How to be happy ?

how to be happy ?

fuck if I know. crippling depression is all I know right now.

you dont have to be happy to be happy

Lol happy. I haven't been happy in over a year now.

whos counting

Do a martial art and meditate.

Preferably both at the same time.



you cant welcome to Sup Forums

also check em

go out and get laid, it wont fix your problems but you wont want to kill yourself for a couple hours

Well that is different thing for everyone but the first step usually is to start doing what you enjoy / love doing.

For me it's kinky sex and dominating girls, for you it might be collecting stamps or some other shit. This is what you have to figure out yourself.

I also suggest that you search for a job that you like and use the money how ever you wish.

have 1 Million $
fuck 1000 pussy

i asked this question to a dude pretending to be a life coach he said : " fake it until you make it"

didn't work for me

nihilism will kill me one day.

i'm with this guy

Make everyone else miserable- if you lower the worlds standards, you're average happyness level becomes mount Olympus.

TL,DR; Get a nuke.

Lower your expectations.

Life is shit.
Everything is fucked by default.
Everyone is barely functioning.
If something works, it's a goddamn miracle.
If someone cares, it's a miracle too.

Be happy with that. You got your life for free - might as well enjoy it before you decompose under ground.

live in fantasy
Never be disappointed

I was happy once
it was terrible

Happiness is only a temporary absence of pain and misery, and it's back to reality after that. Best you can do is drugs, but make sure they're affordable enough to live on for the rest of your life.

you should probably stop seeking sense in what you do. there's not.

Happiness is a mindset. Even if you're homeless, a bit hungry, cold, or just dirt poor, as long as you're satisfied with yourself, you'd be happy.

Remember Jerry, It's not a lie if you believe it.

you haven't lived long, have you?


ooooh 1 year look at the big boy

talk to us in a decade or two, faggot

This guy gets it.

Lowering my expectations for what life needs to be honestly gave me the confidence I needed to pursue a career I love. Not because I need to make money or impress anyone, but because I just need something I enjoy long enough to die.

1. realize none of this matters
2. realize you can't control what happens you can only control your response to it
3. decide to be happy
4. be happy
5. ???
6. die

>nihilism will kill me one day
and optimism will kill me one day but at least I'll be smiling when it does

apparently long enough to make me want to kill myself once and realized that wasn't a solution to any of my problem so I quit worrying and just go with it. Life's a dick and there's nothing you can do about it.

>Life's a dick
fuck it

You just be happy

>fucking faggot


you can't find happiness by looking for it