Jack Black is probably one of the most talented rock singers alive and yet he makes hammy comedy rock songs for...

Jack Black is probably one of the most talented rock singers alive and yet he makes hammy comedy rock songs for 15-year-olds.

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He's also a jew.

>man-child makes songs for man-children


He's obviously more interested in being an actor/comedian than being a full-time musician.

easy now he could be reading this

I still like Tenacious D if I'm being honest

he chose to make the stuff that he wants to make and it's easy to sell
yeah he must be very stupid

I do to it's just odd how sometimes people don't realize their true potential.

If I didn't know any better I'd say you were being sarcastic.

Ya know I never thought of that. thxxx!!!!

why did you start the thread looking for replies if you're just going to be a little cunt?

Why did you say obvious shit in my thread and get mad that I reacted with cuntiness?

those stars couldn't care less about their potential
they know they are making basic shit
but it sells ok so it's fine
boy if I could get rich by pressing play in front of a crowd I would never bother doing anything else

I was coming into this thread to post this what the fuck?

I play in a band I care about and then DJ basshouse in clubs for exactly this reason.

probably because he thought that if you knew that you wouldn't have made the thread

Also, while Jack Black has a pretty impressive range and power, I don't think that makes him the best singer in rock. He's great at pulling off theatricality but if you want to make anything other than theatrical rock, you're screwed.

living the dream

i always thought black sounded suspiciously like a jewish name

> I don't think that makes him the best singer in rock

>The best

>one of the most

>one of

I really liked kung fu panda

I might watch the 3rd one tonight.

actually, yes :)

whoops, misread the OP, my bad. I still stand by my point about his musical range though

Theatrical rock is best rock IMO. Not a fan of stripped down music in general. Probably an unpopular opinion 'round these parts, but for me, bigger is better.