YOu're mad black nigger boi ?? :DDXd

YOu're mad black nigger boi ?? :DDXd



How can black niggers even compete?

black bois be mad

>3 individual posters in this thread
>only one of the replies agrees with OP, even jokingly

I think I smell a samefag trying to keep his thread alive.


Also summerfags don't exist. There is no increase in traffic during summer.

>m-moot said it so it must be true!
>moot would n-never lie to me, right?
summerfags are real, believe it or not. the traffic doesn't increase because the anons with common sense leave in preparation.

I think I smell just a plain fag

the only type of people who call others summerfags are summerfags themselves

What was the point of this thread?

To make the blaq boiz jealous. Looks like our work here is done.



This website isn't special anymore. If anything, as time passes... traffic steadily decreases until Sup Forums is merely a memory. So there ya go.


This picture is fake as fuck.



laterally kill yourself


literally kill YOURself bitch.

nice double dubs tho

How do I check the score of a post? Also how can I check my own karma?

Traffic is a poor indicator.
For the same reason a lot of new young kids come in, a lot of older anons go away and aren't on here.

You jelly blackboi?