Why doesn't the US government give a black organization $1 billion as reparations for slavery and be done with it?

Why doesn't the US government give a black organization $1 billion as reparations for slavery and be done with it?
You guys spend trillions on war machines, so wouldn't that be a small price to pay to shut everybody up and help keep the peace?

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>a small price to pay to shut everybody up and help keep the peace?
they won't shut up, that will just make them more aggressive in demanding more
and look at Egypt-Isreal, the US literally pays each of them a billion dollars a year to "keep the peace" so they don't go to open war but use their proxies to attack each other

Well, as no one alive today had anything to do with the slavery of black people, we shouldn't owe them anything. Also, doesn't Africa have more slavery than any other continent?

Because niggers are still being sold from nigger land.

We ended it here, not our fault they sold their own kind.


SNAP, TANF, section 8, and countless other local, state, and federal dem programs. They get plenty.

Why should my tax money go to black people? How can we know which were slaves and which werent? What about people like my family, who came over here in 1905? No one in my family tree owned black slaves, we weren't even in the fuckin US at the time.

1. You're retarded. None of those niggers have ever been enslaved
2. You're a faggot. That is giving special financial treatment to a select few niggers associated with the organization.
3.If you look at the Nation of Islam's (main black retribution group/religion) requirements from white America, money won't cut it.

No, you cannot have even more free money- niggers. Nobody alive has ever been apart of slavery, what are you doing to help those in Africa who still are slaves? Nothing. If you really cared so much, BLM would be helping them too.

Now fuck off.

Honest answer, OP: it wouldn't make a difference, because no matter how much we paid in reparations, there'd still be racism and discrimination.

For proof, just look at every other post in this thread.


Yeah that's the reason.

This user is right fucking jews

>pay to shut everybody up and help keep the peace?

Yeah, they won't shut up.

>reparations for slavery

US Law does not allow collective or generational punishment. It became too late to grant reparations the day the last former slave-owner died.

It would be like charging Obama for the bombing of Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

This guy wanted to give them the chance to go back to Africa. I said we reinstate that idea instead.

>why doesnt

Because they already did.

Welfare was among a number of programs that were changed or instituted directly to make reparations for slavery.

>charging Obama for the bombing of Hiroshima or Nagasaki
Well why not? Motherfucker went over there and apologized for it, he obviously thinks it's his fault. Make the bastard put his $ where his mouth is.

>reparations for slavery
Are you retarded? The US doesn't own blacks jack shit, slavery has been commonplace all across the globe for thousands of years, it's thanks to western civilization slavery has been abolished in the first place, now fuck off and go back to school.

>own blacks
owe blacks, Freudian slip etc.

Giving niggers a million dollars would raise the prices of watermelon and fried chicken because buy so much

Because the shitty ghetto ones who "need" it will just waste it on frivolous material goods and remain shitty, the well off privileged ones will just complain that the shitty ones are still doing shitty because of racism and waste their share on african drum circle theory degrees, and the normal ones who are good for society will say "stop wtf are you doing this doesn't help anyone" and will be called uncle toms by the former two.

>Well why not?

US law does not allow collective or generational punishment. Neither does international law. You have to charge perpetrators with crimes and compensate victims. Once they're dead it's too late.

>nb4 but families of homicide victims sometimes get awarded compensation
>FYI, they're counted as direct victims of the crime
>because they are
>great-great-great-grandchildren 150 years later aren't

Because the niggers owe the Whites more.
