Feels thread

Feels thread

I met a really nice girl on a party few weeks back. Got to know her, we get along very well, have similar intrests, all is good... untill today.

She was feeling kind of down today and I asked what's wrong. She told me how her parents think she has ADHD or some other kind of a stupid mental disorder and how stressed she is and how her firends have started to question her because of that. She also told me how she has been cutting herself because of that. I asked her to stop, but she said she can't guarantee it.

Basically, anyone know what I could do to cheer her up or help her cope with her life at the moment? I wouldn't want to loose her, she is very special and there are very few girls like her.

Give her succ

OP here!

I do feel like if I show her real affection when we are together she wouldn't feel so bad, but I haven't had the time to do that.

Confirmed. All girls are happy being eaten out and all guys are happy being sucked.

Well make her give you succ

Show her real affection you shitdick

Cuck her. Clearly she wants to watch you getting fucked in the ass.

I have been doing that for the past two weeks! I DO care for her, but I feel like she is at her wits end right now and I NEED to do something before she actually an heros herself!

Give her a nice tap on the booty everyonce in a while. Also establish your male superiority ASAP

Pics of her

Take her on a summer vacation?

Laugh at her disease and call her an ignorant child who can't focus.

OP here!

Will do! She also said that she left her ex, because her ex was too carefree over her. I will show dominence.

Don't talk about it, act like it didn't happen, and if she brings it up, remind her that it's not that big of a deal and also helps make her who se is, who you like. Then carry on acting normal.

If you treat her like she's a mental patient or a tragic figure you'll only make her feel worse in the end.

Tell her ADHD isn't so bad, I have it and even though it's not heaven everyday, you can manage to live with it. You just need a moment of help (ritalin or concerta for a moment to learn how to plan your lifestyle)

OP here!

That is actually really true of you. I just found out today about it aswell, so I will stop making remarks on that from now on.

Also, try to make her have a good time, go to one of those places with rollercoaster rides and shit. The more she laughs, the happier she is, the better mental frame she'll have when thinking about her situation and any other problems she might have.

Fucking stop shaying you're op, we'll get it.

>I will show dominence.

Are you for real OP ? If this isn't a joke I don't know what it is

Sorry about that, just making sure you know... also thanks for helping man. Will plan dates.

Dominence, as in she is my girl and no one can push her around and stuff. I'll be protective and caring. If you were thinking about BDSM, I won't blame you.

>I'll be protective and caring.
Don't over do it.
Also, that's not what dominance is.


Not a get thread
>So close though.

Dump her. She is an attention whore like every other dumb shit who cuts him/herself. If you are sad why hurt your stupid self? Because you are not sad, you just want attention. Now shut the fuck up and let people with real feels post.

I would not, she is really special. I have been with many girls in the past, but she is special in personality and looks.

Dude just talk to her. Compliment her and be sweet. I know it sounds like some white night shit but ive delt with these kinds of girls my whole life. Just be nice to them and show them someone honestly cares about them. It works atleast on the ones that had a hard time growing up and only had one parent and that type of shit.

>loose her
Failure on the b8. Also fucking elementary png, not to mention a commoner pepe. Summer is truly among us.

Also if this was legit, fucking diveroll out of it. Don't get cucked by a razor.

