What u guys think about abortion in general... ?

What u guys think about abortion in general... ?

Nothing wrong with it, my ex girlfriend got a medical abortion

I don't know where General is, but I think it should be done the right way. With a coat hanger.

Also I can't even look after myself so how could I even look after a kid

the world is overpopulated enough. We don't need any more inbred hillbillies like op

I'm about as upset about abortion as I am about someone stepping on a bug.

Okay but what if the woman was raped is she obligated to have the baby?
what if the fetus put in danger the mother's life.

Friendly reminder that america got people who refuses to teach kids about protection, gets angry when they get knocked up, and then refuses to let them abort a child they didn't want and can't take care of.

I think this is one of the exception cases.

It's her fault for being raped.

This faggot is a perfect example of how abortion is badly needed.

You can't get rape babies, silly user.

it's sad but needs to be available.

>anybody who disagrees with me is an inbred hillbilly

Please, tell me more about how you're always right.


yes and then what if then every retarded sluts will accuse someone who did nothing wrong of rape and send him to jail so she can abort?

the only good solution is you can only have sex if you're married

It is a choice which should be legally protected by federal law and which should be regulated by different factors like how the child was recieved (through casual sex, rape, whatever) but also based on how good or bad a child would/could be brought up. If the parents are piss poor or drug addicts, an abortion can't be worse than the childs fate.

Idk, when a very young teen couple does it i understand because they're not stable enough to give the kid a life it deserves. And adoption and foster homes are no way to live either

Only reasons for abortion
>mother in danger
That is about it.

That if it weren't legal, we'd have twice the amount of shit stain nigger babies running around. Abortion protects the tax payers.

And if you feel like it.

Not my problem that parents dont teach kids about sex and protection.

I think that that sign could contain literally anything and I could disagree with it, because that boy has the most punchable face I've ever seen.

People who think a fetus is a sentient creature that can feel pain, or even MATTERS, are stupid.

It is a blob of organic cells that isn't even alive yet. Regardless of what it 'represents', or the fact that it has human genes, it's little more than the dead skin flakes that fall off you every day.

Not really your problem when they get an abortion is it? It's not like they turn the resulting bloody slurry into hotdogs.

Many people are vehemently against abortion - until they (or one of their teenage daughters) become pregnant and want to terminate the pregnancy.

Some kids don't have much to do but hang out and fuck. Seventeen year old parents. Thirty five year old grandparents. The "teach abstinence" crowd owns that demographic.

Fuck. Give the kids condoms and teach them about BC. Remind them that a kid is a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling. Like a tattoo - on your fucking forehead.

We need to make reproductive / health services available and affordable.

Judging by this guy's face, I think the reason he's anti abortion is because he himself was aborted.

So potential means nothing to you. You are just a lump of cells as well

Is murder and should be illegal. Just use freaking condoms or pills.
If you're in this state, sex might be nothing for you at all.
Do you mean humans = bugs?
Protect yourself from rape: by not going out late and by mind and weapon. But rape makes it a little different topic.
It's boths fault.
>only have sex if you're married
Yes, until there, grow up and learn to be able to think for yourself and protect yourself.
Yes, fuck the pic, makes this whole thread quite irrelevant.
>organic cells
Noice science m8, and organic doesn't mean alive?
>dead skin flakes
You are officially retarded.

Made me kek

Well seeing as how they are terminating potential humans, it seems kinda silly to say nothing about it.


Fetuses have masturbatory urges. They respond to stimuli. They have brains, nerves, sensory organs, etc. 20 week old fetuses suck their thumbs. You know, like babies do?

You're a liar, or painfully ignorant, or both.

Can I abort my child support payments?

How old are you ?

I like throwing them at cars. The clinic cuts me a sweet deal because I'm their most regular customer.

I think they're fine, and people should be allowed to get them if they want.

I got one with my ex girlfriend.

It feels kinda shitty for the first few days, but you get over it. It's just our tendency to anthropomorphize everything that makes people object to it. I get that feeling, but it's not a justification for restricting it.

Feel free to ask stuff if you want.

I hate this arguement even though I'm for abortions. It is a bad and overused example. There are exceptions to nearly every law, do you know how simple it could be for a woman to file for rape and then to be able to get clearance for a medical abortion?

I dont think we should restrict it, but we should realize it is murder. Termination of life or the potential of it.

underrated post

Would love to have one night stand with that man. Not too bad looking.
Tell him my anus is ready for him.

The sign in OP's pic's hands is correct. True rape victims should be the only exception.

That's contradictory statement

It isn't murder, and it shouldn't classified as such.

A zygote is not a person, and the destruction of one is a hell of a lot different then murder.


IT DOESNT MATTER.. if you're killing a goddamn fetus. Fetues dont think. They dont see, they dont even talk for cry out load.

Think about it. Fetuses AINT HUMAN.. YEAT. So "killing" them is ok. They dont beg for mercy:

"OMG.. My mom is gong to kill meee... HEEEELP"

Seriosly... how stupid people can be? You really think fetus...is a human being with a cognitive self-conscious? shut the fuck off.

Easy to talk about abortion when you've already been born.

Justify it how you want, but it is still a HUMAN embryo, and you choosing to terminate IT'S life makes you a murderer.

I would vote you for president of murica in a heartbeat.

I would also extend it to if the mother's health was in danger.

Abortions should not only be legalized, but sometimes required.

Abortion has driven blacks down from 14% to 12% in the US. We need more abortions.

Have you ever eaten authentic French cassoulet from Toulouse?

You got aborted?

