When you have only 500M people in China and 500M people in India instead of over a 1B in each don't you think problems will be smaller and not as hard to solve? How can you not see that? Also with more resources to go around because fewer people there is LESS reason to attack your neighbor, and FEWER excuses to do so for any reason. Also if some cataclysm causes a mass death of humans the survivors will tend to band together out of instinct for mutual survival not fight amongst themselves. At least that's my theory. You have to admit that the direction things are going it's all going to get WORSE not BETTER so something has to change, and I don't think any 'technological' solution is going to be effective unless it gets mass people OFF THE PLANET permanently.

>Then you're welcome to 'lead by example'
I don't know about all that, but I'm not having any kids.

Why not? You could leave a legacy

>I don't know about all that, but I'm not having any kids.
Good. That alone will incrementally help the evolution of the human genome.

I'm not disputing that China and India are exceeding the threshold of what those particular regions can hold. I'm saying the world as a whole is not exceeding it's population limit for the species. Not even close.

We could produce enough food to feed all of humanity many times over if we wanted. It's simply a matter of putting aside our instinct to compete and to instead cooperate.


But are you taking Quality of Life into account? Or do you only care about survival, mere existence for TEN BILLION people?

I don't think you are. I think you don't have any imagination for what it would be like to live in the future you'd see created, where we're packed in like sardines in a can, just surviving.

Go watch a movie called "Soylent Green" and you'll get all the cautionary tale you need to shock you out of your way of thinking.

Also consider this: Look at how little the Chinese government values human life, in their grand scheme of things. That's what a world of, say, TEN BILLION people would look like. Factor that into your equations, too.

Whatever happens when I'm gone is a problem for the rest of you fags.

Perhaps you should 'leave' sooner rather than later, then. How about right now, for instance? It'll only take a second..

Why, though? I don't have a reason. If I do though, I promise to stream it for the Sup Forumsros. It's the least I can do. But again, I'm not sure why I'd do it now.

Hate to sound like a horrible person, but there is a large portion of Earth's population that is on around 2 dollars a day and create or do nothing. Like the whole third world and it's about half the population.


This video is perfection...

Watch it, or don't.

Most of those people work, man, their economies are just so fucking depressed that they don't get paid anything by our standards. The tiny amount that they do get paid goes further in those countries too.