One day you have to wake the fuck up and realize money isn't everything

One day you have to wake the fuck up and realize money isn't everything.

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It's only about 99% of everything I know

one day you will realize money IS everything.
you need it for literally everything. even basic survival depends on money.

the world doesnt run on farts and love alone you poorfag.

the sooner you start hustling to make money, the better life you will have.

I don't need money. The is more than one way to interpret that sentence.

There is*

yes. you do need money
or else you can live on the streets and die from getting bitten by a rat.

Again not understanding what I'm saying. I don't need money as in I have enough. The post was actually meant as if you do have enough... Then share. Too many greedy assholes in this world.

>I have enough
how much do you make a year?

In Soviet Russia, rat die from being bitten by you.

also, sharing just enables lazy people to be even lazier.

That's none of your business

Try putting food on the table and a roof over your head without it.

does it even matter, this place is anonymous dude.
im trying to see what you consider "enough"

True, that's why if you were rich you'd get to hand them out to certain people to make sure they go to the right case.

I eat the money :/

I'd like to see you live without it.

Op still lives with his parents.

>I should share
>I shouldn't choose how

Are you retarded?

thats just an excuse to make you feel superior.
who are you to judge who needs money more than others? who are you to judge which case is more "right" than others?

confirmed with
this post

"money isn't everything" said the poor person.

The person sharing is the person choosing. It's not a difficult concept to wrap your head around.


>"money isn't everything" said the kid whose parents still pay for everything


You get the right to feel superior if the person knows who handed the money, right?

I don't judge people at all, I just don't believe in most people. As I said, too many greedy fucks.

none of your opinions matter to me unless you disclose your income.

Okay then.

just killed your own thread.
when you move out of your parents house you will realize how wrong you are.

im out

Money itself isn't everything, rather it is the key to getting everything

I would rather do something that fulfills my life than sitting on a chair all day.
Money is important, thats completly true, but you should not act like a greedy fuck who wants all the monis on the planet.

Like seriously i would be happy if i had just enough to travel with a tent and enough for food and water. I don't need all that super exclusiv shit, Nor a expensive car or shoes, shirts.

I don't need that shit. As i have found out, the happiest people are the ones who actually value what they have instead of wanting more and better shit

Look at the creator of minecraft, dude has depression. You can't buy happienes or friends.


sounds like a fun summer.
but a completely unrealistic way to live.

What do you want to do when you grow up?

>Look at the creator of minecraft, dude has depression. You can't buy happienes or friends.
the dude practically got rich over night
huge amounts of money out of nowhere could fuck anyone up.

look at kanye west. niggers rich as fuck and looks like hes having the time of his life.

>but you should not act like a greedy fuck who wants all the monis on the planet.
why not?
what if being rich as fuck fulfills me?

Whatever you say

Someone i know,which turned 80 this year lived his whole life like this (not in a tent) but he studyed chemistry and worked in a lab. He had fun at what he was doing and earned enough to live a life in the upper class.

Instead he buulded a small house, with one small room for him combined with a kitchen and one bedroom. 2 years ago he decided to relocate into the city. Now he lives in a really small apartment with one room and one bathroom. He is still happy as fuck, if you ask him, he will just give it to you

Thanks unemployed student
Someday you have to wake up and realize you graduated and now money kinda is the basis for the majority of your life

You don't have to live like i life, i just prefere to work for the little dreams i have. Like a good camera.

What would be the point if you just walk into a store to buy everything, without even really needing it?

nigger hes still paying rent and utilities
are you retarded?

Bullshit. Not the same user, but living a lfe where you don't take anything for granted, I mean not physically, mentally, or emotionally, is one of the quickest routes to happiness.
If you can truly be content and accepting with what's in front of you no matter what the situation is, you find happiness.
And that's not saying you don't strive to be better. You can attempt success without dwelling on the fact you haven't reached it yet.

You pretty much don't know shit about him

You can only realize this delusion once you acquire enough money to do whatever the fuck you want.

>What would be the point if you just walk into a store to buy everything
because its fucking fun dude wtf? are you really asking? i want to travel world and have all the newest technology for me to play with. i want to share it with all my family and friends. i want all kinds of cars to drive. maybe a plane or helicopter too.

i realize it will all get old and lose fun.
but these are all experiences i would love to have. i want to see what the world has to offer without limits and when its all done. i want to live comfortably and practice my hobbies like having a saltwater fish tank, or running a small business where its okay if its not profitable.

alright then.
when your out hunting dinner for your kids what kind of squirrels are the best? also, do you eat inside the tent, or strictly outside?
also how do you defend against bugs and snow?

