Dubs decide my new hobby

Dubs decide my new hobby
anything stupid/ unrealistic will not be accepted

Become an Otaku faggot

Dildo connoisseur

start sucking dick

What are you expecting us to say, exactly? You collect stamps now? You paint model planes?

make and sell friendship bracelets

Meme maker. Supply us you fag


You tube creator, link channel

Wrong. I gave someone two rewarding hobbies that are neither stupid or unrealistic.

Writing episodical adventure/survival stories.
Alternatively, Set up a stand in your neighborhood, saying " WIll help elderly with whatever they need for free today" every friday and sunday. Learn how to be handy and build some stamina.

Ham radio operator

Collect one type of car from hotwheels and only that 1 type of car.
Don't try to collect them all because you never will.
Stick to 1 car and find different variations of it.

warhammer 40k say good bye to your wallet

fuck, so close

dat attempt at reverse psychology.

Volunteer at an animal shelter.

Leaf collecting

toy trains

start playing guitar

toy trains!

Pipe smoking.

Profesional fgt

Playing Magic The Gathering


You are now a pony collector

Always trust dubs trusting dubs in a dubs decide thread.

Become the vape lord