Sup Forums, I need some advice on weight loss...

Sup Forums, I need some advice on weight loss, Im just a teen in high school and Ive always been slightly over weight and really wanna fix that, what are your tips besides 'just do it' etc. like how often to excerise and what methods.

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bump for interest

same, bump

I have personally lost around 15 pounds in the last few months. My secret has been too eat less. By that I mean eat until you are full but not beyond. As for exercise, a lot of different types work, just doing some will reduce overall hunger. I personally do cardio work but weightlifting would also be sufficient

Well first of all, exercise is only a small part of weight loss. The only thing that leads to weigjt loss is eating at a caloric deficit, or more calories out than in

Go to /fit/ there is a long guide

Eat your calories early in the day, breakfast being your biggest meal, don't eat carbs after 6pm, and replace everything you drink with water

Download a calorie counter

>Burn more calories than you consume/ consume less calories than you burn
>Go to /fit/ and read sticky

Exactly. The fact that so many people dont seem to understand this basic concept is mind-boggling

If your not super active start off small and work your way up

Stop drinking soda
No fast food of any kind that includes subway
You will lose 30 pounds in 3months guranteed.
Then from there it's just exercise
easy peasy

Go to /fit/ but DO NOT browse, just read sticky and get out. That place is fitness cancer, literally only %20 of posters actually know what they're talking about/actually lift.

>remove excessive sugar from diet
>drink mainly water and avoid soda, fruit juice is ok in moderation
>don't eat too many carbs
>avoid junk food
>try to eat 2-3 pieces of fruit a day and 4-7 veg

Ignore all these faggots.

Google Kinobody. Do that. You will lose heaps of weight, get fit, and barely have to exercise (2.5 hours a week roughly, and its EASY exercise).

Good luck user.

eat 1200 calories a day not over,less is fine but dont go lower then 800.
no more soda
no more sugar
no carbs
Eat nothing but chicken and brown rice.

You will lose ~1-2lbs a week.
Excercise if you want. If you dont though, you will reach a plateu where dieting just isnt going to make you lose more weight

>Dropped 400lbs to 250lbs in a year just changing diet(diaabeetus)
Im stuck around 240-260 with slip ups in dieting
Exercise would definatly help to get down to 200lbs, but motivation isnt as easy as downing less food

This, ignore the elevator, fat boy. Get up them stairs.

For those too lazy to google?

intermittent fasting

>High School

thats a long ass read lol

Fasting puts your body in NOM NOM GIMME FATS mode. It is retarded.

Lift weights, squats, bench, deadlift, etc. Follow the stronglifts 5x5 plan. Walk 1 hour a day any day youre not lifting, and try to wslk on lifting days too.

If an hour is too long, walk 30 min.

Went from 230 to a muscular 175. Im 5'10".

you can be 18, and in high school, and still be classified as a teen (^:

Bullshit fad diet.
Don't believe this nigger
Lift weights and eat tuna and chicken

Sauce on gif?

It is, at most, a 16 hour water fast with an 8 hour eating window. Should not put you into starvation mode.

Find a sport you like and JUST DO IT. For me it was mma

If you need motivation, then sign up for a gym. The monthly payments will get you off your ass. Or, at least I did.

Cut sugar
Increase fibre

Lifting burns more calories per minute than cardio, but do some of both anyway

I used to weight lift(i was 300lbs but bulky as a lumberjack) I just feel retarded doing it now, and find the time im doing it in, ackward as fuck.
Not to mention other mental blocks preventing me from being a normal upstanding civillian

In the burbs, all thats around here is mommys baby spin class.

I know a lot of high school's have weights classes. That's how I worked out. I was there one period a day. I mean it was full of jocks that would sit around but I used that hour to get a work out in. Then I would hobo shower in the locker room so I wouldn't smell the rest of the day.

Go on the Gandhi diet. I hear it works miracles.

So, I skateboard and if use this weight machine, think its a boflex or some shit, and just doing that every day or every other day really, eat more protein and a bigger break fast and cut out salt along with over filling dinners and drink hella water, Ill be down to my expected weight by fall?