Things you hate about people under 21

things you hate about people under 21

>try so fucking hard to conform
>think they have real problems
>useless brats
>irritating self-centred as fuck

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They bitch about people younger than them.

its funny as fuck when they think they know stuff about politics or social issues tho

that's anyone under 35 OP.

Happy 21st birthday OP

It's because their parents were pussies who never hit them.

Totally agree.
I am so cringe to myself when i remember what a rebelling little fucktard i was

Hey Op

Work on a North America wide railroad track welding crew. Brand new personal truck, company phone, Class 3 licence, run my own welding truck on the track with a crew of 3 other guys. All travel expenses paid for in full. Just got on salary for little over 95 k a year. I'm 19. How's it feel to be a good nowhere loser OP? I bet at your job (if you've even got one) no one even listens when you talk. Enjoy that faggot.

>I am so cringe to myself

>they're under 21
>they can breathe
>half of them have penises, what the fuck
>the other half have masculine vaginas
>some are black

things you hate about people under 27

>>try so fucking hard to conform
>>think they have real problems
>>useless brats
>>irritating self-centred as fuck

Fucking roast em railroadman

apparently weed gives them an understanding of the entire universe and meaning for life that us oldfags would never understand


>>think they have real problems
I am soon to me 21 and I don't think I have problems but other people think that I have but a guess not many people have Multiple sclerosis at the age of 15

yet still a little faggot

I hate people under the age of 90. They are all a bunch of useless brats who are irritating, and self-centered as fuck. They try so fucking hard to conform, and they think they have real problems. I know this because I am 103 years old right now.

Fellow welder here. Be 18, make around 60k welding structural. plan to go back to school so I can go into specialty stuff. Own a used truck.

I'm under the age of 21, and I know I don't have real problems. I don't try hard to conform to anything. As for the other things, I don't know how I can measure whether I am those things objectively.

because I'm a special snowflake


How predictable you are. I knew you or some other user would say that. But I posted it anyway. If you are going to troll me and you want a more enraged response, try harder.

Im 20

>Happy Kiss porn board.

All their stories are about high school shit, pretty much like this entire board. Who fucking cares? Get some life experience and some stories worth telling..

Mate, you're still a cringe to yourself.

Like did u hear what Chad say to Melissa the other day?

I was talking to my ex again and like, this time were gonna try to make it work.

All this learning about life experiences and stuff no ones aver gone thru before With teens now a days, ur just jelly

Modern relationship wisdom; pseudological bullshit that romanticizes problems and bad relationships
