Sup Forums what kind of rock is this? If it is a rock. I found it near a creek...

Sup Forums what kind of rock is this? If it is a rock. I found it near a creek. I was thinking it was smoothed glass but I'm not sure.

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Flit you fucking idiot.

Fuck off flint

Isn't flint black? Or can it be brown?

Flint. Go make a spear and hunt mammoth.

Its caramel

It's flint, knapp it down into an arrow head.

Trips says stick it up your ass.

Flint can be any color. I've got brown, red, black, grey, white, marbled, and greenish arrowheads.

for fucks sake do you school? That's flint faggot.

flint of this shape is most likely a prehistoric tool. Still, not too uncommon, but a nice find.

Throw it in a fire to see if it burns


Well now I know

Dragon glass you fucks.... everyone knows this...

i dont know but have u tried smonking it


It's a soup rock

See this guy knows...

Yeah if op lives by a fucking volcano, and ive never heard someone call obsidian dragonglass