No boipucci thread? Boy pussy thread! OC welcome

No boipucci thread? Boy pussy thread! OC welcome









COME IN HERE FAGGOTS! Stop lurking. Bump





sage and die of AIDS


>LGBT is sfw








So what's up with the whole spelling pussy with 2 C's and an I anyway?

No idea. Just sounds more boyish?




Same thing as doge
Some ppl don't know if it's pronounced doesh or doggy
Could be pussy or poochie
I don't it's pronounced boy-pussy but I like to say poochie in my head

I know it's pronounced*

It's cult think. Spell something differently and it somehow changes the meaning or flavour of the word into something unique while still retaining the original meaning. It's stupid fetishists trying to make being gay "cool".

I say poochie in my head too. It ain't pussy. ITS PUCCI! Sweeter than honey and softer than charmaine...


Really? I kind of mentally pronounce of pucky [Puh-key].
