Help me Sup Forums

Help me Sup Forums
Last night I was beat up by two thugs from my school, so now I need vengeance.
Help me plan it b.

get a baseball bat/hockeystick and go to town on them

Great idea but I don't wanna go to prison

dont be a pussy
you wont go to prison if it seems that they aggravated you

also if youre a pussy do some research on taxus bush poisoning

Steal their bitches

brass knuckles, thats all

Nicotine poisoning maybe?


Fuck off, you piece of shit Dane.

call the cops you idiot

Spist min ven

I offer you peace friend.

What type of taxus? Taxus bucatta?

Hvor er det henne?

Why are Danes pieces of shit?
Yeah think I'm gonna piss them of and beat them in self defense

Become a trap and suck their dicks off.

sedate them, then murder them

Der var en gang en af mine venners venner, som tæskede mig med nogle andre gutter. Dagen efter tog jeg ud til hans hus anonymt, hvor jeg smadrede alle ruderne på hans forældres hus, samt hans forældres bil. Han gjorde den fejl at han var 19 år og boede hjemme, han havde noget han ikke kunne beskytte, ligesom hans venner beskyttede ham.

Gør hvad du vil, du bor i Danmark, selv hvis du bliver fanget er danske fængsler nemmere sammenlignet med ferie resorter.

I Aarhus ano

pony up and get a pistol faggot
>advice your father should give you

Shoot up school

the fact this is on snapchat is proof you deserved that beating. faggot.

stop being a little cunt that people would wanna beat up. It's not that hard

Plant drugs in their lockers and get your friends to testify against them if you have any.

get their sisters pregnant, leave and don't pay a dime in child support.


>implying they have lockers in schools around the world..

hahah hold din kæft din bøsse

Well, OP - you're obviously a beta, so I would suggest taking a knife, and using it on yourself. Remember...Down the street, not across the road.

Actually a sick idea. Grind some weed or shit, so it has a blatant smell. Wear gloves, job done

Why so offensive b. Was beat up by fucking immigrant monkeys.

er de arabik?


get an ar 15 and play shoot em up in school. be careful to only shoot guys, te girls should all survive ideally to improve the male/female ratio in the world

u can make an anonymoux call to xocial xervice xaying their parentx molext them..

btw.. xorry my ... cap ix fucked up..

or inform police of any illegal xtuff they do.

In comparison to them are you bigger by size? Do you do any sports? MMA skills or something like that? If not then pick anything similar to baseball bat/baton and kick the shit out of them then when the police arives act like nothing happened also get a few witnesses to support you if the whole things go to court

Mmm... tgis clods have instagram????

I am the same size as them, I do regular exercise (weights etc.)

Stalk them to know when one is alone and beat him with a baseball bat and a mask (Choose the leader)

Good idea.

depends how dumb they are. if you get bullied by them you might poison your delicious food that you have lying around. if they steal and eat it you won. dont worry, you can put sone stuff in it that will only make them shit or throw up. maybe constipate them for a week so that they have to go to the doctor. maybe kill them, it's all on you.

Did these "thugs" happen to be black? And were you acting like faggot? Yes im assuming to both

wear different clothes than usual, but nothing obnoxious. try to go with a black shirt and blue jeans, some kind of mask you can buy anywhere and the cheapest baseballbat around, dont forget gloves. and dont hit his head or he might forget the pain. hit him in the sides, smash his knees and destroy his fingers. you might try to break his ass-bone, too, will make it hard for him to do anything for a while, not even considering the other injuries

>if you have any
My sides

No I was not a fagot. I was protecting a girl from the leader. He was groping her.


Lmao what is this? Goodfellas? Just take it like a man.

Been watching too many movies, eh kids?

welp, go fond out where they live and burn their house down. i'm pretty sure in denmark most people still live in wooden buildings so that should be easy as pie

real men get even, only pussies let this shit go


Jump them with friends and plant alot of illegal shit on them along with your wallet. Get friends to stick with the story that they pulled out weapons and demanded your money; so you turned the table on them instead.

Look up swatting and do that shit to their homes

If you're under 18 (I assume you are) you won't go to prison.

>Kill yourself in the bathroom of one of said thugs.
>Leave a note blaming them