What's his problem?

What's his problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


He took the red pill.

He founded Sup Forums, thinks he's the true son of God, believes it's literally all AYYs, and that the sun burning your skin is incredibly good for you.

Not his fault the lizardmen are after him


They're not lizardmen, they're shapeshifters that come here for all the gold we've got in Africa.

This is what David Icke actually believes.

The Jon Ronson documentary where he gets pied in the face > anything Louis Theroux ever did

Wasn't he a football commentator, went insane on national television, and now thinks he's literally Jesus?

He has no problem. He found a good schtick to make money off him. He only has to convince about a million people worldwide to to believe his lies to make a comfortable living. Good for him.

I don't think he's lying. In the sense that I don't think he's aware that he's wrong.

I think he's suffered some sort of mental breakdown, perhaps had some interesting internal crisis, and achieved some half-baked realization.

The problem with his views is that he's drawing lines between a lot of dots that aren't there, and you kinda' have to squint a little to see each line.

He's a weird guy, and he's probably nuts, but I don't think he's purposely lying to people. I think he thinks he's right.

>He found a good schtick to make money
I don't think so. He destroyed his successful career as a sports correspondent and can't make any media appearances without being made fun of. He gets by on his books and talks but he could be doing better in his old job and with more credibility.

Pretty much, the "going insane" bit was an interview he did with Terry Wogan where he first explained his beliefs publicly and said he was "part of the godhead" which is where people get the Jesus bit from. I can't find the interview anywhere (only the later one which is boring) so I'm guessing he took legal acion against it.

Ah well, that's too bad.

I honestly don't mind these really hardcore conspiracy nuts. As long as people see it as entertainment, and not something to base their entire lives on, I don't see a problem with people like David.

He got cucked by a Reptoid.

It was the ayahuasca.

David Icke did ayahuasca and met Credo Mutwa and went full Life-Is-Literally-V-The-TV-Show-Mode. I'm convinced his obsession with inbreeding bloodlines influenced J.K. Rowling and "mugbloods" in Harry Potter.

It's the same reason James Scott quit Days of our Lives, after doing ayahuasca.

Apparently Lindsay Lohan, Sting and Penn Badgley have all done it too.

Apparently in the film While We're Young, Naomi Watts plays a character who experiences ayahuasca.

You can also see Chelsea Handler and two of her friends do ayahuasca on Chelsea Does Drugs on Netflix.

The documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule hosted by Joe Rogan on Netflix is all about DMT, the psychoactive molecule in ayahuasca (which combines a DMT-containing vine Banisteriopsis caapi with Psychotria viridis leaves which are an MAO inhibitor which makes DMT orally active). That movie is a fucking trip. The book is better though.

Reptilians. (Actually Jews)

He's backed by jews.

He's lying m8

he just gathers all the conspiracy theories in the UK and ties them all together in a secretive lizard cult being behind it all

1) he does it for the money
2) he does it to discredit conspiracy theories as being insane to normal people
3) he does it to hide the realistic conspiracies going on in the world,

Oh I reversed that. The vine has the MAOI and the leaves have the DMT.

DMT is also a naturally occurring psychoative molecule produced in trace amounts in the human body (some would argue produced in the pineal gland).

And where's your evidence for this? I mean, if we pretend to hold him up to that standard, the least you can do is be held to the same, right?

I feel for him you know, how the fuck are you supposed to take down an inter-dimensional species of beings that have effectively wrestled control of our Universe and subjected the Planet to a form syncro-holographic brainwashing?

The guy must feel like Gordon Freeman at the start of Half-Life 2

Turquoise pill*

He is the Gordon Freeman of reality.

I read somewhere that he's actually a hippie. He's big into the green party and shit.

If that doesn't damage a man beyond repair, nothing will.


I'm convinced that Republicans (and the Right) are simply the people who have done the least drugs in their life (alcohol and cocaine don't count).

That's probably not too far from the truth.

They're the politicians not damage enough to sound too goofy yet.

What followed was what Icke calls his "turquoise period." He writes that he had been channelling for some time, and had received a message through automatic writing that he was a "Son of the Godhead," interpreting "Godhead" as the "Infinite Mind." He now began to wear only turquoise, which he saw as a conduit for positive energy. He had met Deborah Shaw, an English psychic living in Calgary, Alberta, in August 1990, and after he returned from Peru, they began a relationship, which led to the birth of a daughter in December 1991. At one point, Shaw moved in with him and his wife. Shaw changed her name to Mari Shawsun, while Icke's wife became known as Michaela, which she said was an aspect of the Archangel Michael. They became known in the press as the "turquoise triangle."

