Is Jesus worthy to lift Mjolnir?

Is Jesus worthy to lift Mjolnir?


To rule Ass Gaurd and the 9 kingdoms?

I doubt it.

>implying any Jew is worthy

The better question is if Thor worthy to lift Jesus

The real question is: Is Mjolnir worthy to be lifted by Jesus?

You might be

Nope. You've got to be a killer as all Norse vikings were.

Mud people charlatans get others to do the heavy lifting.

jokes on you. Jesus is LITERALLY God and therefore co-responsible for every single genocide Jeehawh has committed.

Doesn't the New Testament invalidate the Old? I've never read a lick of the shit.

hop to it then

no, Jesus flat-out says he's not going to change a single jot or letter of the Old Testament
he then goes on to spout pages of shit that's completely in opposition to the OT, so make up your own mind as to what that means

No the NT fulfills the Old Testimates prophesy. The only thing it invalidates is old Jewish laws like animal sacrifice because they were no longer necessary because Jesus sacrificed himself.

>Doesn't the New Testament invalidate the Old

Pft, no. That's something only apologetics and cherrypickers say.

Taking out ANY of the Old Testament makes the New Terstament purely pointless: no original sin, no prophecies, no generations of war and genocides establishing holy lands, and no lineage of prophets.

It would be like taking Krypton out of Superman or the radioactive spider bite out of Spider-Man.

Nah Mjolnir seems to deem worthy people who have "clarity of purpose" and Jesus expressed doubts all through the NT, oh father why hast thou forsaken me, etc.

>he then goes on to spout pages of shit that's completely in opposition to the OT, so make up your own mind as to what that means

OT is about punishment, fear and vengeance used by a wrathful god on beings he didn't full empathize with/understand.

Jesus and the NT is about forgiveness, atonement, end to sacrifice, love, salvation, because Jesus is the link of understanding between God and humanity.

Jesus coming is special in that it changed entirely the bond between God and mankind from one of wrathful punishment to loving salvation.

That's a reason why Jesus is so special to human beings.


Jesus is Thor, its gonna be revealed in THOR 4: RETURN TO NAZARETH

Thor was a god long before Jesus was even born

He's a god-carpenter. He knows how to wield axes, nails, beams and hammers.

>gets nailed to some wood
Did Lucas write the Bible?

the star wars script is my bible

In other words a dude who clearly wasn't the avatar of the same god tries to hijack that god's religion while doing his best to follow its prophecies to claim legitimacy, in other words when he insisted on only having one sword by him towards the end because that's what the OT said.

Animal sacrifices are banned because they can only be performed in the temple on the temple mount and there ain't a temple there anymore.