ITT: Post RYM recommendations based only on your last 100 ratings


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Also, rate, reccomend, guess personalities

I haven't listened to a new album in like a week. I'm losing it

You buy records but don't listen to them as much as you know you should.

Where are these screencaptures from?

RateYourMusic, automatic recommendation section

Emperor X.

If you need some post-rock recommendations I have a ton as well.

Will this replace the hole in my heart that came with the shit "redesign"?

I just like statistics.

Yeah, but they are also redesigning soon. But I doubt it will be on the same level as LastFM.

It's good for statistics, tagging - all that good stuff.
Combo with Discogs for ultimate musical experience

Can I import shit from somehow? Or upload playcounts from [spoiler]iTunes[/spoiler]? It'd be nice to not have to start over. I'll check it out either way, so thanks.

Nah it's not like that. It's manual ratings of albums. No scrobbling on RYM, however I do think it was one of the goals met on the fundraiser for the redesign a year or so back.
So scrobbling (may) be an option - hold onto the exporting of Lastfm stats for a few months.

Ah, shit, I'm not good at assigning ratings. Just want to see a history of what I listen to. Oh well - I'll keep it on my radar though. Thanks again.

huge dweeb.

occasionally goes to social gatherings but rarely enjoys them

be my qt gf


records are for suckers
Check out Begnagrad

totally wrong

visits r/indieheads

check out Einzelganger


>check out Einzelganger
seems neat, I will listen to it thanks


You're probably pretty cool

Give me an example of Avant-Garde jazz

As someone who has never used RYM before, how do you rate the music that you listened to?


you think about the music while and after listening and then put a number rating on it that makes sense to you. I guess you can try and rationalize further through reviewing shit, but you'll probably never completely capture what you truly like or dislike in a piece of music. People confabulate way too easily.
My perspective probably sounds really shallow but I can't really imagine trying so hard as to appear "objective" in any way.

I was going to try it out but as i'm going in to rate some of my artists a lot of them are lower than I would give.

I guess i'm trying to assess my bias, and not sure if I should score given that I love the album and artist. It's hard comparing two artists qq

Don Cherry - Eternal Rhythm
Fire Orchestra
Komeda Quintet - Astigmatic

alse check out Slight Slappers / Short Hate Temper

Dialect - Gowanus Drifts

thanks man
Any recs are welcomed, need new shit to listen to during a flight in about a week

IAO: Music in Sacred Light
Also, this. Have a nice flight.


check out Ć arlo Akrobata

collects vinyl

prefers the countryside

sad college freshman

wears hoodies

played a lot of DOS games in his childhood

has a beard/glasses

hates birds

loves birds

hates women

Pls be my slowcore gf and listen to Red House Painters with me


i dont really have an opinion on birds or other animals besides humans. humans are p cool

Flamen Dialis - Symptome-Dei


i check them out thanks


posts in /dark/

care to recommend some chinese folk music ?

Damon Albarn - Journey to the West
Is a good starting point