> groceries > costs money
> internet > costs money
> cable > costs money
> housing > costs money
> utilities > costs money

fuck you OP, everything costs money

You need money to live in today's society.
But what if one doesn't want to live in the society that was built around him, and would rather build his own?
Well you're not allowed to because the state needs your money. So no, you don't need money to live.
You need money to pay money to the people that collect money that tell you they need more money for important things, yet spend it on banquets and pointless wants over the states needs
If you don't believe you could support you and your family by hunting and gathering, then you are a weak and needy modern American who has simply lost touch of where you came from.

>You need money to pay money to the people that collect money that tell you they need more money for important things, yet spend it on banquets and pointless wants over the states needs
>If you don't believe you could support you and your family by hunting and gathering, then you are a weak and needy modern American who has simply lost touch of where you came from.


>If you don't believe you could support you and your family by hunting and gathering
this is illegal.
your children would be taken away from you and youd probably end up in jail.

dumb faggot.
be realistic.

OP doesn't have any say in this thread, because he can not supoort his credibility as a source.

its been established op is a 12 year old poorfag who lives with his mommy

>internet, cable

Sure is revealing in here.

Thats quite the fallacy.
I'm pretty sure you just want to derail the thread with a financial dickwaving contest.

>hunting and gathering
Way to cope to modern society millennial faggot.

lets see you live without it

nigger you cant talk about what you think of money when you dont say how much you make.

thats like saying which food you like best without saying which ones you have tried.

This is true. Strictly speaking as a poor person myself.

>ignoring the fact that children would still be taken away and you will end up in jail

nice dodge buddy

its not everything its like 40% to 60% tho tbh fam

I'm pretty sure the only thing that matters in life are Gets, and we are rich with them tonight.

He just hates wealthy people

What in the actual fuck are you talking about?
Do you just think in the 1800s, people were going out to Walmart for their food?

Person of dark skin,

Thats like saying you have to have tried all foods to have a favorite.

nigger its not the 1800's any more lmfao
dis nigga serious?

in the 1800's you could also challenge someone to a duel and stab them through the heart with your sword and walk away without consequence.

whats your point.


Are you 13?
You don't get arrested for living naturally. There's tons of society's that do it.
how you cannot comprehend that there is a way to live without going to the grocery store every 3 days is pretty cringe kid. Get off your computer and ask your dad to take you hunting.

>every 3 days

Well if you're smart you buy food for at least 7 days.

Nigger it's called a metaphor. If you weren't a nigger that was scared of guns and education, you might know a word with 3 syllables.

actually to get fresh vegetable i go every 2 or 4 days. pretty easy to pop in on the way home from work. do you work? im guessing not.

>living like a cuck cuz my gov told me it's not the 1800s anymore

fucking "cuck" do you kids know any other words? jesus i cant stand the way you young cats talk

Have a bit of faith in your fellow human beings.
Most people know that money isn't everything, and would happily function in a society where they weren't necessary.
But our owners don't want that - they can't enjoy their luxuries unless other people suffer from a lack of same. Because they're sociopathic cunts.
Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about that, short of bloody revolution, and we're too fat and lazy to that, and also there's cool stuff on telly and cake to enjoy.

Learn som grammar old man if you want to talk about how young kids talk.
Fuckin wankabilly hypocrite.

>niggerniggernigger, GO HUNTING



Welcome to the new world


I forgot you Americans have shitty GMO vegetables that rot within 2 days.

Seriously? Vegetables and fruit can easily last a week.

The only people that say "money isn't everything" obviously never had any.

You can't eat without it
You can't have a place to live without it
You can't have fun without it
You can't get laid without it

why would i have them sit out a week when i cook every 2 days? do you think i plan 21 meals out on a calendar and then only buy fresh food once a week? son, your lack of culinary and practical matters is showing. get off 4dump and do some housework.

Get fucked commie

Newsflash, waterhead, all food consumed by humans throughout the globe is GMO.

absolutely right user!
bitches are important too.

We are a global movement designed to free society from financial enslavement and reshape this artificially inflated consumer world, into large hubs of manufacture and localized food growing with housing, clothing, food, medicine, electricity provided for free to all people.

Initial stage 1; self sustainable community building. This is the most exciting part, join us.

Soon stage 2; community working projects that introduce millions to a new way of thinking. By working together, not competing against each other, we can all have more. That our time is more valuable than money, and that for a few hours a week collectively we can do vast working projects together.

