Is this absolute kinography?

is this absolute kinography?

what the fuck is wrong with you you miserable cocksucker

Jesus Christ how much xeroform did they pack into that man?


i thought for a second they were using a laser cutter to cut a cord or something but then i stopped thinking

I've always been too much of a bitch to watch this.

Can someone explain what happens?


What's happening here?
Is this abortion or sex change operation

It's a post-op tranny getting the dressing taken off and out of their restructured genitals


At least its movie related

I can never even get close to finishing this one

Why can't we gas these people, again?

Oh the real terror here isn't the actual operation, it's the faggot kissing the doctors hands like he just made his life bareable. "Thank you dr takinawa, thank you for cutting my dick off and giving me a barren axe wound that smells of piss and cheese that no sane man gay or straight would penetrate".

It actually helps me as a person whenever I see insuferrable trap faggots and their :3 faces and lies, knowing they may very well end up like this.


I thought it was a frat party victim in hospital after they've stuffed a bowl of pasta up her vagoo

>man thinks he's a woman
>wants doctors to do .webm with him
>doctors think it's perfectly acceptable
They should gas these """""doctors""""" along with that degenerate.

I understand hormone treatment and shit but why ruin your genitalia, I'd rather keep a pussy then have a deformed not functioning dick



What did she mean by this?