When will you stupid millennial Democratic liberals decide to use your brains?

When will you stupid millennial Democratic liberals decide to use your brains?

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What's the question?

Democratic liberal millennial ignorance is not what this country needs.

Why aren't you conservative?

When will you stop being a slave to divisive nonsense?

People can decide/will use their brains regardless of whether they're "left" or "right". To think otherwise is as stupid as those who have succumbed to being drones.

Now I'm really confused... I am conservative, but I don't pretend to be intelligent, it's just not one of my traits.

I'm a millennial and I'm basically racism level over 9000.

using it just fine.

Also. Enjoy the Olympics!!

Not acknowledging distinctions is the antonym of intelligence. There are patterns within sociodemographic groups


But even that is better than liberalism, because you recognize that there tends to be more truth in moderation

Pfft, you're just jelly gen X because you never got any trophies.

Liberals contain the intellectual class (professors, academic fellows, researchers, the majority of academia... frequently the artists as well). Whenever there is a purge by a right-wing/authoritarian dictatorship, the intellectuals are always the first to go... Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, just about every dictatorship started with a purge of the intellectuals, many of whom re-located to areas like the US, Canada, Western Europe.

It's always the conservatives who chase out intelligent people who see through their propagandistic bullshit. Happening right now, in the US, actually...

Im just gonna stroke my dick like I set out too when I was 4,it has worked so far.
What are millenials and how do the exist if the do not use their brains,are the like dead or what,do you want zombie rise thingy ?

Not true. You cannot equate liberalism to the intellectual class. Nor can you equate conservatism to tyrannical figures. Conservatives recognize value of education as much as liberals do, but are more pragmatic about their approach to future endeavors. Stalin was also bred from radical liberal teachings.

They may as well be zombies


If you're so smart, how come you're constantly getting chased out of countries?


Now come on, that's assume what he said was true, which it isn't. You're better than that.

A lot got kicked out because of them being a threat to the stability of tyrannical regimes

Do you even trophy bro?

>there are patterns
Great. So, if I acknowledge that people such as
are capable of existing on "both sides of the spectrum", but initially seem like anecdotes due to generalizations, popular confirmation bias, symptoms of urbanization, anomie, and a sort of bystander effect, does this suggest intelligence? For anyone?

How often do silent majorities speak?

It seems disingenuous to make assumptions/decidedly form conclusions about each child set, simply because the first few passes/observations concerning sociodemographic groups presents you with data that seems to paint a favorable picture- make another pass with the data you can very much collect. I'd rather less people forced conclusions to better suit their favorite perspective, or to better make their beliefs convenient.

We would see more intelligent/capable people come out of the woodwork, instead of falling prey to bad behavioral patterns, mantras, slogans, nicknames... anything that remotely shuts down someone's mind in favor of eliciting "responses" and "action".
I'd agree with this... except for the fact that it seems to be trying to drive a narrative not dissimilar from

There are more dimensions than simple a X Y axis to describe political systems.

Authoritarian vs libertarian is the Z axis. Radical leftists (Mao, Stalin) have been as authoritarian as the far-right wing (Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito).

Still, we're talking about TODAY, and in today's America, the Republican party (and to a lesser extent, the conservative movement) have been infected by a gnarly version of anti-intellectual that causes people to not care about truth, to not seek the truth, and to have a distrust of experts, academics and intellectuals. These people supported Bush, Palin and now Trump.

"I go with gut..."

A good read: psychologytoday.com/blog/wired-success/201407/anti-intellectualism-and-the-dumbing-down-america

When will OP stop sucking cocks?
When will OP stop bring a quisling class traitor?
When will OP stop shit posting?

Just takin a piss in the old waterbucket

Because we are largely peace-loving, non violent, and with the means to leave.... hence, when the shit hits the fan, we leave.

Sorry, I like globalization and do not want to be shot back to a dark ages era where I cannot leave my home country, I never see anyone but people identical to me in background, and I don't have airtravel, travel ability, the internet, etc anymore.

Also read history once in a while. This populist "IMMIGRANTS BAD, WE MUST GO BACK TO BETTER TIMES, COMRADE" type shit has occured before, usually due to an economic spike down which is then taken advantage of by a demagogue to push that a popular issue is the cause of it all

>not care about truth, to not seek the truth, and to have a distrust of experts, academics and intellectuals

What you're describing is known as "old people" and they happen to go vote regularly while you younguns sit around and complain about how it's pointless because all the candidates are horrible. How did brexit happen? Old people. How did Trump happen? Old people.

Now who's the dumbass?

Young people often don't care about primaries, which is why victory in a primary is not precursor to a guarantee win of a general election. Trump fans seem to not get this.

Excellent article

>I like globalization and do not want to be shot back to a dark ages era where I cannot leave my home country

I don't think you realise the influx of Muslim refugees and "super great globalization" is literally throwing Europe back into the dark ages. Many EU countries will become third-world tier in the coming years

>read a history book
Oh, you mean books that have severe lib bias and are not 100% accurate?