Anyone who can carry a support out of Silver? Will compensate

Anyone who can carry a support out of Silver? Will compensate

If carry by playing sp, play those that have strong early game to ttilt enemy adc so that they fuck up.

If carry a sp by playing adc, go for synergy, such as leona and graves

If carry a sp by playing jg, gank more and play champ such as jarvan or lee

I mean its good advice, I am to the point where I need a solid carry.

what supports do you play?

All, but mostly casters

I recommend duo queue with a friend so that there's better communication and more trust between you all. I carried as bard sp but adc keep flaming when he dies when i can do nothing. Got reported for trolling in the end.

Reccomend tanky sp at lower elo as your adc will fuck up and you can help soak dmg so that adc doesn't die

Have done that but most are busy or not interested, thats why I am giving skins to carries

OP EU or NA?

tip: its hard to get out of silver and bronze by playing support because most of the people in there are dumbasses and can't carry correctly.So the easiest way to get out of silver is to carry yourself with hyper carry champs

Recommend jg for carrying lower elo as you can help snowball and tilt enemy of all 3 lanes. Most enemy are not skilled enough to counter jg, end up giving free first blood to you

the key to bot is not forcing useless trades if your ad will scale better in late anyway

if he doesn't, call for ganks and unleash hell

Early game champ are better choices than late game champ as it's rare to get to late game without getting cancer from feeding teammates or having people ff 20

if you pay top dollar for boosting i will assist you silverfag

How about you learn to fucking play the game instead? support is not hard to carry with you fucking dweeb. fucking stuck in silver hahahahahah

Too bad no one took me seriously I would have paypal or skins didnt make a difference

i can get you there. just say your name. im on euw.

Us srry

dumb ass i already said i would help you if you are willing to pay. post your ign silverfag

Ofc nobody takes a player who cant carry himself out of silver seriously. you will just end up back in silver kid gtfo

I'll help you for free if you're on euw