In March 1991, a week after he resigned from the Green Party—and shortly after his father died—the three of them held a press conference to announce that Icke was a son of the Godhead. He said the world would end in 1997, preceded by a number of disasters, including a severe hurricane around the Gulf of Mexico and New Orleans, eruptions in Cuba, disruption in China, a hurricane in Derry, and an earthquake on the Isle of Arran. Los Angeles would become an island, New Zealand would disappear, and the cliffs of Kent would be under water by Christmas. He told reporters the information was being given to them by voices and automatic writing.

He wrote in 1993 that he had felt out of control during the press conference. He heard his voice predict the end of the world, and was appalled. "I was speaking the words, but all the time I could hear the voice of the brakes in the background saying, 'David, what the hell are you saying?'". His predictions were splashed all over the next day's front pages, to his great dismay.

Can Ickeposting become a thing?


*takes off specs*

Let me tell you what's wrong with Mr. David Icke. To put it simply, he's only problem is that he's honest. That's it. That's all. Satisfied? Good. Now run along and join the other sheep. Bye. Bye!

*sits there*

Oh, you're still here? Good, you've passed the test. The truth is yes, David IS too honest, but he's merely guilty of telling TOO much truth. Alright, picture this- you're walking through the English countryside and atop a hill you witness a ship, a ship not of the world. Through seeing this ship you are showed things- wondrous things. Now, up until this moment you're just a normal bloke. You drink on the weekend, take a punt of a skirt now and again, have a joke and a smoke and generally get on with your life. But this moment changes the entire paradigm. It's something you genuinely never thought possible, but guess what? It happened. It happened and it can't unhappen. Deal with it.

So what do you do? That's the million dollar question, right? What do YOU do? Do you keep it to yourself? Sure, that would make things much easier, but why do that? Why keep it to yourself? Why do something simply because you're in fear of stepping out of the small, narrow box that society has put you in? That's the definition of, to use a muhc used modern phrase, a cuck. Yes, a cuck.

At the end of the day David Icke is, at the very least, not a cuck. That's something he has over most people here. And that, I think, is something that must be said.

Now, I'm not saying that all Jews are Reptilians, but I am saying that all Reptilians are Jews.

Most people who have a psychotic break end up medded up burnouts for the rest of their lives, or fast food workers with thousand yard stares at best. I'd say Icke did pretty well to turn it into a viable career that he can support himself with.

Is this the newest meme? Can we call it "Icking"?

They should force all presidential candidates to do ayahuasca.

Yes. It shall be called "Icking"


There's that interview I was looking for!

You're right, they just fuck kids and have secret pagan orgies instead

I wish David Icke would write science-fiction/fantasy books. He has that spark for uniqueness that makes him interesting to listen to, even if he spouts nonsense.


You do realise that Mr. Icke has written several books and is not just a lecturer?

Interesting, I read he had a weird spiritual experience, makes sense that with DMT involved he'd go off the deep end.

Icke's books are ostensibly non-fiction.

What Icke does is basically weave every conspiracy theory into one Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory of Everything.

em try reading his books , he speaks lots of decent truth BUT its mixed with all sorts of stupid shit.

What if he's right?

we're fucked

Yeah, nah. It's all bullshit, bro. Just like Alex Jones. He may half-believe his nonsense, like Jones, but in the end it's all a money-making scheme. Trust me.

How come when Robert Anton Wilson does the same thing it's acceptable?

Yes but see, it's problematic because he claims they're 100% the truth.

Paranoid schizophrenia

Princess Di died (I think Icke argues she was murdered in some sort of ritual blood sacrifice).

>David Icke literally unironically presents nine-hour long lectures

wew lad

Tolkien claimed the Red Book of Westmarch was real.

Robert Anton Wilson promoted agnosticism about everything.

>Guerilla ontology is a practice described by author Robert Anton Wilson in his 1980 book The Illuminati Papers as "the basic technique of all my books. Ontology is the study of being; the guerrilla approach is to so mix the elements of each book that the reader must decide on each page 'How much of this is real and how much is a put-on?'"

>The goal of guerrilla ontology is to expose an individual or individuals to radically unique ideas, thoughts, and words, in order to invoke cognitive dissonance, which can cause a degree of discomfort in some individuals as they find their belief systems challenged by new concepts.

