So without killing and/or cutting up people how exactly would I get to eat human meat?

So without killing and/or cutting up people how exactly would I get to eat human meat?

Help me out Sup Forums

You would probably have to eat a part of yourself from a legal stand point. Or travel to some weird fucking country

steal cadavers from med schools

This. Start small, like with a toe. You can live without a toe, right? Then if you like it, keep going. You can try different parts and report back to us. Also different ways of cooking.

Go for it, op. You'll be a legend.

Suck a dick.

If my husband dies before I do I will eat his flesh that way. Im going to make him write it in his will that he gives me permission to do so.

In parts of Africa, at 14, it's traditional for a boy to be circumcised and later consume said foreskin....

Clone it from a biopsy

just flesh?

Yes. Brains and offal are not to be consumed.

I could see not wanting to eat the kidneys and liver of a human

What about the heart?

Find homeless people who froze to death in the winter before anyone else does.

create a laboratory.
take out a cell of your own muscle tissue
clone it.
grow it in vats and find a way to exercise it
eat with impunity, and offer it to others
its called "Wendy Meat" from the mind of Rudy Rucker. great business idea there.

Heart sounds okay actually. It is quite delicious in other animals like cows and deer.

Invite the door knocking faggot Mormons in to your house and stab one. Meat for like a year.

You could eat some of your own body parts.

He said without killing anyone you idiot can't you read?

Nailed it.

mormons aren't people

Then why will they be reported as missing and whoever killed them will be caught and charged with murder?

There is not meat on fingers and toes. It's all just sinew pulled by mussels further down the foot or hand.

So you wouldn't really taste human flesh, only skin.


Actually you will likely be institutionalized if found out.

>tug mussels

one of you suicidal fucks should let me eat you

Doubt it and it would only be a quick stay of a few days to a week on a psych floor of hospital.

without having too decapitate one of your limbs, perhaps you best way to do is to download tor or some other program as such, then search the dark web for what you're looking for.

Armin Meiwes pls go.

OP is sick in the head, but not enough to eat a dirty bum... cmon man, common sense...

not OP, but I just

Probably stealing some meat from cadavers.

Like when someone dies in a car crash that's not too gory and they put the body on ice fast enough, it would probably be quite edible.

I know for a fact that when you slaughter a pig on a cold-ish day (like 10C at max) and don't refrigerate the meat for like half - 3/4 of a day nothing terrible is going to happen to it and it's perfectly edible. I but human meat is similar.

Befriend some coroner and wait for the winter and live somewhere with a lot of car crashes.

you would still have to cut them up..

2/10 try harder faggot