If you crack this you get a million dollars first hint:

If you crack this you get a million dollars first hint:
Translate morse to binary.
....- .---- -.... ....- --... -.... / ..--- ...-- ..--- --... ..--- .---- / .---- ----. .---- .---- --... --... .---- .---- ..... -....

Fake and gay

Hahah really funy asshole

translates to "416476 232721 1911771156"
Can't figure anything else though...


Put the numbers to English, 1= a 2 =b etc

00110100 00110001 00110110 00110100 00110111 00110110 00100000 00110010 00110011 00110010 00110111 00110010 00110001 00100000 00110001 00111001 00110001 00110001 00110111 00110111 00110001 00110001 00110101 00110110

ill take that money in euros hahahah

It said first hint



it came out as

opisaf aggoto pisafaggot

New hint please

I'm not you are bitch

fucking faggot when you start a new thred LINK TO IT IN THE OLD
and now I want some hints

sound pretty insecure there buddy

Take the binary put it to English then after doing that Fidel around with the viginere ciphere that's half of it

Take the binary and put it to English after doing so Fidel around with the vigerenere ciphere

>viginere ciphere
The binary isn't going into ASCII, so what the hell are we supposed to do then? Unicode?

This could be a homophonic cipher, which in this case we're fucked.

fuck off I abandon

artant evener ...

converts to )@L M 8 if put into decimal

The numbers you get from the the binary put to English 1= a 2b etc that help

7/6/2016 paypal:[email protected]

Its the date

1=a 2b...?

Damn it you are all fags
Take the morse code
Put it into binary
Translate the binary to English
You will get numbers
Then put those numbers into English 1= a 2= b etc
Then after you do that Fidel around with the viginere ciphers code word for viginere ciphers starts with s

Dumbfuck, that doesn't work because the numbers exceed 26. For fuck sakes. Even separating numbers into pairs dosen't work.

41 64 76 23 27 21 19 11 77 11 56

Ill be taking my payment now?

what's a viginere cipher??

The info I released was only half

Morse code already is binary you cuck

A numeric password to shift each character in alphabet

Am I wrong then?

With what?

Is it the date of your mass shooting?

Easier to translate to ASCII if it's in Binary form.

After converting to HEX, then ASCII, I got this.



what about
>morse to binary
>binary to english
>numbers obtained to op's method
>op's method to ascii

Is it the date? 7/6/2016 paypal: [email protected]

You spaced it out weird

And maybe time? Its kinda short


Okay done all the Cypher stuff what now??


How else am I supposed to space it? Show me.

If you're done, post the results with your paypal.

Correction: Paypal email. Nothing more.

I'm going to tell you morse to English
Then numbers to English a=1 b =2
Then viginere cipher
No ascii no dates The code key for viginere ciphers is spa...

416476 232721 1911771156 gets into dafdgf bcbgba aiaaggaaef, which gets into 100 097 102 100 103 102 032 098 099 098 103 098 097 032 097 105 097 097 103 103 097 097 101 102 if converted in ASCII, am I doing this right OP?

what is viginere ciphers?

You space it like this

Its your birthday paypal: [email protected]

Google it

Use quotes next time to not confuse.

No it's a confession

You are going to not give the money BOOM I WIN paypal: [email protected]

You have a fantasy to be stepped on while she is taking a shower and using you like the scummy bath mat you are. [email protected]

Your right about what it gets turned into but type it into the viginere ciphers spaghetti is the key word

You are a faggot. [email protected]

Qauds of truth

Im going to kill my self now

No ascii why do people keep trying ascii

That's not me stop making it look like me

[email protected] is now on a watchlist

416476 232721 1911771156
dafdgf wbgu skggkef

On the right way?


Fuck you all I'm leaving if anyone figured it my google hangouts name is outcast I have a rainbow panda as my profile pic

Caesar's cypher

I used Spaghetti for the key word for
>dafdgf wbgu skggkef
Which turned into...
>llfxzb diyc dkazglm

Now what?


I know it it says

Thats the truth truth

My google hangouts email is [email protected]
I'm seriously leaving this time

If anyone wants me, I'll be in my hangout: [email protected]

No don't go fuck who will help me the op is gone

AAAH It's lady sina avgadam!

I don't know shit and we were probably close

wtf, I got that to but I didnt know who it was.


go on pictures then you know....