>The ultimate goal of guerrilla ontology is to promote positive brain change and new ways of experiencing and adapting to reality.[citation needed]

I don't think Prometheus Rising or Cosmic Trigger is considered "non-fiction", but I could be wrong.

In contrast, Icke seems pretty set in his "reality tunnels."

I tried sitting through one, but I only got 3 hours in before I had to drop it. That said, he was going into crazy shit.




Yes, and Tolkien is a fantasy author, so no one believes its real.

What does belief have to do with the topic under discussion?

I sat through his 8-hour one. It was named something about the Lion Awakening or some shit.

He's actually a pretty good speaker.

That being said, you have to take the guy with a spoon of salt.

I'm sure he's on to something every now and then, like the prison of the mind and the social structures that bind us to follow laws that don't really exist and such.

Though the next second is life is The Matrix: Literally.

Icke basically writes science-fiction and fantasy, but claims it's all real.

One of my favorite theories of his is "moon mind", how the moon is a space station controlling people's minds.

David Icke certainly is a great speaker, I agree. I remember I watch a 6 hour lecture of his, he has some great insights into subjectivity and the perspective of things, but to me he's like a broken clock: he's only correct some of the time, and incorrect most of the time. He does say a lot of interesting things, mind you, and he certainly does give interesting presentations.

maybe it is, how the fuck would you know?

icke is a paid dis-info shill.

if you read all his books you will see.

alex jones USA vs david icke UK

He talks a lot of sense on many subjects and sees a lot of what is wrong with the world, but once he gets to the shape shifting lizard stuff he loses me. He's had spiritual or mystical experiences, probably drug induced, that I've never had so can't really understand. He's like other people like David Shayler who seems to have this deep insight on society and its fundamental flaws but also literally does believe he's the incarnation of Christ.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't (it probably isn't).

But just the thought gives people another reason to be paranoid and fear.

A lot of Icke's theories are scary. And yet he goes on and on about how it's the reptoids that want people to fear, and that people have to make a choice between love and fear (like in Donnie Darko).

Besides, a lot of DMT users (and Icke has done DMT) believe that aliens are not to be found "out there", but "in here."

It raises the question, if Icke met entities while on DMT (and encountering entities on DMT is an extremely common experience), how did he know he could trust them? How did he know they weren't demons? I think Icke makes a point to say that humanity's concept of devils and demons are based on reptoids.

Icke spends a lot of time trying to make regular people question their perceptions, and yet it's questionable if Icke has ever actually questioned his own perceptions while under the influence of DMT.

I LIKED HIS BOOK and 9-hour chatathon where he basically rips off the plot of "the matrix" movie.

He is certainly an articulate speaker, and he actually treads into interesting ideas about perception, but the philosophy is fused together with insane conspiracies and a mish-mash of spiritualist beliefs. He's like a crazier Deepak Chopra. Deepak has some genuinely interesting points about traditional medicine and pantheism but he seamlessly mixes them up with mystic bullshit, and like Icke he does long rambling speeches where he touches on 5000 ideas combined with his mysticism, which makes it very difficult to decode what the fuck he's saying. So with both of them, there are followers who accept everything they say, and skeptics to reject everything.

Honestly, I think he's the modern day equivalent of the mystics of the ancient world. The idea that the material world is a corrupted illusion and only the spiritual world is real, is a really old belief and one often expressed by historical mystics and yogis.

You can see in the Wogan interview he doesn't question them, he genuinely believed that Saddam Hussein was dead in 1991 because these entities told him and they're never wrong.

do you think icke all these ideas are mr ickes ???

also do you think he writes the whole books himself?

He was an accomplished sports journalist, so he can write well.

Icke borrows ideas from all kinds of people. It's hard to tell which of them are wholly original.

He'll say V the TV show was pretty much spot-on, and The Matrix was pretty much spot-on, etc.

So he weaves these pop culture things into his conspiracy theories. And if someone is familiar with those shows, it can make Icke's theories seem even more intriguing.

Icke basically goes "What if the Matrix was real?" and then goes on to say "I'm telling you that it is real" and blah blah blah your mind is in a prison yadda yadda yadda and just lists off reems and reems of conspiracy theories and ends by saying God is love and God is the only thing that exists so whatever just forget about all the scary stories I just told you.

That's always bothered me about people who hear voices.

Why do they believe them?

When someone says "this voice was telling me to eat the guy's face off." Why do they follow them? Why do they trust them?

I think that's in the realm of "command hallucinations" and schizophrenia though. (There are even people that believe that all of humanity was schizophrenic until about 5,000 years ago.)

