Seriously, how can anyone consider the evolution theory to be legit?

Seriously, how can anyone consider the evolution theory to be legit?

Animal of the species A fucks animal of the species A and gives later birth to animal of the same species A. No other case was _ever_ witnessed.

Evolution theory states that animal of the species A fucks animal of the species A and gives birth to an animal that is of another species without any reason whatsoever.

How you guys explain to me how this is possible?

Other urls found in this thread:

You obviously don't even slightly understand the theory of evolution in the first place.

No? So please explain to me how a mother can give birth to a child that is of a so different species that they couldn't reproduce anymore?

There are none of the ones on the left, Though they look pretty similar to some ones rhere are a bunch of thousands of


2) There are tons of fossil records of the "between species"

3) This is bait and you're a faggot

even Darwin said it is false

Those changes of a race don't happen on a scale you are thinking of. They are submolecular and take hundreds if not thousands of generations to really get adopted in the genome.
An ape won't suddenly grow a few feet taller and walk on two.

a mother doesnt give birth to a vastly different species at once

it happens over a long period of time over many generations, small things changes like a baby born with blue eyes for example
or a baby born with a hump in its back or a tendency to be less hairy or more hairy

just small things over a looooooong period of time, the small things eventually add up
and no Im not talking about over 100 years you daft cunt

OP is a faggot.

>cuz evolution happens over night.

Stop replying to him, he is baiting you all you dumb fucking idiots.

They are called niggers and they live in Africa

the millions in the middle are people like you OP

Blacks are the earliest humans right , we evolved into whites , asians and other types of humans.

I'm just gonna leave this here

I know this is bad bait, but evolution isnt a theory anymore

It's called Genetic mutation and adaptation. Those Literally are the building blocks of evolution that you are omitting. that makes your original post fucking stupid and shows you clearly don't understand the concept

I didn't remember seeing unquestionable evidence for it?

>thinking humans evolved from chimps
You sad, sad man.

Humans and chimps evolved from a common ancestor, which means your image should more appropriately show two paths of evolution.
The starting point would be a ???, which would diverge into two or more paths with humans at the penultimate tip of one, chimps another, apes at another, etc, etc, etc. Could be even more yet to be discovered, we really don't know. There are plenty of places on the planet they could still be habitating.

>Animal of the species A fucks animal of the species A and gives later birth to animal of the same species A. No other case was _ever_ witnessed.

Textbook example of just that occurring in California. It's called a ring species

That's because Jesus made them different for those different parts of California. Science is deliberately lying about humans evolving from apes because there are still apes and humans but no in between ape humans.

Within the field of science, a "theory" is something that has demonstrable proof and is generally accepted as fact. It retains it's label "theory" because nothing is ever unquestionable or beyond adaptation if new evidence is presented/discovered.

ciate puta

>No other case was _ever_ witnessed.
Except for every successful selective breeding program in plants and animals ever.

Human is a type of monkey like other.


You mean ape you self /threading faggot. You don't /thread your own post. kys

Too bad it was a Christian friend of his wife's that published book about this.
Even the church recognizes that darwin believed in evolution till he died

fuck you, i'm not OP

You're a fucking faggot. Go back to school and learn about the scientific method.

Because the in between had to evolve to become the final product. Humans. The in between died off because of certain limitations, either physical or mental. That's why there are no in between species like homo erectus, homo habilus, and homo neanderthal.

It isn't fucking pokemon you stupid nitwit.

Changes occur gradually over generations due to enviromental changes.

Why did a species of apes suddently start living in the savvanah and started walking upright?

Because there used to be a forrest there that was their home but it withered away due to climate change so they found other sources of food and adapted to a different habitat over the course of several hundreds of thousands of years.

Wrong. Darwin said there was a serious issue in the amount of evidence for human evolution. Lyell wrote about the "missing link" of evidence between modern humans and their most immediately observable ancestor, chimps. The "missing link" was really a prediction of interim fossils that have since been discovered in quantity and variety.

I know this is bait but the funniest bit is that we have actually witnessed speciation in a laboratory environment, wherein we bred differences in two groups of fruit flies and diverged them to the point that they could no longer produce viable offspring.

Also those species of salamander are all separated by a desert. The environment that salamanders cannot survive in. So ask yourself. How do these salamanders adapt to there different environments around california? Because California isn't all palm trees and beaches.

The environment shapes adaptation, then mutation comes in small or large incrimites until a new type of species thrives in the area

Homo neanderthalensis is stil a thing dingus. It doesn't really matter since neanderthals are a subspecies of humans (homo sapien neanderthanensis) and a ton of people have neanderthal DNA.

while your logic is sound, by that same logic the "laws" of physics should go back into theoretical status considering that scientists are constantly discovering shit that breaks those laws

Chimps are not human ancestors.

Humans did not "come from apes"

Modern humans and modern apes share a common ancestor.

Americans did not come from modern Euopeans.

You mean like the theory of gravity? The other guy understated it. A theory is a body of all the information which has been tested and not proven wrong surrounding a topic of inquiry. Anything theoretical is essentially fact and if it has yet to be tested we call it a hypothesis.

I just leave it here

The progenitor of the homo genus does not exist today. We are decedents of him/her. That progenitor was a cousin to the modern Ape.

>Animal of the species A fucks animal of the species A and gives later birth to animal of the same species A. No other case was _ever_ witnessed.
White woman fucks black man, and later gives birth to a baby with a skin colour that does not resemble that of either parent.
Explain this, theists.

>there are millions of this extinct animal

Really? Where?

theyre the same species....
race and species are different

You fucking idiots get distracted by misleading pictures and terms to easily. Do your fucking research before spewing bullshit.

Durr hurr science iz bad

Eaten or killed.
You could ask the same question with pugs. We just bred them to look like small faggots

they're not the same species, numerous studies have shown such through DNA evidence. niggers are a subspecies somewhere between human and great apes. similar enough genetically to reproduce with humans, but still not quite human. just like other hybrid species in the world.

>niggers are a subspecies somewhere between human and great apes
>between human and great apes

Retard detected.

thats pretty fucked man. link an article?


i did in a second post right after my first. one from the mindweapons, one from washington post, the mindweapons one links to washington post

to you however, no, not retard, those studies show that during some event that caused a separation in early human populations, one group went off and continued to evolve while the other went its own direction and had some nice inter-species loving with some kind of ape, to keep going. this makes that population a hybrid between human and ape, placing them in the evolutionary chart BETWEEN HUMAN AND APE, how does this make me retarded? I think you need to go get yourself checked buddy.

>how does this make me retarded?
Because there's no such thing as "between humans and great apes." Humans ARE a species of great ape.

I suppose you're right in a way, but we're more of an offshoot from em. like a spinoff sitcom that's related to the original content, but a different thing in its own right. When I say they're somewhere between, I mean it's like jigaboo jones down the street is like 1/2 human, 1/4 chimp and 1/4 gorilla. That sort of thing. Yeah, not exactly accurate, but you get my point. But hey, nice to know we're all about equal rights. We got koko the gorilla running the country!