But user, that means giving up TV, games and cake in excess!

id rather give my money to a person that actually tries to accomplish something in life than hand it to the random alcoholic fuck at the corner or the street that i know for a fact will never change

how exactly would a modern society work without money?

No man. Humans have built everything, right?
Money did nothing. It is just an artificial driving force, gets people out of bed at 4am for work and gets people to study for a high paying career...

But what if we replaced that driving force with a completely new perspective. That we are all one family, only separated from each other by our own ignorance. Imagine going to work not because you have to, but because you chose to. And doing a good job. You don't have money stress, and people are GRATEFUL that you are working, and thank you. You work, because you know you are helping everyone not just your bosses back pocket.

We are not going to stop, and the faster we get numbers with brilliant ideas and contribute them the faster we take over and bring this new system into the mainstream.

you're a dumbass. you need to catch up on 500 years of economic theory and political philosophy. then if you feel the same way, you'll at least have useful technical language to make your arguments. right now you sound like a community college student, and not a very bright one at that.

Our generation has been given a near overwhelming choice to make. Two distinct paths to walk down, and no matter what we do one of these two instances will eventuate.
On one path, we continue as we have for thousands of years. We are industrious, we build, gather resources, create more industry, grow wealthier, consume ourselves with politics fame and entertainment, we perpetuate war for finite resources, and continue to remain divided on issues such as gender, race, religion, culture, and philosophy. This path has wiped out 50% of wildlife in the past 40 years, and in another 40 years we too will become extinct... or at least, barely survive without the support of our natural world.
On the other path, we eliminate money, we get rid of the systems which consume and waste resources, we commit our time to becoming sustainable with our environment and more reliant on ourselves to grow food and produce our own electricity. We stop buying things that are not a necessity. We plant vast forests, clean the rivers and oceans, and support those that invent clever systems that propel us into a healthier and more fruitful world. We stop all forms of industry that kill mass numbers of wildlife, and instead turn to eco-friendly industries. And we do all of this now.
Sure, it might not be fair that it all comes down to us here and now... but a decision has to be made. We all flourish, or we all die and take life itself with us.

This is the liberal mindset. They dont need to *make* money because they can rely on the system, aka the taxpayer, to fund their worthless existense through government programs designed to help people that are literally unable to work. Not fat lazt losers that are unwilling to work. Fuck liberals and their corruption.

Oho, please lauder us with your 500 years of wisdom and book learning. Which you clearly possess based on your arrogant post.

newsflash: every generation thinks its "the one."
just like journalists say we're always in a crisis.

without money how the fuck would you make the difference between bill gates, a guy that literally changed the world, and yourself, a useless faggot that does nothing but whine about how money ruins people

I can always vote Democrat and let them pay for everything.

Go read about alternative currencies and co-op strategies, rather than appeal to bullshit nonsense like you're doing right now. Try this for starters:

Societies need a form of Currency, of measurable exchange.
Societies don't need Money, per se.

Paper with numbers on them, representitive of some silver or gold standard. Some old US bills still have 'silver payable to bearer on demand'.

So, yes, we all need a way to communicate to each other what a given trade is worth.
However, we don't have to be forced to play a game with money; all participating players are still in control of the rules of the game.

But, don't ask someone who is 'winning' that game to change anything. They will get scared of losing.

I understand that what is being proposed is difficult to follow. Here's the thing, if YOU see a problem, then step right in and figure out a way to overcome it.
Like it or not, we are all in this together. The next few years will see another 20% of wildlife killed. We are right on the cusp now of entire chains of life dying. Do you understand what I am saying to you.
Decentralize the food market. Make both environmentalism and contributionism the central focus of society. Work together.

Our current system relies on infinite growth, it is the ultimate form of maddness. We are going to destroy ourselves much sooner than you think, in your lifetime, it will collapse. The most aware of us are working very hard to move away from this system now. Join us.

fucktard, you didnt propose anything
telling people to "work together," you might as well shove your thumb up your ass and walk around like that all day

and as for the food market, if we had to depend on you to get fed, we'd all starve

Ubuntu Planet

Watch a video or read the book. There is a lot to it, I am just giving you the most basic tenants. And no, our system ensures 220% of what we need is produces and shared with surrounding areas. In this town, it only took us 12 weeks to set up 100 large vegetable patches between 10 of us in front yards of homes. 3 hours a week each, to maintain 10 gardens a piece will net around a tonne of fresh produce every 6 months. That is from just ten people.