I think he's doing an AMA on ATS today!

He's like the David Wilcock of metaphysics instead of pseudoscience, and he doesn't have a sixhead either.

his forum was pretty good until a few years ago , its really boring now, the moods are some of the worst on the internet, absoulutly no bad talk about david icke allowed.
There was some bad blood too over at the ickefoums with his ex head cult leadr Sean Adl-Tabatabai, a former friend of David's who used to help run his business. But by the tone of it, you can clearly see that Sean has turned vehemently against David and now deeply dislikes him

>there are people on Sup Forums who sincerely listen to David Icke.



They won't stop until you do as you're told.

its great when high user.

Like you said, it's probably mental illness. A lot of people think there's a clear diving line between totally sane and totally insane, but there isn't. You can have seemingly articulate people who function mostly normally like Icke, but he's still someone who hears voices and thinks they're the godhead.

It's not quite the same, but my experience of clininal depression lead me to believe in all the depressive thoughts I had about everyone hating me, despite the lack of evidence. An incredibly strong instinctive feeling can easily overcome rational thought, especially if you have mental problems and can't change those feelings even when thinking rationally about them.

And not to sound anti-religion but there are religious people who have the same experiences, the only difference I see is that their beliefs are codified, so they have a more stable structure to interpret their experiences with. I've heard many Christians say things along the line of "no amount of logical thought can explain it, I just know". Plus the idea of revealed truth is very attractive.

So people like David Icke are a blend of mental illness and normal religious-type thought, not as abnormal as they're made out to be but still full of rubbish.

Reptilians is real. Jews are like a hybrid specie. They got like bigger mouths and shit. Look into it.

I gave up on the fourums when icke started promoting his sons hipster indie rock band.

his son is now a mod

I'd let them be reptilian with me.

Jews are the problem son, watch and learn something he talks in code

Lizardmen means jews you autist think about it for a second you marvelfed faggot

He doesn't believe Jews are a part of any conspiracy that matters.

the prison wardens of the fourth dimension.


He argued in >The Biggest Secret> that human beings originated in a breeding program run by a race of reptilians called Anunnaki from the Draco constellation.

hmmmm now where have I read that before???

>fourth dimension

You mean the Three Five Double Zero Parsec Interception, you fucking Philistine.

The Turquoise-Painted-Black Warriors of the Lum Field are the Wardens of the Fourth Dimension.


He cites the Oklahoma City bombing and the September 11 attacks as examples of events organised by the Global Elite

someone needs to pic related for Icke, he'd be perfect.

>Trump wins American presidency

Icke for next president?

Louis Theroux cautioned in 2001 that it might not only be unfair to Icke to allege that he is associating Jews with the Global Elite, but it also lends a seriousness to ideas that would otherwise not deserve it.[68] Icke said it was "friggin' nonsense" that his reptiles represented Jews. "There is a tribe of people interbreeding," he told Jon Ronson in 2001, "which do not, do not, relate to any Earth race ... This is not a Jewish plot. This is not a plot on the world by Jewish people".[69]

if Icke became the Prime Minister of Britain he'd probably abolish the position and crown himself Mantle of New Angleland, his first order of business being an absolute purge of the Tories, the House of Lords and all of the Royal Family. All profits from British corporatism will be confiscated and poured into the official Angleland Interdimensional Pyrodome, which he will build for Earth's population and take to the far reaches of the Universe to meet the Lizard overlords on a fair battlefield among the constellations.

>still pushing this old hag

what hairstyle is this

>pic related

well he'd have my vote.

Icke Prime in our lifetime?
I hope so.

Barkun sees Icke's behaviour as actively trying to cultivate the far right. In 1996, Icke spoke to a conference in Reno, Nevada, alongside opponents of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act—which mandates background checks on people who buy guns in the United States—including Kirk Lyons, a white nationalist lawyer who has represented the Ku Klux Klan.[46]

Barkun argues that the relationship between Icke, the militias, and the Christian Patriots is complex because of the New Age baggage Icke brings with him, and he stresses that Icke is not actually a member of any of these groups, but he has nevertheless absorbed the world view of the radical right virtually intact. "There is no fuller explication of its beliefs about ruling elites than Icke's," he writes.[75] Icke regards Christian patriots as the only Americans who understand the truth about the New World Order, but he also told a Christian patriot group: "I don't know which I dislike more, the world controlled by the Brotherhood, or the one you want to replace it with."[76]

The irony of it all is he is that every year he looks more and more like a lizard.