I had his wart since I was 5 I am now 18 fuck

I had his wart since I was 5 I am now 18 fuck

looks like a callous or something not a wart.

But I had it sprayed off since I was 5 numerous times and it stays

You have that from opening too many juice bottles(coke, fanta etc...) you fat piece of shit :))

Thats a callous stupid. God... I have them on my hand because im a drummer.

So how do I get rid of it


No closer here's a closer look

Aloe in it each day for a week or two. Aloe breaks down the stuff that grows to become a callous. Google "aloe."

Get a knife and scrape that fucker off.

Well you should tell him to take it back because his penis must be missing it

rip it off and let the skin grow back, I did it before

well theres usually 2 ways to go about it, make it rot so your immune system acknowledges there's to cure or kill the bacteria directly.

my hands are always dry!

warts grow in a cone shape so you'd better dig deep enough, post results pls

Bad joke

Take a nail and old it with pliers over a flame from a lighter for at least three minutes. Once its good and hot, just jam it into the wart. Repeat. It will hurt like a motherfucker and you'll have a scar for a few months, but the wart will be gone

Cured a wart I had for about 6 years on my thumb

My results? From when I did it as a kid? Pretty good, still got one left though. Try a dog bite, it cleared it up for me like nothing else.

Moisture your shit nigga, shits gonna crack.


Hey dude so no joke i had this wart on the side of my hand forever and ever...one day I put my hand in my pocket and when I pulled it out it ripped right off and never grew back. Didn't bleed or anything. Keep your chin up you never know!

Had three warts, two here and one on my pinky. I stuck duct tape on it for a few days until it became soaked and pruny like after you've been in water for a long time, then got drunk as fucking fuck and dug the faggots out with nail clippers.

You have to go to a specialist dude I had them on my feet took a long time to get rid of them but theyre gone
>lesson don't go swimming in public pools

It's been awhile then.... Get over it