I didn't find Deadpool very funny? It wasn't bad...

I didn't find Deadpool very funny? It wasn't bad, but I kinda just forced myself to smile with everyone else who was cracking up loudly

>>forced myself to smile
? are you ashamed of your opinion or something

Had a few funny parts and some cringe too.

Ant Man is the patrician Marvel comedy. Deadpool was for 14 year old plebs.

It wasn't a good movie. It had some fun parts, sure, but it was a total waste of Ryan Reynolds.

I had the odd chuckle, best character was the bartender to be honest, bants between him and dead and also blind nigress was pretty good....but...overall third rate, watch once and forget it tbh.

ant man isnt really a patrician movie
Paul Rudd is just an overlord

The only time i chuckled in the movie was whe he said to that shorthaired teen "and you,nothing compares to you Sinnead O'Connor "becauss I was thinking about that the whole time

I just had friends who we're like bursting out laughing which I thought was weird because so many jokes fell flat? Emoji chocolate etc. The funniest thing in the entire movie was seeing him get pegged by his girlfriend because it caught me by surprise


I honestly enjoyed the film. Wasn't great, but enjoyable. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone though.

The only bit I laughed at was the blind woman building IKEA furniture.

Pop culture references and self deregatory jokes that break the 4th wall, none of which will age well, just don't do it for me.

Maybe not very funny but I loved its fuck you attitude.

Superhero films take themselves way too seriously. It was nice and refreshing to see something that broke away from that.


Get the fuck out, you utter shit stain.

how would you have described it?



You get the fuck out too, you self-described madman.

I feel the same way. it could've been a lot better. however, the fact that a deadpool movie got made at all (let alone making a fuckton of money and influencing future superhero movies [they want to do more R-rated films, funnier, etc.]) is pretty good, and i hope they actually make the sequel funny, and focus less on the shitty cliche plot and more on breaking the fourth wall and action

You really think it was worth insulting me for shortening a word on the internet?

Agreed it was just a silly romp, the problem I feel was the attempt at seriousness it interrupter the resistance to more childish unrestrained laughing.

Was decent, & by todays standard that means its exceptional. When was the last time you say a movie that was actually funny?

oops, meant for the other guy

You're asking us if you didn't find it funny.

i feel like the blind lady was underutilized, and yeah TJ miller as the bartender was funny. still, there was a bunch of cut footage of him and DP talking about how ugly DP is that was apparently too much for even an R film. i'd like to think that the movie would be better if it were left in

ant-man was also the best part of civil war

I ain't the one that insulted you. I just wrote that cause fuck it.

I was wondering if I was alone in these thoughts- i'm glad other cynical assholes agree. The reason I said I forced myself to smile is because I felt like this was hyped up to be a movie that I would be in stitches for, so when everyone around me was cracking up I felt like there was something wrong with me. But nope turns out we just like differing styles of humour

I appreciate it for what it is, but it's not that good. Lots of forces jokes and things alike. If another is made, then I would hope they listened to what people were criticizing about it and go from there.

That won't happen though.

I know, i posted this too sorry for the confusion friendo, peace be with you.

All good.

ah you mean they held a bunch of shit back so they could re release in a year or so and scoop up some more shekkels¬!

Humor is subjective. If you didn't find Deadpool funny, then it wasn't for you. Trying to declare that certain brands of humor are somehow objectively better or worse than others is a silly venture and makes you look like a twat.

Hey buddy everyone has an opnion. If you dont like it. Thats ok. I can honestly see why i personally liked it. Wouldnt mind seeing it twice when there is nothing on in a tuesday night after a fresh cum shot into a sock. The comedy is that "tee hee random" comedy you flood blogs and this particular image board like a tumor or a less funny cancer. That and some of the comedy directed audience is 14-21. Its obvious with all the fart jokes and jokes on the masculine ideal. But some how reaches the 35 age group with the joke of some 90's reference.

Half the references are that of the halo helmet in duke nukem. You where expected to laugh like sheep just because of its existence. And we did because this helmet had