That too. It's just that plebs who use it as a form of birth control are retards. Either don't have sex in the first place, or use the proper protection.

Would you like a Jelly Baby?

a human fingernail is still human. It is not a person. A human being, with self consciousness, moral capacity, future expectations and a social network of others who would be impacted by their death, is a very different thing to a human fingernail, or a human embryo.

Lol either autist or bait or both. Ignore guys, I mean look at that fcking caps use.

Imagine your mom in a coma, doctor says she has an overwhelmingly good chance of recovery in about 9 months. Just pull the plug right because right now she can't beg for mercy.

>inb4 "i don't like my mom" substitute in human you care about

I've had one in Paris, and Lyon, but not Toulouse, unfortunately.

Heh, location isn't that important. Tried some quenelles in lyon?

A fetus =/= a fingernail you stupid faggot.

That's like saying that if you cut someone's head off, that's not murder, because it was only the head.


>Thinking that an actual grown human being is the same as a zygote

It's an effective method of population control. At our rate of growth we're gonna overpopulate the world and it's only gonna make it worse for everyone else, significantly reducing the quality of life throughout the world.

Look at mudslimes. They fuck like rabbits and pollute the world with sheer numbers. If they could abort their kids (as well as many other things islam restricts them) then they might not have been such a primitive, uncivilized clusterfuck of arabs.

why stop there

How so? Both murder and destroying of a zygote eliminates potential?

You are also a murderer when you eat chicken and melons, stupid donkey.

he is right, but letting the poor and stupid have more babies is bad for everyone. Also up to a certain point, there is really no reason to give a human being any rights, so whatever.

>Do you mean humans = bugs?
There's literally no difference between you and a bug in the grand scheme of things.
You're both two useless beings drifting about on a rock with some sort of "self imposed" meaning.

Yes, actually. The mother of the girl I was with made one one night.

without contraceptives and abortion america would be 5000% a better place

feminism would disappear overnight and women will actually have to think who they sleep with through instead of slutting around to get things handed to them

I look at it like drugs. People will do it regardless if it's legal or not, they might as well be safe about it in a clean room and everything.

I don't see anything wrong with it practically, but it's really hard to justify morally.

I'm alive though, much more than mere potential. 'Potential' is just that - potential, and as such if it doesn't have meaning to the parents, so be it.

I'm planning on nutting inside my fuck buddy this week and I'm gonna make her get in abortion also that guy has a super punch able face

but mom is a fully integrated person ins ociety, with hopes desires and a a past as well as a future - who has in the past been a fully functional human being, and whose life will continue after the coma. An embryo is not a human being in that way. Also, if mom was going to awaken without any memory of her previous lfe, and have to go through years of toilet training and learning to speak and all the things a child does, would that really be mom? would you have any moral connection to that new person? Not your mom, friend or lover anymore - so your analogy fails on both counts.

>What u guys think about abortion in general... ?

All nigger babies s/b aborted

Stupid logic. The fetus isn't anyone's mom. Stop trying to invoke ethos

Used to think that if people were fucking and getting pregnant they should be forced to live with there mistakes.

Now I just don't care

no... free birth control would be an effective method of population control. Large scale abortion is just socially acceptable genocide.

Mandatory govt funded fixing of these people should be done.

Isn't it delicious!

checked, trips of truth!

>Calls me retarded
>Can't even see my point

You're officially retarded also user. It must be fun trying to dictate what others can and can't do with their own responsibilities.

I'm undecided about abortions. There's good and bad to it. The good thing about it is, it's killing kids. On the other hand, it gives women a choice.

I'm all for it. There are already way too many people on this planet as it is.

It is still the destroying of a life. So, i dont care if you get them, just recognize that you snuffed out a life

Bad state.
You have a feeling for a person in coma.
You dont have a feeling for a fetus witch has grown inside a woman for a couple of days.

>Is murder and should be illegal. Just use freaking condoms or pills.

Define murder.

1. All the zygote has is "potential." Which is basically like admitting it isn't valuable yet, but it might be one day.
2. Future potential isn't really what we base murder on. If you kill someone 1 minute before they were going to die anyways, it's still murder.

Wow same fucking logic as


Yea, thats the system they tried to start 10 years ago. Suprise doesn't work

>taking all choices from another human being
a fetes isint even a human, just a cell becoming one, cant take what it dosent have

How about we start actually carrying out death sentences then. Generally people who are FOR abortion tend to be AGAINST the death penalty. Logic isn't their strong point.

The only difference may be, that we think more of ourselves and life, than a little bug does, but you can't argue wether life has a use and meaning or not. So basically any creature has the right to live and has the same worth, but a stronger creature may judge it differently.

Yeah, not bad!

Sex with a French girl is a bit better, though.

Abortion is good. You know why? The people that are getting abortions are the ones that are not ready to be parents, who otherwise would probably do a shitty job of raising children, resulting in even more stupid, lazy, ignorant, disprespecful shitheads to perpetuate the cycle.

Dude, justify it however, a life is being terminated. I dont think abortions should go away, but people need to quit putting up this wall between what they do and what they think. A life was ended, case closed.

you do realize abortion is cool up to 24-28 weeks right? Far fucking past zygote. At 14 weeks, separate heartbeat, voluntary movement and cognitive response starts. I'd be cool if we just backed up what is legal to before 14 weeks.

Then why is it that when a drunk driver kills a pregnant woman, they are charged with TWO COUNTS of manslaughter?

It's nothing on one hand, but on the other it isn't.

i think abortion should be legal as long as the baby isn't able to form a coherent sentence.

Hurr durr Your is officially retarded also also user hue.

>U = invalid.