Give me some good ideas to humiliate this whore i will post and time stamp my fav

give me some good ideas to humiliate this whore i will post and time stamp my fav

Slap her ass with your dick

Throw boiling water at her

Blackface her.



First thing she needs to do is whip out those fat ass titties

Tits or GTFO

I hate niggers. fuck your fat mother in the ass op. jesus fucking nigger christ.

now come on guys i like blackface so far

Fuck her face fam. Like...serious drilling. You can also feed her food in a dog bowl

That's not her

yes it is fucktard she is in my living room now i think i know my bitch bro

take a giant shit on her fat nigger tits.

Time stamp

prove it faget


op is googling images of naked fat niggers

my bitch bros i am not lying

Cum in her hair

Or face


Why does she has a tattoo on her breast and not tin the first pic ?

because thats an older pic i have lots with out the tat

Pic of the pussy
