Hey Sup Forums how should I kill myself?

Hey Sup Forums how should I kill myself?

Candlestick in the ballroom.

time travel and kill your own father

I don't own a ballroom
Just myself not my siblings

Drink 5 gallons of water in an hour

With a frisbee

Hold your breaf

lock a chain tightly around your neck.
climb a tree real high.
secure chain.

>implying Colonel Mustard owns a ballroom

It's easier to climb a tree with a rope around your neck, jackass

Time and the existential thought of eventuality.

Just lock yourself in your basement and board up all the windows and shit and wait.

Climb the Empire State building until WWI-era biplanes shoot you down

Wait a very long time.

Call an exterminator


I want to kill myself as well.

Concurrent student (High school/college same time)

Probably wont pass summer semester

Start football on monday (hate it)

I'm thinking my rifle will blow my brains onto the ceiling. My parents will find it, Them mess won't be my problem anymore.

I hate myself, why can't I just die, but I don't want to die, but I do, I hate myself, I want to off myself.

Get on meds, brah.

Strap on a bomb vest and go to a Hillary rally

I did, but if I missed a day I'd be the angriest person alive. Weaned myself off them.

Just suffer in silence until death claims me.


(Im kidding btw dont actually do this)

There's this thing I made that I've always wanted someone to do. It's Called SpongeDeath. Basically you watch all the Spongbob episodes back to back without eating sleeping or drinking. If you survive, shoot yourself.

I did, he didn't help me, he tried, but I was too much of a coward to really tell him the shit that happened in my life.

That's retarded. How the fuck hard is it to not miss a day?

There's this thing I made that I've always wanted someone to do. It's Called SpongeDeath. Basically you watch all the Spongbob episodes back to back without eating sleeping or drinking. If you survive, shoot yourself. :) good luck fag

Inhale helium for an hour


Semesters are 9 months crammed into 5 weeks.

Find ways to live, otherwise, fucking RIP.